rqlrewrite: remove element in rewritten when we remove them from the select (closes #2236985)
update _cleanup_inserted to avoid leaving rewritten variable behind when
removing a snipset.
insert_varmap_snippets was impacted too for unclear reason
A KeyError was raised when:
* multiple snipset is to be inserted on a statement
* some *supported* snipset adds ambiguity (increase the number of solution)
* some *unsupported* snipset adds new variable
* The new variable require rewritting
File "/home/pyves/src/fcw/cubicweb/rqlrewrite.py", line 185, in rewrite
newsolutions = self.remove_ambiguities(snippets, newsolutions)
File "/home/pyves/src/fcw/cubicweb/rqlrewrite.py", line 436, in
variantes = self.build_variantes(newsolutions)
File "/home/pyves/src/fcw/cubicweb/devtools/repotest.py", line 340, in
variantes = _orig_build_variantes(self, newsolutions)
File "/home/pyves/src/fcw/cubicweb/rqlrewrite.py", line 470, in
variante.append( (key, sol[newvar]) )
KeyError: u'D'
This happen because the mechanism removing unsupported snipset does not remove
entry in ``self.rewritten`` when it removes entry from
Iteration on ``self.rewritten`` then crash because values of ``rewritten`` are
expected to
be found in solution.
option_group_changed('cleanup-session-time', 'web', 'main')