author David Douard <>
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:13:47 +0100
changeset 11832 e8be49ecb522
parent 11046 debian/cubicweb-documentation.doc-base@b8180114ecde
child 12703 10ff72a0e428
permissions -rw-r--r--
[debian] Update debian packaging (closes #16133259) - use dh_python, pybuild and debhelper>=9, - refactor and simplify the debian/rules, - rename binary packages (but cubicweb-ctl) to python-xxx - remove daemon handling stuff (initscripts...) from cubicweb-ctl (one should now use a standard WSGI delivery method),

Document: cubicweb-doc
Title: CubicWeb Documentation
Author: Logilab
Abstract: Some base documentation for CubicWeb users and developpers
Section: Apps/Programming

Format: HTML
Index: /usr/share/doc/python-cubicweb-documentation/html/index.html
Files: /usr/share/doc/python-cubicweb-documentation/html/*