author David Douard <david.douard@logilab.fr>
Thu, 02 Jul 2015 19:54:25 +0200
changeset 10496 e95b559a06a2
parent 5372 b74eed7e8b37
permissions -rw-r--r--
[doc] more fixes of warnings/errors in doc build - move 3.21.rst changelog description at it's proper place - include changelogs in the main index - few typos - add :noindex: for autoxxx directives not in api/ Related to #4832808

"""This module compare the Schema on the file system to the one in the database"""

from cStringIO import StringIO
from cubicweb.web.schemaviewer import SchemaViewer
from logilab.common.ureports import TextWriter
import difflib

viewer = SchemaViewer()
layout_db = viewer.visit_schema(schema, display_relations=True)
layout_fs = viewer.visit_schema(fsschema, display_relations=True)
writer = TextWriter()
stream_db = StringIO()
stream_fs = StringIO()
writer.format(layout_db, stream=stream_db)
writer.format(layout_fs, stream=stream_fs)

db = stream_db.getvalue().splitlines()
fs = stream_fs.getvalue().splitlines()
open('db_schema.txt', 'w').write(stream_db.getvalue())
open('fs_schema.txt', 'w').write(stream_fs.getvalue())
#for diff in difflib.ndiff(fs, db):
#    print diff