[web test] fix broken url in reledit. tests BROKEN ANYWAY (crash due to missing attribute)
"""execute this script if you've migration to file >= 1.9.0 with cubicweb <= 3.9.2FYI, this migration occurred :* on our intranet on July 07 2010* on our extranet on July 16 2010"""from__future__importwith_statementtry:backupinstance,=__args__exceptValueError:print'USAGE: cubicweb-ctl shell <instance> repair_file_1-9_migration.py -- <backup instance id>'printprint'you should restored the backup on a new instance, accessible through pyro'fromcubicwebimportcwconfig,dbapifromcubicweb.server.sessionimporthooks_controlsourcescfg=repo.config.sources()backupcfg=cwconfig.instance_configuration(backupinstance)backupcfg.repairing=Truebackuprepo,backupcnx=dbapi.in_memory_repo_cnx(backupcfg,sourcescfg['admin']['login'],password=sourcescfg['admin']['password'],host='localhost')backupcu=backupcnx.cursor()withhooks_control(session,session.HOOKS_DENY_ALL):rql('SET X is Y WHERE X is File, Y name "File", NOT X is Y')rql('SET X is_instance_of Y WHERE X is File, Y name "File", NOT X is_instance_of Y')forrtype,inbackupcu.execute('DISTINCT Any RTN WHERE X relation_type RT, RT name RTN,''X from_entity Y, Y name "Image", X is CWRelation, ''EXISTS(XX is CWRelation, XX relation_type RT, ''XX from_entity YY, YY name "File")'):ifrtypein('is','is_instance_of'):continueprintrtypeforfeid,xeidinbackupcu.execute('Any F,X WHERE F %s X, F is IN (File,Image)'%rtype):print'restoring relation %s between file %s and %s'%(rtype,feid,xeid),printrql('SET F %s X WHERE F eid %%(f)s, X eid %%(x)s, NOT F %s X'%(rtype,rtype),{'f':feid,'x':xeid})forrtype,inbackupcu.execute('DISTINCT Any RTN WHERE X relation_type RT, RT name RTN,''X to_entity Y, Y name "Image", X is CWRelation, ''EXISTS(XX is CWRelation, XX relation_type RT, ''XX to_entity YY, YY name "File")'):printrtypeforfeid,xeidinbackupcu.execute('Any F,X WHERE X %s F, F is IN (File,Image)'%rtype):print'restoring relation %s between %s and file %s'%(rtype,xeid,feid),printrql('SET X %s F WHERE F eid %%(f)s, X eid %%(x)s, NOT X %s F'%(rtype,rtype),{'f':feid,'x':xeid})commit()