author Julien Cristau <>
Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:18:58 +0200
changeset 9305 f7a738afc295
parent 8380 b752df3e8596
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
[notification] avoid leaking cnxsets (closes #3243810) When sending notifications, we get each recipient as either an email address or a CWUser. In the latter case, we create a temporary session for that user and use it to send the mail. However, if we later decided to not send the mail after all, we'd leak the session and its cnxset. Add a try block inside the loop to make sure the temporary sessions are closed properly.

import sys

from subprocess import call as sbp_call, Popen, PIPE
from urllib import urlopen
import os
from os import path as osp, pardir, chdir

def find_mercurial():
    print "trying to find mercurial from the command line ..."
    print '-' * 20
    tryhg = sbp_call(['hg', '--version'])
    if tryhg:
        print 'mercurial seems to be unavailable, please install it'
    print '-' * 20
    def hg_call(args):
        return sbp_call(['hg'] + args)

    return hg_call


to_clone = ['fyzz', 'yams', 'rql',
            'logilab/common', 'logilab/constraint', 'logilab/database',
            'logilab/devtools', 'logilab/mtconverter',
            'cubes/blog', 'cubes/calendar', 'cubes/card', 'cubes/comment',
            'cubes/datafeed', 'cubes/email', 'cubes/file', 'cubes/folder',
            'cubes/forgotpwd', 'cubes/keyword', 'cubes/link', 'cubes/localperms',
            'cubes/mailinglist', 'cubes/nosylist', 'cubes/person',
            'cubes/preview', 'cubes/registration', 'cubes/rememberme',
            'cubes/tag', 'cubes/vcsfile', 'cubes/zone']

# a couple of functions to be used to explore available
# repositories and cubes
def list_repos(repos_root):
    assert repos_root.startswith('http://')
    hgwebdir_repos = (repo.strip()
                      for repo in urlopen(repos_root + '?style=raw').readlines()
                      if repo.strip())
    prefix = osp.commonprefix(hgwebdir_repos)
    return (repo[len(prefix):].strip('/')
            for repo in hgwebdir_repos)

def list_all_cubes(base_url=BASE_URL):
    all_repos = list_repos(base_url)
    #search for cubes
    for repo in all_repos:
        if repo.startswith('cubes'):

def get_latest_debian_tag(path):
    proc = Popen(['hg', '-R', path, 'tags'], stdout=PIPE)
    out, _err = proc.communicate()
    for line in out.splitlines():
        if 'debian-version' in line:
            return line.split()[0]

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        base_url = BASE_URL
    elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
        base_url = sys.argv[1]
        sys.stderr.write('usage %s [base_url]\n' %  sys.argv[0])
    hg_call = find_mercurial()
    print len(to_clone), 'repositories will be cloned'
    base_dir = osp.normpath(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), pardir, pardir))
    not_updated = []
    for repo in to_clone:
        url = base_url + repo
        if '/' not in repo:
            target_path = repo
            assert repo.count('/') == 1, repo
            directory, repo = repo.split('/')
            if not osp.isdir(directory):
                open(osp.join(directory, ''), 'w').close()
            target_path = osp.join(directory, repo)
        if osp.exists(target_path):
            print target_path, 'seems already cloned. Skipping it.'
            hg_call(['clone', '-U', url, target_path])
            tag = get_latest_debian_tag(target_path)
            if tag:
                print 'updating to', tag
                hg_call(['update', '-R', target_path, tag])
    print """
CubicWeb dependencies and standard set of cubes have been fetched and
update to the latest stable version.

You should ensure your PYTHONPATH contains `%(basedir)s`.
You might want to read the environment configuration section of the documentation

You can find more cubes at
Clone them from `%(baseurl)scubes/` into the `%(basedir)s%(sep)scubes%(sep)s` directory.

To get started you may read
""" % {'basedir': os.getcwd(), 'baseurl': base_url, 'sep': os.sep}
    if not_updated:
        sys.stderr.write('WARNING: The following repositories were not updated (no debian tag found):\n')
        for path in not_updated:
            sys.stderr.write('\t-%s\n' % path)

if __name__ == '__main__':