[javascript] move CubicWeb object declaration to cubicweb.js, remove CubicWeb.provide/require, use cw instead of CubicWeb
* Functions dedicated to widgets.
* :organization: Logilab
* :copyright: 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
* :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
// widget namespace
Widgets = {};
* .. function:: buildWidget(wdgnode)
* this function takes a DOM node defining a widget and
* instantiates / builds the appropriate widget class
function buildWidget(wdgnode) {
var wdgclass = Widgets[wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:wdgtype')];
if (wdgclass) {
var wdg = new wdgclass(wdgnode);
* .. function:: buildWidgets(root)
* This function is called on load and is in charge to build
* JS widgets according to DOM nodes found in the page
function buildWidgets(root) {
root = root || document;
jQuery(root).find('.widget').each(function() {
if (this.getAttribute('cubicweb:loadtype') == 'auto') {
// we need to differenciate cases where initFacetBoxEvents is called
// with one argument or without any argument. If we use `initFacetBoxEvents`
// as the direct callback on the jQuery.ready event, jQuery will pass some argument
// of his, so we use this small anonymous function instead.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function postJSON(url, data, callback) {
return jQuery.post(url, data, callback, 'json');
function getJSON(url, data, callback) {
return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, 'json');
Widgets.SuggestField = defclass('SuggestField', null, {
__init__: function(node, options) {
var multi = node.getAttribute('cubicweb:multi') || "no";
options = options || {};
options.multiple = (multi == "yes") ? true: false;
var dataurl = node.getAttribute('cubicweb:dataurl');
var method = postJSON;
if (options.method == 'get') {
method = function(url, data, callback) {
// We can't rely on jQuery.getJSON because the server
// might set the Content-Type's response header to 'text/plain'
jQuery.get(url, data, function(response) {
var self = this; // closure
method(dataurl, null, function(data) {
// in case we received a list of couple, we assume that the first
// element is the real value to be sent, and the second one is the
// value to be displayed
if (data.length && data[0].length == 2) {
options.formatItem = function(row) {
return row[1];
self.setCurrentValue(node, data);
jQuery(node).autocomplete(data, options);
hideRealValue: function(node) {
var hidden = INPUT({
'type': "hidden",
'name': node.name,
'value': node.value
// remove 'name' attribute from visible input so that it is not submitted
// and set correct value in the corresponding hidden field
jQuery(node).removeAttr('name').bind('result', function(_, row, _) {
hidden.value = row[0];
setCurrentValue: function(node, data) {
// called when the data is loaded to reset the correct displayed
// value in the visible input field (typically replacing an eid
// by a displayable value)
var curvalue = node.value;
if (!node.value) {
for (var i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++) {
var row = data[i];
if (row[0] == curvalue) {
node.value = row[1];
Widgets.StaticFileSuggestField = defclass('StaticSuggestField', [Widgets.SuggestField], {
__init__: function(node) {
Widgets.SuggestField.__init__(this, node, {
method: 'get'
Widgets.RestrictedSuggestField = defclass('RestrictedSuggestField', [Widgets.SuggestField], {
__init__: function(node) {
Widgets.SuggestField.__init__(this, node, {
mustMatch: true
//remote version of RestrictedSuggestField
Widgets.LazySuggestField = defclass('LazySuggestField', [Widgets.SuggestField], {
__init__: function(node, options) {
var self = this;
var multi = "no";
options = options || {};
options.max = 50;
options.delay = 50;
options.cacheLength = 0;
options.mustMatch = true;
// multiple selection not supported yet (still need to formalize correctly
// initial values / display values)
var initialvalue = cw.evalJSON(node.getAttribute('cubicweb:initialvalue') || 'null');
if (!initialvalue) {
initialvalue = node.value;
options = jQuery.extend({
dataType: 'json',
multiple: (multi == "yes") ? true: false,
parse: this.parseResult
var dataurl = node.getAttribute('cubicweb:dataurl');
// remove 'name' from original input and add the hidden one that will
// store the actual value
var hidden = INPUT({
'type': "hidden",
'name': node.name,
'value': initialvalue
jQuery(node).bind('result', {
hinput: hidden,
input: node
self.hideRealValue).removeAttr('name').autocomplete(dataurl, options);
hideRealValue: function(evt, data, value) {
if (!value) {
value = "";
evt.data.hinput.value = value;
* @param data: a list of couple (value, label) to fill the suggestion list,
* (returned by CW through AJAX)
parseResult: function(data) {
var parsed = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var value = '' + data[i][0]; // a string is required later by jquery.autocomplete.js
var label = data[i][1];
parsed[parsed.length] = {
data: [label],
value: value,
result: label
return parsed;
* .. class:: Widgets.SuggestForm
* suggestform displays a suggest field and associated validate / cancel buttons
* constructor's argumemts are the same that BaseSuggestField widget
Widgets.SuggestForm = defclass("SuggestForm", null, {
__init__: function(inputid, initfunc, varargs, validatefunc, options) {
this.validatefunc = validatefunc || noop;
this.sgfield = new Widgets.BaseSuggestField(inputid, initfunc, varargs, options);
this.oklabel = options.oklabel || 'ok';
this.cancellabel = options.cancellabel || 'cancel';
connect(this.sgfield, 'validate', this, this.entryValidated);
show: function(parentnode) {
var sgnode = this.sgfield.builddom();
var buttons = DIV({
'class': "sgformbuttons"
'href': "javascript: noop();",
'onclick': this.onValidateClicked
this.oklabel), ' / ', A({
'href': "javascript: noop();",
'onclick': this.destroy
var formnode = DIV({
'class': "sgform"
[sgnode, buttons]);
appendChildNodes(parentnode, formnode);
this.formnode = formnode;
return formnode;
destroy: function() {
signal(this, 'destroy');
onValidateClicked: function() {
this.validatefunc(this, this.sgfield.taglist());
/* just an indirection to pass the form instead of the sgfield as first parameter */
entryValidated: function(sgfield, taglist) {
this.validatefunc(this, taglist);
* .. function:: toggleTree(event)
* called when the use clicks on a tree node
* - if the node has a `cubicweb:loadurl` attribute, replace the content of the node
* by the url's content.
* - else, there's nothing to do, let the jquery plugin handle it.
function toggleTree(event) {
var linode = jQuery(this);
var url = linode.attr('cubicweb:loadurl');
if (url) {
linode.loadxhtml(url, {
callback: function(domnode) {
toggle: toggleTree,
prerendered: true
return null;
'post', 'append');
* .. class:: Widgets.TimelineWidget
* widget based on SIMILE's timeline widget
* http://code.google.com/p/simile-widgets/
* Beware not to mess with SIMILE's Timeline JS namepsace !
Widgets.TimelineWidget = defclass("TimelineWidget", null, {
__init__: function(wdgnode) {
var tldiv = DIV({
id: "tl",
style: 'height: 200px; border: 1px solid #ccc;'
var tlunit = wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:tlunit') || 'YEAR';
var eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
var bandData = {
eventPainter: Timeline.CubicWebEventPainter,
eventSource: eventSource,
width: "100%",
intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime[tlunit.toUpperCase()],
intervalPixels: 100
var bandInfos = [Timeline.createBandInfo(bandData)];
var tl = Timeline.create(tldiv, bandInfos);
var loadurl = wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:loadurl');
Timeline.loadJSON(loadurl, function(json, url) {
eventSource.loadJSON(json, url);
Widgets.TemplateTextField = defclass("TemplateTextField", null, {
__init__: function(wdgnode) {
this.variables = jQuery(wdgnode).attr('cubicweb:variables').split(',');
this.options = {
name: wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:inputid'),
rows: wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:rows') || 40,
cols: wdgnode.getAttribute('cubicweb:cols') || 80
// this.variableRegexp = /%\((\w+)\)s/;
this.errorField = DIV({
'class': "errorMessage"
this.textField = TEXTAREA(this.options);
jQuery(this.textField).bind('keyup', {
'self': this
jQuery('#substitutions .errorMessage').hide();
/* signal callbacks */
highlightInvalidVariables: function(event) {
var self = event.data.self;
var text = self.textField.value;
var unknownVariables = [];
var it = 0;
var group = null;
var variableRegexp = /%\((\w+)\)s/g;
// emulates rgx.findAll()
while (group = variableRegexp.exec(text)) {
if (!self.variables.contains(group[1])) {
if (it > 5) {
var errText = '';
if (unknownVariables.length) {
errText = "Detected invalid variables : " + unknownVariables.join(', ');
jQuery('#substitutions .errorMessage').show();
} else {
jQuery('#substitutions .errorMessage').hide();
self.errorField.innerHTML = errText;
cw.widgets = {
* .. function:: insertText(text, areaId)
* inspects textarea with id `areaId` and replaces the current selected text
* with `text`. Cursor is then set at the end of the inserted text.
insertText: function (text, areaId) {
var textarea = jQuery('#' + areaId);
if (document.selection) { // IE
var selLength;
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
selLength = sel.text.length;
sel.text = text;
sel.moveStart('character', selLength - text.length);
} else if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == '0') { // mozilla
var startPos = textarea.selectionStart;
var endPos = textarea.selectionEnd;
// insert text so that it replaces the [startPos, endPos] part
textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, startPos) + text + textarea.value.substring(endPos, textarea.value.length);
// set cursor pos at the end of the inserted text
textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = startPos + text.length;
} else { // safety belt for other browsers
textarea.value += text;