author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 17:00:09 +0200
changeset 6514 f328ec853e18
parent 6318 de6264ac7c50
child 6333 e3994fcc21c3
permissions -rw-r--r--
[devtools] Firefox need write access to $HOME Check that you have write acces to the user home before launching Firefox. Firefox need to write stuff in the home directory of the user and will silency crash when unable to do it. We add an assertion with an explicite message to improve crash report in such situation.

# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""CubicWeb web client application object"""

from __future__ import with_statement

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import sys
from time import clock, time

from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated

from rql import BadRQLQuery

from cubicweb import set_log_methods, cwvreg
from cubicweb import (
    ValidationError, Unauthorized, AuthenticationError, NoSelectableObject,
    RepositoryError, CW_EVENT_MANAGER)
from cubicweb.dbapi import DBAPISession
from cubicweb.web import LOGGER, component
from cubicweb.web import (
    StatusResponse, DirectResponse, Redirect, NotFound, LogOut,
    RemoteCallFailed, InvalidSession, RequestError)

# make session manager available through a global variable so the debug view can
# print information about web session

class AbstractSessionManager(component.Component):
    """manage session data associated to a session identifier"""
    __regid__ = 'sessionmanager'

    def __init__(self, vreg):
        self.session_time = vreg.config['http-session-time'] or None
        if self.session_time is not None:
            assert self.session_time > 0
            self.cleanup_session_time = self.session_time
            self.cleanup_session_time = vreg.config['cleanup-session-time'] or 1440 * 60
            assert self.cleanup_session_time > 0
        self.cleanup_anon_session_time = vreg.config['cleanup-anonymous-session-time'] or 5 * 60
        assert self.cleanup_anon_session_time > 0
        self.authmanager = vreg['components'].select('authmanager', vreg=vreg)
        if vreg.config.anonymous_user() is not None:
            self.clean_sessions_interval = max(
                5 * 60, min(self.cleanup_session_time / 2.,
                            self.cleanup_anon_session_time / 2.))
            self.clean_sessions_interval = max(
                5 * 60,
                self.cleanup_session_time / 2.)

    def clean_sessions(self):
        """cleanup sessions which has not been unused since a given amount of
        time. Return the number of sessions which have been closed.
        self.debug('cleaning http sessions')
        closed, total = 0, 0
        for session in self.current_sessions():
            no_use_time = (time() - session.last_usage_time)
            total += 1
            if session.anonymous_session:
                if no_use_time >= self.cleanup_anon_session_time:
                    closed += 1
            elif no_use_time >= self.cleanup_session_time:
                closed += 1
        return closed, total - closed

    def has_expired(self, session):
        """return True if the web session associated to the session is expired
        return not (self.session_time is None or
                    time() < session.last_usage_time + self.session_time)

    def current_sessions(self):
        """return currently open sessions"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_session(self, req, sessionid):
        """return existing session for the given session identifier"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def open_session(self, req):
        """open and return a new session for the given request. The session is
        also bound to the request.

        raise :exc:`cubicweb.AuthenticationError` if authentication failed
        (no authentication info found or wrong user/password)
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def close_session(self, session):
        """close session on logout or on invalid session detected (expired out,
        raise NotImplementedError()

class AbstractAuthenticationManager(component.Component):
    """authenticate user associated to a request and check session validity"""
    id = 'authmanager'
    vreg = None # XXX necessary until property for deprecation warning is on appobject

    def __init__(self, vreg):
        self.vreg = vreg

    def validate_session(self, req, session):
        """check session validity, reconnecting it to the repository if the
        associated connection expired in the repository side (hence the
        necessity for this method).

        raise :exc:`InvalidSession` if session is corrupted for a reason or
        another and should be closed
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def authenticate(self, req):
        """authenticate user using connection information found in the request,
        and return corresponding a :class:`~cubicweb.dbapi.Connection` instance,
        as well as login and authentication information dictionary used to open
        the connection.

        raise :exc:`cubicweb.AuthenticationError` if authentication failed
        (no authentication info found or wrong user/password)
        raise NotImplementedError()

class CookieSessionHandler(object):
    """a session handler using a cookie to store the session identifier

    :cvar SESSION_VAR:
      string giving the name of the variable used to store the session
    SESSION_VAR = '__session'

    def __init__(self, appli):
        self.vreg = appli.vreg
        self.session_manager = self.vreg['components'].select('sessionmanager',
        global SESSION_MANAGER
        SESSION_MANAGER = self.session_manager
        if not 'last_login_time' in self.vreg.schema:
            self._update_last_login_time = lambda x: None
        if self.vreg.config.mode != 'test':
            # don't try to reset session manager during test, this leads to
            # weird failures when running multiple tests

    def reset_session_manager(self):
        data = self.session_manager.dump_data()
        self.session_manager = self.vreg['components'].select('sessionmanager',
        global SESSION_MANAGER
        SESSION_MANAGER = self.session_manager

    def clean_sessions_interval(self):
        return self.session_manager.clean_sessions_interval

    def clean_sessions(self):
        """cleanup sessions which has not been unused since a given amount of

    def set_session(self, req):
        """associate a session to the request

        Session id is searched from :
        - # form variable
        - cookie

        if no session id is found, open a new session for the connected user
        or request authentification as needed

        :raise Redirect: if authentication has occurred and succeed
        cookie = req.get_cookie()
            sessionid = str(cookie[self.SESSION_VAR].value)
        except KeyError: # no session cookie
            session = self.open_session(req)
                session = self.get_session(req, sessionid)
            except InvalidSession:
                # try to open a new session, so we get an anonymous session if
                # allowed
                    session = self.open_session(req)
                except AuthenticationError:
                    req.remove_cookie(cookie, self.SESSION_VAR)
        # remember last usage time for web session tracking
        session.last_usage_time = time()

    def get_session(self, req, sessionid):
        return self.session_manager.get_session(req, sessionid)

    def open_session(self, req):
        session = self.session_manager.open_session(req)
        cookie = req.get_cookie()
        cookie[self.SESSION_VAR] = session.sessionid
        req.set_cookie(cookie, self.SESSION_VAR, maxage=None)
        # remember last usage time for web session tracking
        session.last_usage_time = time()
        if not session.anonymous_session:
        return session

    def _update_last_login_time(self, req):
        # XXX should properly detect missing permission / non writeable source
        # and avoid "except (RepositoryError, Unauthorized)" below
        if req.user.cw_metainformation()['source']['adapter'] == 'ldapuser':
            req.execute('SET X last_login_time NOW WHERE X eid %(x)s',
                        {'x' : req.user.eid})
        except (RepositoryError, Unauthorized):

    def _postlogin(self, req):
        """postlogin: the user has been authenticated, redirect to the original
        page (index by default) with a welcome message
        # Update last connection date
        # XXX: this should be in a post login hook in the repository, but there
        #      we can't differentiate actual login of automatic session
        #      reopening. Is it actually a problem?
        args = req.form
        for forminternal_key in ('__form_id', '__domid', '__errorurl'):
            args.pop(forminternal_key, None)
        args['__message'] = req._('welcome %s !') % req.user.login
        if 'vid' in req.form:
            args['vid'] = req.form['vid']
        if 'rql' in req.form:
            args['rql'] = req.form['rql']
        path = req.relative_path(False)
        if path == 'login':
            path = 'view'
        raise Redirect(req.build_url(path, **args))

    def logout(self, req, goto_url):
        """logout from the instance by cleaning the session and raising
        req.remove_cookie(req.get_cookie(), self.SESSION_VAR)
        raise LogOut(url=goto_url)

class CubicWebPublisher(object):
    """the publisher is a singleton hold by the web frontend, and is responsible
    to publish HTTP request.

    def __init__(self, config,
        self.info('starting web instance from %s', config.apphome)
        if vreg is None:
            vreg = cwvreg.CubicWebVRegistry(config)
        self.vreg = vreg
        # connect to the repository and get instance's schema
        self.repo = config.repository(vreg)
        if not vreg.initialized:
        # set the correct publish method
        if config['query-log-file']:
            from threading import Lock
            self._query_log = open(config['query-log-file'], 'a')
            self.publish = self.log_publish
            self._logfile_lock = Lock()
            self._query_log = None
            self.publish = self.main_publish
        # instantiate session and url resolving helpers
        self.session_handler = session_handler_fact(self)
        CW_EVENT_MANAGER.bind('after-registry-reload', self.set_urlresolver)

    def set_urlresolver(self):
        self.url_resolver = self.vreg['components'].select('urlpublisher',

    def connect(self, req):
        """return a connection for a logged user object according to existing
        sessions (i.e. a new connection may be created or an already existing
        one may be reused
        except AuthenticationError:

    # publish methods #########################################################

    def log_publish(self, path, req):
        """wrapper around _publish to log all queries executed for a given
        accessed path
            return self.main_publish(path, req)
            cnx = req.cnx
            if cnx:
                with self._logfile_lock:
                        result = ['\n'+'*'*80]
                        result += ['%s %s -- (%.3f sec, %.3f CPU sec)' % q
                                   for q in cnx.executed_queries]
                        cnx.executed_queries = []
                    except Exception:
                        self.exception('error while logging queries')

    @deprecated("[3.4] use vreg['controllers'].select(...)")
    def select_controller(self, oid, req):
            return self.vreg['controllers'].select(oid, req=req, appli=self)
        except NoSelectableObject:
            raise Unauthorized(req._('not authorized'))

    def main_publish(self, path, req):
        """method called by the main publisher to process <path>

        should return a string containing the resulting page or raise a
        `NotFound` exception

        :type path: str
        :param path: the path part of the url to publish

        :type req: `web.Request`
        :param req: the request object

        :rtype: str
        :return: the result of the pusblished url
        path = path or 'view'
        # don't log form values they may contains sensitive information
        self.info('publish "%s" (%s, form params: %s)',
                  path, req.session.sessionid, req.form.keys())
        # remove user callbacks on a new request (except for json controllers
        # to avoid callbacks being unregistered before they could be called)
        tstart = clock()
        commited = False
                ctrlid, rset = self.url_resolver.process(req, path)
                    controller = self.vreg['controllers'].select(ctrlid, req,
                except NoSelectableObject:
                    if ctrlid == 'login':
                        raise Unauthorized(req._('log out first'))
                    raise Unauthorized(req._('not authorized'))
                result = controller.publish(rset=rset)
                if req.cnx:
                    # no req.cnx if anonymous aren't allowed and we are
                    # displaying some anonymous enabled view such as the cookie
                    # authentication form
                    commited = True
            except (StatusResponse, DirectResponse):
                if req.cnx:
            except (AuthenticationError, LogOut):
            except Redirect:
                # redirect is raised by edit controller when everything went fine,
                # so try to commit
                    txuuid = req.cnx.commit()
                    if txuuid is not None:
                        msg = u'<span class="undo">[<a href="%s">%s</a>]</span>' %(
                            req.build_url('undo', txuuid=txuuid), req._('undo'))
                except ValidationError, ex:
                    self.validation_error_handler(req, ex)
                except Unauthorized, ex:
                    req.data['errmsg'] = req._('You\'re not authorized to access this page. '
                                               'If you think you should, please contact the site administrator.')
                    self.error_handler(req, ex, tb=False)
                except Exception, ex:
                    self.error_handler(req, ex, tb=True)
                    # delete validation errors which may have been previously set
                    if '__errorurl' in req.form:
                        req.session.data.pop(req.form['__errorurl'], None)
            except RemoteCallFailed, ex:
                req.set_header('content-type', 'application/json')
                raise StatusResponse(500, ex.dumps())
            except NotFound:
                raise StatusResponse(404, self.notfound_content(req))
            except ValidationError, ex:
                self.validation_error_handler(req, ex)
            except (Unauthorized, BadRQLQuery, RequestError), ex:
                self.error_handler(req, ex, tb=False)
            except BaseException, ex:
                self.error_handler(req, ex, tb=True)
                self.critical('Catch all triggered!!!')
                self.exception('this is what happened')
                result = 'oops'
            if req.cnx and not commited:
                    pass # ignore rollback error at this point
        self.info('query %s executed in %s sec', req.relative_path(), clock() - tstart)
        return result

    def validation_error_handler(self, req, ex):
        ex.errors = dict((k, v) for k, v in ex.errors.items())
        if '__errorurl' in req.form:
            forminfo = {'error': ex,
                        'values': req.form,
                        'eidmap': req.data.get('eidmap', {})
            req.session.data[req.form['__errorurl']] = forminfo
            # XXX form session key / __error_url should be differentiated:
            # session key is 'url + #<form dom id', though we usually don't want
            # the browser to move to the form since it hides the global
            # messages.
            raise Redirect(req.form['__errorurl'].rsplit('#', 1)[0])
        self.error_handler(req, ex, tb=False)

    def error_handler(self, req, ex, tb=False):
        excinfo = sys.exc_info()
        req.set_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
        if req.json_request:
            raise RemoteCallFailed(unicode(ex))
            req.data['ex'] = ex
            if tb:
                req.data['excinfo'] = excinfo
            req.form['vid'] = 'error'
            errview = self.vreg['views'].select('error', req)
            template = self.main_template_id(req)
            content = self.vreg['views'].main_template(req, template, view=errview)
            content = self.vreg['views'].main_template(req, 'error-template')
        raise StatusResponse(500, content)

    def need_login_content(self, req):
        return self.vreg['views'].main_template(req, 'login')

    def loggedout_content(self, req):
        return self.vreg['views'].main_template(req, 'loggedout')

    def notfound_content(self, req):
        req.form['vid'] = '404'
        view = self.vreg['views'].select('404', req)
        template = self.main_template_id(req)
        return self.vreg['views'].main_template(req, template, view=view)

    def main_template_id(self, req):
        template = req.form.get('__template', req.property_value('ui.main-template'))
        if template not in self.vreg['views']:
            template = 'main-template'
        return template

set_log_methods(CubicWebPublisher, LOGGER)
set_log_methods(CookieSessionHandler, LOGGER)