[editcontrollers] handle_attribute: test for value presence before trying to convert it to int/float
The `AppObject` class
In general:
* we do not inherit directly from this class but from a more specific
class such as `AnyEntity`, `EntityView`, `AnyRsetView`,
* to be recordable, a subclass has to define its own register (attribute
`__registry__`) and its identifier (attribute `id`). Usually we do not have
to take care of the register, only the identifier `id`.
We can find a certain number of attributes and methods defined in this class
and common to all the application objects.
At the recording, the following attributes are dynamically added to
the *subclasses*:
* `vreg`, the `vregistry` of the instance
* `schema`, the instance schema
* `config`, the instance configuration
We also find on instances, the following attributes:
* `req`, `Request` instance
* `rset`, the *result set* associated to the object if necessary
* `cursor`, rql cursor on the session
:URL handling:
* `build_url(method=None, **kwargs)`, returns an absolute URL based on
the given arguments. The *controller* supposed to handle the response,
can be specified through the special parameter `method` (the connection
is theoretically done automatically :).
* `datadir_url()`, returns the directory of the instance data
(contains static files such as images, css, js...)
* `base_url()`, shortcut to `req.base_url()`
* `url_quote(value)`, version *unicode safe* of the function `urllib.quote`
:Data manipulation:
* `etype_rset(etype, size=1)`, shortcut to `vreg.etype_rset()`
* `eid_rset(eid, rql=None, descr=True)`, returns a *result set* object for
the given eid
* `entity(row, col=0)`, returns the entity corresponding to the data position
in the *result set* associated to the object
* `complete_entity(row, col=0, skip_bytes=True)`, is equivalent to `entity` but
also call the method `complete()` on the entity before returning it
:Data formatting:
* `format_date(date, date_format=None, time=False)` returns a string for a
mx date time according to instance's configuration
* `format_time(time)` returns a string for a mx date time according to
instance's configuration
:And more...:
* `external_resource(rid, default=_MARKER)`, access to a value defined in the
configuration file `external_resource`
* `tal_render(template, variables)`, renders a precompiled page template with
variables in the given dictionary as context
.. note::
When we inherit from `AppObject` (even not directly), you *always* have to use
**super()** to get the methods and attributes of the superclasses, and not
use the class identifier.
For example, instead of writting: ::
class Truc(PrimaryView):
def f(self, arg1):
PrimaryView.f(self, arg1)
You'd better write: ::
class Truc(PrimaryView):
def f(self, arg1):
super(Truc, self).f(arg1)