fix for booelan attribute which have empty string as false value and didn't work if default value for this attribute was True.
"""schema hooks:
- synchronize the living schema object with the persistent schema
- perform physical update on the source when necessary
checking for schema consistency is done in
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2008 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: --
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from yams.schema import BASE_TYPES
from yams.buildobjs import EntityType, RelationType, RelationDefinition
from yams.schema2sql import eschema2sql, rschema2sql, _type_from_constraints
from cubicweb import ValidationError, RepositoryError
from cubicweb.server import schemaserial as ss
from cubicweb.server.pool import Operation, SingleLastOperation, PreCommitOperation
from cubicweb.server.hookhelper import (entity_attr, entity_name,
# core entity and relation types which can't be removed
CORE_ETYPES = list(BASE_TYPES) + ['EEType', 'ERType', 'EUser', 'EGroup',
'EConstraint', 'EFRDef', 'ENFRDef']
CORE_RTYPES = ['eid', 'creation_date', 'modification_date',
'login', 'upassword', 'name',
'is', 'instanceof', 'owned_by', 'created_by', 'in_group',
'relation_type', 'from_entity', 'to_entity',
'read_permission', 'add_permission',
'delete_permission', 'updated_permission',
def get_constraints(session, entity):
constraints = []
for cstreid in session.query_data(entity.eid, ()):
cstrent = session.entity(cstreid)
cstr = CONSTRAINTS[cstrent.type].deserialize(cstrent.value)
cstr.eid = cstreid
return constraints
def add_inline_relation_column(session, etype, rtype):
"""add necessary column and index for an inlined relation"""
session.system_sql(str('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s integer'
% (etype, rtype)))'added column %s to table %s', rtype, etype)
# silent exception here, if this error has not been raised because the
# column already exists, index creation will fail anyway
session.exception('error while adding column %s to table %s', etype, rtype)
# create index before alter table which may expectingly fail during test
# (sqlite) while index creation should never fail (test for index existence
# is done by the dbhelper)
session.pool.source('system').create_index(session, etype, rtype)'added index on %s(%s)', etype, rtype)
session.add_query_data('createdattrs', '%s.%s' % (etype, rtype))
class SchemaOperation(Operation):
"""base class for schema operations"""
def __init__(self, session, kobj=None, **kwargs):
self.schema = session.repo.schema
self.kobj = kobj
# once Operation.__init__ has been called, event may be triggered, so
# do this last !
Operation.__init__(self, session, **kwargs)
# every schema operation is triggering a schema update
class EarlySchemaOperation(SchemaOperation):
def insert_index(self):
"""schema operation which are inserted at the begining of the queue
(typically to add/remove entity or relation types)
i = -1
for i, op in enumerate(self.session.pending_operations):
if not isinstance(op, EarlySchemaOperation):
return i
return i + 1
class UpdateSchemaOp(SingleLastOperation):
"""the update schema operation:
special operation which should be called once and after all other schema
operations. It will trigger internal structures rebuilding to consider
schema changes
def __init__(self, session):
self.repo = session.repo
SingleLastOperation.__init__(self, session)
def commit_event(self):
class DropTableOp(PreCommitOperation):
"""actually remove a database from the application's schema"""
def precommit_event(self):
dropped = self.session.query_data('droppedtables',
default=set(), setdefault=True)
if self.table in dropped:
return # already processed
self.session.system_sql('DROP TABLE %s' % self.table)'dropped table %s', self.table)
class DropColumnOp(PreCommitOperation):
"""actually remove the attribut's column from entity table in the system
def precommit_event(self):
session, table, column = self.session, self.table, self.column
# drop index if any
session.pool.source('system').drop_index(session, table, column)
session.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s'
% (table, column))'dropped column %s from table %s', column, table)
except Exception, ex:
# not supported by sqlite for instance
self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', table, ex)
# deletion ####################################################################
class DeleteEETypeOp(SchemaOperation):
"""actually remove the entity type from the application's schema"""
def commit_event(self):
# del_entity_type also removes entity's relations
except KeyError:
# s/o entity type have already been deleted
def before_del_eetype(session, eid):
"""before deleting a EEType entity:
* check that we don't remove a core entity type
* cascade to delete related EFRDef and ENFRDef entities
* instantiate an operation to delete the entity type on commit
# final entities can't be deleted, don't care about that
name = check_internal_entity(session, eid, CORE_ETYPES)
# delete every entities of this type
session.unsafe_execute('DELETE %s X' % name)
DropTableOp(session, table=name)
DeleteEETypeOp(session, name)
def after_del_eetype(session, eid):
# workflow cleanup
session.execute('DELETE State X WHERE NOT X state_of Y')
session.execute('DELETE Transition X WHERE NOT X transition_of Y')
class DeleteERTypeOp(SchemaOperation):
"""actually remove the relation type from the application's schema"""
def commit_event(self):
except KeyError:
# s/o entity type have already been deleted
def before_del_ertype(session, eid):
"""before deleting a ERType entity:
* check that we don't remove a core relation type
* cascade to delete related EFRDef and ENFRDef entities
* instantiate an operation to delete the relation type on commit
name = check_internal_entity(session, eid, CORE_RTYPES)
# delete relation definitions using this relation type
session.execute('DELETE EFRDef X WHERE X relation_type Y, Y eid %(x)s',
{'x': eid})
session.execute('DELETE ENFRDef X WHERE X relation_type Y, Y eid %(x)s',
{'x': eid})
DeleteERTypeOp(session, name)
class DelErdefOp(SchemaOperation):
"""actually remove the relation definition from the application's schema"""
def commit_event(self):
subjtype, rtype, objtype = self.kobj
self.schema.del_relation_def(subjtype, rtype, objtype)
except KeyError:
# relation type may have been already deleted
def after_del_relation_type(session, rdefeid, rtype, rteid):
"""before deleting a EFRDef or ENFRDef entity:
* if this is a final or inlined relation definition, instantiate an
operation to drop necessary column, else if this is the last instance
of a non final relation, instantiate an operation to drop necessary
* instantiate an operation to delete the relation definition on commit
* delete the associated relation type when necessary
subjschema, rschema, objschema = session.repo.schema.schema_by_eid(rdefeid)
pendings = session.query_data('pendingeids', ())
# first delete existing relation if necessary
if rschema.is_final():
rdeftype = 'EFRDef'
rdeftype = 'ENFRDef'
if not (subjschema.eid in pendings or objschema.eid in pendings):
session.execute('DELETE X %s Y WHERE X is %s, Y is %s'
% (rschema, subjschema, objschema))
execute = session.unsafe_execute
rset = execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is %s, X relation_type R,'
'R eid %%(x)s' % rdeftype, {'x': rteid})
lastrel = rset[0][0] == 0
# we have to update physical schema systematically for final and inlined
# relations, but only if it's the last instance for this relation type
# for other relations
if (rschema.is_final() or rschema.inlined):
rset = execute('Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is %s, X relation_type R, '
'R eid %%(x)s, X from_entity E, E name %%(name)s'
% rdeftype, {'x': rteid, 'name': str(subjschema)})
if rset[0][0] == 0 and not subjschema.eid in pendings:
DropColumnOp(session, table=subjschema.type, column=rschema.type)
elif lastrel:
DropTableOp(session, table='%s_relation' % rschema.type)
# if this is the last instance, drop associated relation type
if lastrel and not rteid in pendings:
execute('DELETE ERType X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': rteid}, 'x')
DelErdefOp(session, (subjschema, rschema, objschema))
# addition ####################################################################
class AddEETypeOp(EarlySchemaOperation):
"""actually add the entity type to the application's schema"""
def commit_event(self):
eschema = self.schema.add_entity_type(self.kobj)
eschema.eid = self.eid
def before_add_eetype(session, entity):
"""before adding a EEType entity:
* check that we are not using an existing entity type,
name = entity['name']
schema = session.repo.schema
if name in schema and schema[name].eid is not None:
raise RepositoryError('an entity type %s already exists' % name)
def after_add_eetype(session, entity):
"""after adding a EEType entity:
* create the necessary table
* set creation_date and modification_date by creating the necessary
EFRDef entities
* add owned_by relation by creating the necessary ENFRDef entity
* register an operation to add the entity type to the application's
schema on commit
if entity.get('final'):
schema = session.repo.schema
name = entity['name']
etype = EntityType(name=name, description=entity.get('description'),
meta=entity.get('meta')) # don't care about final
# fake we add it to the schema now to get a correctly initialized schema
# but remove it before doing anything more dangerous...
schema = session.repo.schema
eschema = schema.add_entity_type(etype)
# generate table sql and rql to add metadata
tablesql = eschema2sql(session.pool.source('system').dbhelper, eschema)
relrqls = []
for rtype in ('is', 'is_instance_of', 'creation_date', 'modification_date',
'created_by', 'owned_by'):
rschema = schema[rtype]
sampletype = rschema.subjects()[0]
desttype = rschema.objects()[0]
props = rschema.rproperties(sampletype, desttype)
relrqls += list(ss.rdef2rql(rschema, name, desttype, props))
# now remove it !
# create the necessary table
for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
if sql.strip():
# register operation to modify the schema on commit
# this have to be done before adding other relations definitions
# or permission settings
AddEETypeOp(session, etype, eid=entity.eid)
# add meta creation_date, modification_date and owned_by relations
for rql, kwargs in relrqls:
session.execute(rql, kwargs)
class AddERTypeOp(EarlySchemaOperation):
"""actually add the relation type to the application's schema"""
def commit_event(self):
rschema = self.schema.add_relation_type(self.kobj)
rschema.eid = self.eid
def before_add_ertype(session, entity):
"""before adding a ERType entity:
* check that we are not using an existing relation type,
* register an operation to add the relation type to the application's
schema on commit
We don't know yeat this point if a table is necessary
name = entity['name']
if name in session.repo.schema.relations():
raise RepositoryError('a relation type %s already exists' % name)
def after_add_ertype(session, entity):
"""after a ERType entity has been added:
* register an operation to add the relation type to the application's
schema on commit
We don't know yeat this point if a table is necessary
AddERTypeOp(session, RelationType(name=entity['name'],
meta=entity.get('meta', False),
inlined=entity.get('inlined', False),
symetric=entity.get('symetric', False)),
class AddErdefOp(EarlySchemaOperation):
"""actually add the attribute relation definition to the application's
def commit_event(self):
'Boolean': bool,
'Int': int,
'Float': float,
'Password': str,
'String': unicode,
'Date' : unicode,
'Datetime' : unicode,
'Time' : unicode,
class AddEFRDefPreCommitOp(PreCommitOperation):
"""an attribute relation (EFRDef) has been added:
* add the necessary column
* set default on this column if any and possible
* register an operation to add the relation definition to the
application's schema on commit
constraints are handled by specific hooks
def precommit_event(self):
session = self.session
entity = self.entity
fromentity = entity.from_entity[0]
relationtype = entity.relation_type[0]
session.execute('SET X ordernum Y+1 WHERE X from_entity SE, SE eid %(se)s, X ordernum Y, X ordernum >= %(order)s, NOT X eid %(x)s',
{'x': entity.eid, 'se': fromentity.eid, 'order': entity.ordernum or 0})
subj, rtype = str(, str(
obj = str(entity.to_entity[0].name)
# at this point default is a string or None, but we need a correctly
# typed value
default = entity.defaultval
if default is not None:
default = TYPE_CONVERTER[obj](default)
constraints = get_constraints(session, entity)
rdef = RelationDefinition(subj, rtype, obj,
sysource = session.pool.source('system')
attrtype = _type_from_constraints(sysource.dbhelper, rdef.object,
# XXX should be moved somehow into lgc.adbh: sqlite doesn't support to
# add a new column with UNIQUE, it should be added after the ALTER TABLE
# using ADD INDEX
if sysource.dbdriver == 'sqlite' and 'UNIQUE' in attrtype:
extra_unique_index = True
attrtype = attrtype.replace(' UNIQUE', '')
extra_unique_index = False
# added some str() wrapping query since some backend (eg psycopg) don't
# allow unicode queries
session.system_sql(str('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s'
% (subj, rtype, attrtype)))'added column %s to table %s', rtype, subj)
except Exception, ex:
# the column probably already exists. this occurs when
# the entity's type has just been added or if the column
# has not been previously dropped
self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', subj, ex)
if extra_unique_index or entity.indexed:
sysource.create_index(session, subj, rtype,
except Exception, ex:
self.error('error while creating index for %s.%s: %s',
subj, rtype, ex)
# postgres doesn't implement, so do it in two times
if default is not None:
if isinstance(default, unicode):
default = default.encode(sysource.encoding)
session.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT '
'%%(default)s' % (subj, rtype),
{'default': default})
except Exception, ex:
# not supported by sqlite for instance
self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', subj, ex)
session.system_sql('UPDATE %s SET %s=%%(default)s' % (subj, rtype),
{'default': default})
AddErdefOp(session, rdef)
def after_add_efrdef(session, entity):
AddEFRDefPreCommitOp(session, entity=entity)
class AddENFRDefPreCommitOp(PreCommitOperation):
"""an actual relation has been added:
* if this is an inlined relation, add the necessary column
else if it's the first instance of this relation type, add the
necessary table and set default permissions
* register an operation to add the relation definition to the
application's schema on commit
constraints are handled by specific hooks
def precommit_event(self):
session = self.session
entity = self.entity
fromentity = entity.from_entity[0]
relationtype = entity.relation_type[0]
session.execute('SET X ordernum Y+1 WHERE X from_entity SE, SE eid %(se)s, X ordernum Y, X ordernum >= %(order)s, NOT X eid %(x)s',
{'x': entity.eid, 'se': fromentity.eid, 'order': entity.ordernum or 0})
subj, rtype = str(, str(
obj = str(entity.to_entity[0].name)
card = entity.get('cardinality')
rdef = RelationDefinition(subj, rtype, obj,
constraints=get_constraints(session, entity),
schema = session.repo.schema
rschema = schema.rschema(rtype)
# this have to be done before permissions setting
AddErdefOp(session, rdef)
if rschema.inlined:
# need to add a column if the relation is inlined and if this is the
# first occurence of "Subject relation Something" whatever Something
# and if it has not been added during other event of the same
# transaction
key = '%s.%s' % (subj, rtype)
alreadythere = bool(rschema.objects(subj))
except KeyError:
alreadythere = False
if not (alreadythere or
key in session.query_data('createdattrs', ())):
add_inline_relation_column(session, subj, rtype)
# need to create the relation if no relation definition in the
# schema and if it has not been added during other event of the same
# transaction
if not (rschema.subjects() or
rtype in session.query_data('createdtables', ())):
rschema = schema[rtype]
tablesql = rschema2sql(rschema)
except KeyError:
# fake we add it to the schema now to get a correctly
# initialized schema but remove it before doing anything
# more dangerous...
rschema = schema.add_relation_type(rdef)
tablesql = rschema2sql(rschema)
# create the necessary table
for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
if sql.strip():
session.add_query_data('createdtables', rtype)
def after_add_enfrdef(session, entity):
AddENFRDefPreCommitOp(session, entity=entity)
# update ######################################################################
def check_valid_changes(session, entity, ro_attrs=('name', 'final')):
errors = {}
# don't use getattr(entity, attr), we would get the modified value if any
for attr in ro_attrs:
origval = entity_attr(session, entity.eid, attr)
if entity.get(attr, origval) != origval:
errors[attr] = session._("can't change the %s attribute") % \
display_name(session, attr)
if errors:
raise ValidationError(entity.eid, errors)
def before_update_eetype(session, entity):
"""check name change, handle final"""
check_valid_changes(session, entity, ro_attrs=('final',))
# don't use getattr(entity, attr), we would get the modified value if any
oldname = entity_attr(session, entity.eid, 'name')
newname = entity.get('name', oldname)
if newname.lower() != oldname.lower():
eschema = session.repo.schema[oldname]
UpdateEntityTypeName(session, eschema=eschema,
oldname=oldname, newname=newname)
def before_update_ertype(session, entity):
"""check name change, handle final"""
check_valid_changes(session, entity)
class UpdateEntityTypeName(SchemaOperation):
"""this operation updates physical storage accordingly"""
def precommit_event(self):
# we need sql to operate physical changes on the system database
sqlexec = self.session.system_sql
sqlexec('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s' % (self.oldname, self.newname))'renamed table %s to %s', self.oldname, self.newname)
sqlexec('UPDATE entities SET type=%s WHERE type=%s',
(self.newname, self.oldname))
sqlexec('UPDATE deleted_entities SET type=%s WHERE type=%s',
(self.newname, self.oldname))
def commit_event(self):
self.session.repo.schema.rename_entity_type(self.oldname, self.newname)
class UpdateRdefOp(SchemaOperation):
"""actually update some properties of a relation definition"""
def precommit_event(self):
if 'indexed' in self.values:
sysource = self.session.pool.source('system')
table, column = self.kobj[0], self.rschema.type
if self.values['indexed']:
sysource.create_index(self.session, table, column)
sysource.drop_index(self.session, table, column)
def commit_event(self):
# structure should be clean, not need to remove entity's relations
# at this point
def after_update_erdef(session, entity):
desttype = entity.to_entity[0].name
rschema = session.repo.schema[entity.relation_type[0].name]
newvalues = {}
for prop in rschema.rproperty_defs(desttype):
if prop == 'constraints':
if prop == 'order':
prop = 'ordernum'
if prop in entity:
newvalues[prop] = entity[prop]
if newvalues:
subjtype = entity.from_entity[0].name
UpdateRdefOp(session, (subjtype, desttype), rschema=rschema,
class UpdateRtypeOp(SchemaOperation):
"""actually update some properties of a relation definition"""
def precommit_event(self):
session = self.session
rschema = self.rschema
if rschema.is_final() or not 'inlined' in self.values:
return # nothing to do
inlined = self.values['inlined']
entity = self.entity
if not entity.inlined_changed(inlined): # check in-lining is necessary/possible
return # nothing to do
# inlined changed, make necessary physical changes!
sqlexec = self.session.system_sql
rtype = rschema.type
if not inlined:
# need to create the relation if it has not been already done by another
# event of the same transaction
if not rschema.type in session.query_data('createdtables', ()):
tablesql = rschema2sql(rschema)
# create the necessary table
for sql in tablesql.split(';'):
if sql.strip():
session.add_query_data('createdtables', rschema.type)
# copy existant data
for etype in rschema.subjects():
sqlexec('INSERT INTO %s_relation SELECT eid, %s FROM %s WHERE NOT %s IS NULL'
% (rtype, rtype, etype, rtype))
# drop existant columns
for etype in rschema.subjects():
DropColumnOp(session, table=str(etype), column=rtype)
for etype in rschema.subjects():
add_inline_relation_column(session, str(etype), rtype)
except Exception, ex:
# the column probably already exists. this occurs when
# the entity's type has just been added or if the column
# has not been previously dropped
self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', etype, ex)
# copy existant data.
# XXX don't use, it's not supported by sqlite (at least at when i tried it)
#sqlexec('UPDATE %(etype)s SET %(rtype)s=eid_to '
# 'FROM %(rtype)s_relation '
# 'WHERE %(etype)s.eid=%(rtype)s_relation.eid_from'
# % locals())
cursor = sqlexec('SELECT eid_from, eid_to FROM %(etype)s, '
'%(rtype)s_relation WHERE %(etype)s.eid='
'%(rtype)s_relation.eid_from' % locals())
args = [{'val': eid_to, 'x': eid} for eid, eid_to in cursor.fetchall()]
if args:
cursor.executemany('UPDATE %s SET %s=%%(val)s WHERE eid=%%(x)s'
% (etype, rtype), args)
# drop existant table
DropTableOp(session, table='%s_relation' % rtype)
def commit_event(self):
# structure should be clean, not need to remove entity's relations
# at this point
def after_update_ertype(session, entity):
rschema = session.repo.schema.rschema(
newvalues = {}
for prop in ('meta', 'symetric', 'inlined'):
if prop in entity:
newvalues[prop] = entity[prop]
if newvalues:
UpdateRtypeOp(session, entity=entity, rschema=rschema, values=newvalues)
# constraints synchronization #################################################
from cubicweb.schema import CONSTRAINTS
class ConstraintOp(SchemaOperation):
"""actually update constraint of a relation definition"""
def prepare_constraints(self, rtype, subjtype, objtype):
constraints = rtype.rproperty(subjtype, objtype, 'constraints')
self.constraints = list(constraints)
rtype.set_rproperty(subjtype, objtype, 'constraints', self.constraints)
return self.constraints
def precommit_event(self):
rdef = self.entity.reverse_constrained_by[0]
session = self.session
# when the relation is added in the same transaction, the constraint object
# is created by AddEN?FRDefPreCommitOp, there is nothing to do here
if rdef.eid in session.query_data('neweids', ()):
self.cancelled = True
self.cancelled = False
schema = session.repo.schema
subjtype, rtype, objtype = schema.schema_by_eid(rdef.eid)
self.prepare_constraints(rtype, subjtype, objtype)
cstrtype = self.entity.type
self.cstr = rtype.constraint_by_type(subjtype, objtype, cstrtype)
self._cstr = CONSTRAINTS[cstrtype].deserialize(self.entity.value)
self._cstr.eid = self.entity.eid
# alter the physical schema on size constraint changes
if self._cstr.type() == 'SizeConstraint' and (
self.cstr is None or self.cstr.max != self._cstr.max):
session.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE VARCHAR(%s)'
% (subjtype, rtype, self._cstr.max))'altered column %s of table %s: now VARCHAR(%s)',
rtype, subjtype, self._cstr.max)
except Exception, ex:
# not supported by sqlite for instance
self.error('error while altering table %s: %s', subjtype, ex)
elif cstrtype == 'UniqueConstraint':
self.session, str(subjtype), str(rtype), unique=True)
def commit_event(self):
if self.cancelled:
# in-place removing
if not self.cstr is None:
def after_add_econstraint(session, entity):
ConstraintOp(session, entity=entity)
def after_update_econstraint(session, entity):
ConstraintOp(session, entity=entity)
class DelConstraintOp(ConstraintOp):
"""actually remove a constraint of a relation definition"""
def precommit_event(self):
self.prepare_constraints(self.rtype, self.subjtype, self.objtype)
cstrtype = self.cstr.type()
# alter the physical schema on size/unique constraint changes
if cstrtype == 'SizeConstraint':
self.session.system_sql('ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE TEXT'
% (self.subjtype, self.rtype))'altered column %s of table %s: now TEXT',
self.rtype, self.subjtype)
except Exception, ex:
# not supported by sqlite for instance
self.error('error while altering table %s: %s',
self.subjtype, ex)
elif cstrtype == 'UniqueConstraint':
self.session, str(self.subjtype), str(self.rtype), unique=True)
def commit_event(self):
def before_delete_constrained_by(session, fromeid, rtype, toeid):
if not fromeid in session.query_data('pendingeids', ()):
schema = session.repo.schema
entity = session.eid_rset(toeid).get_entity(0, 0)
subjtype, rtype, objtype = schema.schema_by_eid(fromeid)
cstr = rtype.constraint_by_type(subjtype, objtype, entity.cstrtype[0].name)
DelConstraintOp(session, subjtype=subjtype, rtype=rtype, objtype=objtype,
except IndexError:
session.critical('constraint type no more accessible')
def after_add_constrained_by(session, fromeid, rtype, toeid):
if fromeid in session.query_data('neweids', ()):
session.add_query_data(fromeid, toeid)
# schema permissions synchronization ##########################################
class PermissionOp(Operation):
"""base class to synchronize schema permission definitions"""
def __init__(self, session, perm, etype_eid):
self.perm = perm
try: = entity_name(session, etype_eid)
except IndexError:
self.error('changing permission of a no more existant type #%s',
Operation.__init__(self, session)
class AddGroupPermissionOp(PermissionOp):
"""synchronize schema when a *_permission relation has been added on a group
def __init__(self, session, perm, etype_eid, group_eid): = entity_name(session, group_eid)
PermissionOp.__init__(self, session, perm, etype_eid)
def commit_event(self):
"""the observed connections pool has been commited"""
erschema = self.schema[]
except KeyError:
# duh, schema not found, log error and skip operation
self.error('no schema for %s',
groups = list(erschema.get_groups(self.perm))
self.warning('group %s already have permission %s on %s',, self.perm, erschema.type)
except ValueError:
erschema.set_groups(self.perm, groups)
class AddRQLExpressionPermissionOp(PermissionOp):
"""synchronize schema when a *_permission relation has been added on a rql
def __init__(self, session, perm, etype_eid, expression):
self.expr = expression
PermissionOp.__init__(self, session, perm, etype_eid)
def commit_event(self):
"""the observed connections pool has been commited"""
erschema = self.schema[]
except KeyError:
# duh, schema not found, log error and skip operation
self.error('no schema for %s',
exprs = list(erschema.get_rqlexprs(self.perm))
erschema.set_rqlexprs(self.perm, exprs)
def after_add_permission(session, subject, rtype, object):
"""added entity/relation *_permission, need to update schema"""
perm = rtype.split('_', 1)[0]
if session.describe(object)[0] == 'EGroup':
AddGroupPermissionOp(session, perm, subject, object)
else: # RQLExpression
expr = session.execute('Any EXPR WHERE X eid %(x)s, X expression EXPR',
{'x': object}, 'x')[0][0]
AddRQLExpressionPermissionOp(session, perm, subject, expr)
class DelGroupPermissionOp(AddGroupPermissionOp):
"""synchronize schema when a *_permission relation has been deleted from a group"""
def commit_event(self):
"""the observed connections pool has been commited"""
erschema = self.schema[]
except KeyError:
# duh, schema not found, log error and skip operation
self.error('no schema for %s',
groups = list(erschema.get_groups(self.perm))
erschema.set_groups(self.perm, groups)
except ValueError:
self.error('can\'t remove permission %s on %s to group %s',
self.perm, erschema.type,
class DelRQLExpressionPermissionOp(AddRQLExpressionPermissionOp):
"""synchronize schema when a *_permission relation has been deleted from an rql expression"""
def commit_event(self):
"""the observed connections pool has been commited"""
erschema = self.schema[]
except KeyError:
# duh, schema not found, log error and skip operation
self.error('no schema for %s',
rqlexprs = list(erschema.get_rqlexprs(self.perm))
for i, rqlexpr in enumerate(rqlexprs):
if rqlexpr.expression == self.expr:
self.error('can\'t remove permission %s on %s for expression %s',
self.perm, erschema.type, self.expr)
erschema.set_rqlexprs(self.perm, rqlexprs)
def before_del_permission(session, subject, rtype, object):
"""delete entity/relation *_permission, need to update schema
skip the operation if the related type is being deleted
if subject in session.query_data('pendingeids', ()):
perm = rtype.split('_', 1)[0]
if session.describe(object)[0] == 'EGroup':
DelGroupPermissionOp(session, perm, subject, object)
else: # RQLExpression
expr = session.execute('Any EXPR WHERE X eid %(x)s, X expression EXPR',
{'x': object}, 'x')[0][0]
DelRQLExpressionPermissionOp(session, perm, subject, expr)
def rebuild_infered_relations(session, subject, rtype, object):
# registering a schema operation will trigger a call to
# repo.set_schema() on commit which will in turn rebuild
# infered relation definitions
def _register_schema_hooks(hm):
"""register schema related hooks on the hooks manager"""
# schema synchronisation #####################
# before/after add
hm.register_hook(before_add_eetype, 'before_add_entity', 'EEType')
hm.register_hook(before_add_ertype, 'before_add_entity', 'ERType')
hm.register_hook(after_add_eetype, 'after_add_entity', 'EEType')
hm.register_hook(after_add_ertype, 'after_add_entity', 'ERType')
hm.register_hook(after_add_efrdef, 'after_add_entity', 'EFRDef')
hm.register_hook(after_add_enfrdef, 'after_add_entity', 'ENFRDef')
# before/after update
hm.register_hook(before_update_eetype, 'before_update_entity', 'EEType')
hm.register_hook(before_update_ertype, 'before_update_entity', 'ERType')
hm.register_hook(after_update_ertype, 'after_update_entity', 'ERType')
hm.register_hook(after_update_erdef, 'after_update_entity', 'EFRDef')
hm.register_hook(after_update_erdef, 'after_update_entity', 'ENFRDef')
# before/after delete
hm.register_hook(before_del_eetype, 'before_delete_entity', 'EEType')
hm.register_hook(after_del_eetype, 'after_delete_entity', 'EEType')
hm.register_hook(before_del_ertype, 'before_delete_entity', 'ERType')
hm.register_hook(after_del_relation_type, 'after_delete_relation', 'relation_type')
hm.register_hook(rebuild_infered_relations, 'after_add_relation', 'specializes')
hm.register_hook(rebuild_infered_relations, 'after_delete_relation', 'specializes')
# constraints synchronization hooks
hm.register_hook(after_add_econstraint, 'after_add_entity', 'EConstraint')
hm.register_hook(after_update_econstraint, 'after_update_entity', 'EConstraint')
hm.register_hook(before_delete_constrained_by, 'before_delete_relation', 'constrained_by')
hm.register_hook(after_add_constrained_by, 'after_add_relation', 'constrained_by')
# permissions synchronisation ################
for perm in ('read_permission', 'add_permission',
'delete_permission', 'update_permission'):
hm.register_hook(after_add_permission, 'after_add_relation', perm)
hm.register_hook(before_del_permission, 'before_delete_relation', perm)