devtools-request: transmit the headers keyword argument to the request class
Otherwise the headers kwargs end up in the form.
This is very useful for testing publish logic related to http header (as cache).
# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <>.
"""cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers unit tests"""
from __future__ import with_statement
from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit, urljoin
# parse_qs is deprecated in cgi and has been moved to urlparse in Python 2.6
from urlparse import parse_qs as url_parse_query
except ImportError:
from cgi import parse_qs as url_parse_query
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main, mock_object
from logilab.common.decorators import monkeypatch
from cubicweb import Binary, NoSelectableObject, ValidationError
from cubicweb.view import STRICT_DOCTYPE
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.utils import json_dumps
from cubicweb.uilib import rql_for_eid
from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, Redirect, RequestError, RemoteCallFailed
from cubicweb.entities.authobjs import CWUser
from cubicweb.web.views.autoform import get_pending_inserts, get_pending_deletes
from cubicweb.web.views.basecontrollers import JSonController, xhtmlize, jsonize
from cubicweb.web.views.ajaxcontroller import ajaxfunc, AjaxFunction
import cubicweb.transaction as tx
u = unicode
def req_form(user):
return {'eid': [str(user.eid)],
'_cw_entity_fields:%s' % user.eid: '_cw_generic_field',
'__type:%s' % user.eid: user.__regid__
class EditControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def setUp(self):
self.assertTrue('users' in self.schema.eschema('CWGroup').get_groups('read'))
def tearDown(self):
self.assertTrue('users' in self.schema.eschema('CWGroup').get_groups('read'))
def test_noparam_edit(self):
"""check behaviour of this controller without any form parameter
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {None: u'no selected entities'})
def test_validation_unique(self):
"""test creation of two linked entities
user = self.user()
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': 'X', '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'admin',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'login-subject': 'the value "admin" is already used, use another one'})
def test_user_editing_itself(self):
"""checking that a manager user can edit itself
user = self.user()
basegroups = [u(eid) for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE X in_group G, X eid %(x)s', {'x': user.eid})]
groupeids = [eid for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name in ("managers", "users")')]
groups = [u(eid) for eid in groupeids]
req = self.request()
eid = u(user.eid)
req.form = {
'eid': eid, '__type:'+eid: 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+eid: 'login-subject,firstname-subject,surname-subject,in_group-subject',
'login-subject:'+eid: u(user.login),
'surname-subject:'+eid: u'Th\xe9nault',
'firstname-subject:'+eid: u'Sylvain',
'in_group-subject:'+eid: groups,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': user.eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.firstname, u'Sylvain')
self.assertEqual(e.surname, u'Th\xe9nault')
self.assertEqual(e.login, user.login)
self.assertEqual([g.eid for g in e.in_group], groupeids)
def test_user_can_change_its_password(self):
req = self.request()
user = self.create_user(req, 'user')
cnx = self.login('user')
eid = u(user.eid)
req.form = {
'eid': eid, '__maineid' : eid,
'__type:'+eid: 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+eid: 'upassword-subject',
'upassword-subject:'+eid: 'tournicoton',
'upassword-subject-confirm:'+eid: 'tournicoton',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
cnx.commit() # commit to check we don't get late validation error for instance
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/user')
self.assertFalse('vid' in params)
def test_user_editing_itself_no_relation(self):
"""checking we can edit an entity without specifying some required
relations (meaning no changes)
user = self.user()
groupeids = [g.eid for g in user.in_group]
req = self.request()
eid = u(user.eid)
req.form = {
'eid': eid,
'__type:'+eid: 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+eid: 'login-subject,firstname-subject,surname-subject',
'login-subject:'+eid: u(user.login),
'firstname-subject:'+eid: u'Th\xe9nault',
'surname-subject:'+eid: u'Sylvain',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': user.eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.login, user.login)
self.assertEqual(e.firstname, u'Th\xe9nault')
self.assertEqual(e.surname, u'Sylvain')
self.assertEqual([g.eid for g in e.in_group], groupeids)
self.assertEqual(e.cw_adapt_to('IWorkflowable').state, 'activated')
def test_create_multiple_linked(self):
gueid = self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name "users"')[0][0]
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': ['X', 'Y'], '__maineid' : 'X',
'__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject,surname-subject,in_group-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'adim',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto', 'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
'surname-subject:X': u'Di Mascio',
'in_group-subject:X': u(gueid),
'__type:Y': 'EmailAddress',
'_cw_entity_fields:Y': 'address-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:Y': u'',
'use_email-object:Y': 'X',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
# should be redirected on the created person
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/adim')
e = self.execute('Any P WHERE P surname "Di Mascio"').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.surname, 'Di Mascio')
email = e.use_email[0]
self.assertEqual(email.address, '')
def test_edit_multiple_linked(self):
req = self.request()
peid = u(self.create_user(req, 'adim').eid)
req.form = {'eid': [peid, 'Y'], '__maineid': peid,
'__type:'+peid: u'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+peid: u'surname-subject',
'surname-subject:'+peid: u'Di Masci',
'__type:Y': u'EmailAddress',
'_cw_entity_fields:Y': u'address-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:Y': u'',
'use_email-object:Y': peid,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
# should be redirected on the created person
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/adim')
e = self.execute('Any P WHERE P surname "Di Masci"').get_entity(0, 0)
email = e.use_email[0]
self.assertEqual(email.address, '')
emaileid = u(email.eid)
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': [peid, emaileid],
'__type:'+peid: u'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+peid: u'surname-subject',
'surname-subject:'+peid: u'Di Masci',
'__type:'+emaileid: u'EmailAddress',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+emaileid: u'address-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:'+emaileid: u'',
'use_email-object:'+emaileid: peid,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(email.address, '')
def test_password_confirm(self):
"""test creation of two linked entities
user = self.user()
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': u(user.eid), '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto',
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'upassword-subject': u'password and confirmation don\'t match'})
req = self.request()
req.form = {'__cloned_eid:X': u(user.eid),
'eid': 'X', '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'tutu',
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'upassword-subject': u'password and confirmation don\'t match'})
def test_interval_bound_constraint_success(self):
feid = self.execute('INSERT File X: X data_name "toto.txt", X data %(data)s',
{'data': Binary('yo')})[0][0]
req = self.request(rollbackfirst=True)
req.form = {'eid': ['X'],
'__type:X': 'Salesterm',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'amount-subject,described_by_test-subject',
'amount-subject:X': u'-10',
'described_by_test-subject:X': u(feid),
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'amount-subject': 'value -10 must be >= 0'})
req = self.request(rollbackfirst=True)
req.form = {'eid': ['X'],
'__type:X': 'Salesterm',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'amount-subject,described_by_test-subject',
'amount-subject:X': u'110',
'described_by_test-subject:X': u(feid),
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'amount-subject': 'value 110 must be <= 100'})
req = self.request(rollbackfirst=True)
req.form = {'eid': ['X'],
'__type:X': 'Salesterm',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'amount-subject,described_by_test-subject',
'amount-subject:X': u'10',
'described_by_test-subject:X': u(feid),
self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
# should be redirected on the created
#eid = params['rql'].split()[-1]
e = self.execute('Salesterm X').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.amount, 10)
def test_req_pending_insert(self):
"""make sure req's pending insertions are taken into account"""
tmpgroup = self.request().create_entity('CWGroup', name=u"test")
user = self.user()
req = self.request(**req_form(user))['pending_insert'] = set([(user.eid, 'in_group', tmpgroup.eid)])
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
usergroups = [gname for gname, in
self.execute('Any N WHERE G name N, U in_group G, U eid %(u)s', {'u': user.eid})]
self.assertItemsEqual(usergroups, ['managers', 'test'])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_inserts(req), [])
def test_req_pending_delete(self):
"""make sure req's pending deletions are taken into account"""
user = self.user()
groupeid = self.execute('INSERT CWGroup G: G name "test", U in_group G WHERE U eid %(x)s',
{'x': user.eid})[0][0]
usergroups = [gname for gname, in
self.execute('Any N WHERE G name N, U in_group G, U eid %(u)s', {'u': user.eid})]
# just make sure everything was set correctly
self.assertItemsEqual(usergroups, ['managers', 'test'])
# now try to delete the relation
req = self.request(**req_form(user))['pending_delete'] = set([(user.eid, 'in_group', groupeid)])
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
usergroups = [gname for gname, in
self.execute('Any N WHERE G name N, U in_group G, U eid %(u)s', {'u': user.eid})]
self.assertItemsEqual(usergroups, ['managers'])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_deletes(req), [])
def test_redirect_apply_button(self):
redirectrql = rql_for_eid(4012) # whatever
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': 'A', '__maineid' : 'A',
'__type:A': 'BlogEntry', '_cw_entity_fields:A': 'content-subject,title-subject',
'content-subject:A': u'"13:03:43"',
'title-subject:A': u'huuu',
'__redirectrql': redirectrql,
'__redirectvid': 'primary',
'__redirectparams': 'toto=tutu&tata=titi',
'__form_id': 'edition',
'__action_apply': '',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
eid = path.split('/')[1]
self.assertEqual(params['vid'], 'edition')
self.assertNotEqual(int(eid), 4012)
self.assertEqual(params['__redirectrql'], redirectrql)
self.assertEqual(params['__redirectvid'], 'primary')
self.assertEqual(params['__redirectparams'], 'toto=tutu&tata=titi')
def test_redirect_ok_button(self):
redirectrql = rql_for_eid(4012) # whatever
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': 'A', '__maineid' : 'A',
'__type:A': 'BlogEntry', '_cw_entity_fields:A': 'content-subject,title-subject',
'content-subject:A': u'"13:03:43"',
'title-subject:A': u'huuu',
'__redirectrql': redirectrql,
'__redirectvid': 'primary',
'__redirectparams': 'toto=tutu&tata=titi',
'__form_id': 'edition',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'view')
self.assertEqual(params['rql'], redirectrql)
self.assertEqual(params['vid'], 'primary')
self.assertEqual(params['tata'], 'titi')
self.assertEqual(params['toto'], 'tutu')
def test_redirect_delete_button(self):
req = self.request()
eid = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'hop', content=u'hop').eid
req.form = {'eid': u(eid), '__type:%s'%eid: 'BlogEntry',
'__action_delete': ''}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'blogentry')
self.assertIn('_cwmsgid', params)
eid = req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'').eid
self.execute('SET X use_email E WHERE E eid %(e)s, X eid %(x)s',
{'x': self.session.user.eid, 'e': eid})
req = req
req.form = {'eid': u(eid), '__type:%s'%eid: 'EmailAddress',
'__action_delete': ''}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/admin')
self.assertIn('_cwmsgid', params)
eid1 = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'hop', content=u'hop').eid
eid2 = req.create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'').eid
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': [u(eid1), u(eid2)],
'__type:%s'%eid1: 'BlogEntry',
'__type:%s'%eid2: 'EmailAddress',
'__action_delete': ''}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'view')
self.assertIn('_cwmsgid', params)
def test_simple_copy(self):
req = self.request()
blog = req.create_entity('Blog', title=u'my-blog')
blogentry = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'entry1',
content=u'content1', entry_of=blog)
req = self.request()
req.form = {'__maineid' : 'X', 'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': blogentry.eid, '__type:X': 'BlogEntry',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'title-subject,content-subject',
'title-subject:X': u'entry1-copy',
'content-subject:X': u'content1',
self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
blogentry2 = req.find_one_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'entry1-copy')
self.assertEqual(blogentry2.entry_of[0].eid, blog.eid)
def test_skip_copy_for(self):
req = self.request()
blog = req.create_entity('Blog', title=u'my-blog')
blogentry = req.create_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'entry1',
content=u'content1', entry_of=blog)
blogentry.__class__.cw_skip_copy_for = [('entry_of', 'subject')]
req = self.request()
req.form = {'__maineid' : 'X', 'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': blogentry.eid, '__type:X': 'BlogEntry',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'title-subject,content-subject',
'title-subject:X': u'entry1-copy',
'content-subject:X': u'content1',
self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
blogentry2 = req.find_one_entity('BlogEntry', title=u'entry1-copy')
# entry_of should not be copied
self.assertEqual(len(blogentry2.entry_of), 0)
blogentry.__class__.cw_skip_copy_for = []
def test_nonregr_eetype_etype_editing(self):
"""non-regression test checking that a manager user can edit a CWEType entity
groupeids = sorted(eid for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name in ("managers", "users")'))
groups = [u(eid) for eid in groupeids]
cwetypeeid = self.execute('CWEType X WHERE X name "CWEType"')[0][0]
basegroups = [u(eid) for eid, in self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE X read_permission G, X eid %(x)s', {'x': cwetypeeid})]
cwetypeeid = u(cwetypeeid)
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': cwetypeeid,
'__type:'+cwetypeeid: 'CWEType',
'_cw_entity_fields:'+cwetypeeid: 'name-subject,final-subject,description-subject,read_permission-subject',
'name-subject:'+cwetypeeid: u'CWEType',
'final-subject:'+cwetypeeid: '',
'description-subject:'+cwetypeeid: u'users group',
'read_permission-subject:'+cwetypeeid: groups,
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s', {'x': cwetypeeid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(, 'CWEType')
self.assertEqual(sorted(g.eid for g in e.read_permission), groupeids)
# restore
self.execute('SET X read_permission Y WHERE X name "CWEType", Y eid IN (%s), NOT X read_permission Y' % (','.join(basegroups)))
def test_nonregr_strange_text_input(self):
"""non-regression test checking text input containing "13:03:43"
this seems to be postgres (tsearch?) specific
req = self.request()
req.form = {
'eid': 'A', '__maineid' : 'A',
'__type:A': 'BlogEntry', '_cw_entity_fields:A': 'title-subject,content-subject',
'title-subject:A': u'"13:03:40"',
'content-subject:A': u'"13:03:43"',}
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
eid = path.split('/')[1]
e = self.execute('Any C, T WHERE C eid %(x)s, C content T', {'x': eid}).get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.title, '"13:03:40"')
self.assertEqual(e.content, '"13:03:43"')
def test_nonregr_multiple_empty_email_addr(self):
gueid = self.execute('CWGroup G WHERE G name "users"')[0][0]
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': ['X', 'Y'],
'__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject,in_group-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'adim',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto', 'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
'in_group-subject:X': `gueid`,
'__type:Y': 'EmailAddress',
'_cw_entity_fields:Y': 'address-subject,alias-subject,use_email-object',
'address-subject:Y': u'',
'alias-subject:Y': u'',
'use_email-object:Y': 'X',
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.errors, {'address-subject': u'required field'})
def test_nonregr_copy(self):
user = self.user()
req = self.request()
req.form = {'__maineid' : 'X', 'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': user.eid, '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,upassword-subject',
'login-subject:X': u'toto',
'upassword-subject:X': u'toto', 'upassword-subject-confirm:X': u'toto',
path, params = self.expect_redirect_handle_request(req, 'edit')
self.assertEqual(path, 'cwuser/toto')
e = self.execute('Any X WHERE X is CWUser, X login "toto"').get_entity(0, 0)
self.assertEqual(e.login, 'toto')
self.assertEqual(e.in_group[0].name, 'managers')
def test_nonregr_rollback_on_validation_error(self):
req = self.request()
p = self.create_user(req, "doe")
# do not try to skip 'primary_email' for this test
old_skips = p.__class__.skip_copy_for
p.__class__.skip_copy_for = ()
e = self.request().create_entity('EmailAddress', address=u'')
self.execute('SET P use_email E, P primary_email E WHERE P eid %(p)s, E eid %(e)s',
{'p' : p.eid, 'e' : e.eid})
req = self.request()
req.form = {'eid': 'X',
'__cloned_eid:X': p.eid, '__type:X': 'CWUser',
'_cw_entity_fields:X': 'login-subject,surname-subject',
'login-subject': u'dodo',
'surname-subject:X': u'Boom',
'__errorurl' : "whatever but required",
# try to emulate what really happens in the web application
# 1/ validate form => EditController.publish raises a ValidationError
# which fires a Redirect
# 2/ When re-publishing the copy form, the publisher implicitly commits
self.app_handle_request(req, 'edit')
except Redirect:
req = self.request()
req.form['rql'] = 'Any X WHERE X eid %s' % p.eid
req.form['vid'] = 'copy'
self.app_handle_request(req, 'view')
rset = self.execute('CWUser P WHERE P surname "Boom"')
self.assertEqual(len(rset), 0)
p.__class__.skip_copy_for = old_skips
class EmbedControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_nonregr_embed_publish(self):
# This test looks a bit stupid but at least it will probably
# fail if the controller API changes and if EmbedController is not
# updated (which is what happened before this test)
req = self.request()
req.form['url'] = ''
controller = self.vreg['controllers'].select('embed', req)
result = controller.publish(rset=None)
class ReportBugControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_usable_by_guest(self):
self.vreg['controllers'].select, 'reportbug', self.request())
self.vreg['controllers'].select('reportbug', self.request(description='hop'))
class SendMailControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_not_usable_by_guest(self):
self.vreg['controllers'].select, 'sendmail', self.request())
self.vreg['controllers'].select, 'sendmail', self.request())
class AjaxControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
tested_controller = 'ajax'
def ctrl(self, req=None):
req = req or self.request(url='')
return self.vreg['controllers'].select(self.tested_controller, req)
def setup_database(self):
req = self.request()
self.pytag = req.create_entity('Tag', name=u'python')
self.cubicwebtag = req.create_entity('Tag', name=u'cubicweb')
self.john = self.create_user(req, u'John')
## tests ##################################################################
def test_simple_exec(self):
req = self.request(rql='CWUser P WHERE P login "John"',
pageid='123', fname='view')
ctrl = self.ctrl(req)
rset = self.john.as_rset()
rset.req = req
source = ctrl.publish()
self.assertTrue(source.startswith('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + STRICT_DOCTYPE +
u'<div xmlns="" xmlns:cubicweb="">')
req.xhtml_browser = lambda: False
source = ctrl.publish()
# def test_json_exec(self):
# rql = 'Any T,N WHERE T is Tag, T name N'
# ctrl = self.ctrl(self.request(mode='json', rql=rql, pageid='123'))
# self.assertEqual(ctrl.publish(),
# json_dumps(self.execute(rql).rows))
def test_remote_add_existing_tag(self):
self.remote_call('tag_entity', self.john.eid, ['python'])
[tname for tname, in self.execute('Any N WHERE T is Tag, T name N')],
['python', 'cubicweb'])
self.execute('Any N WHERE T tags P, P is CWUser, T name N').rows,
def test_remote_add_new_tag(self):
self.remote_call('tag_entity', self.john.eid, ['javascript'])
[tname for tname, in self.execute('Any N WHERE T is Tag, T name N')],
['python', 'cubicweb', 'javascript'])
self.execute('Any N WHERE T tags P, P is CWUser, T name N').rows,
def test_pending_insertion(self):
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts', [['12', 'tags', '13']])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, [])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13'])
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts', [['12', 'tags', '14']])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, [])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req, 12)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req, 13)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req, 14)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:14'])
def test_pending_deletion(self):
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_delete', ['12', 'tags', '13'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, [])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13'])
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_delete', ['12', 'tags', '14'])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, [])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req, 12)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req, 13)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req, 14)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:14'])
def test_remove_pending_operations(self):
self.remote_call('add_pending_delete', ['12', 'tags', '13'])
_, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts', [['12', 'tags', '14']])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:14'])
deletes = get_pending_deletes(req)
self.assertEqual(deletes, ['12:tags:13'])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_deletes(req), [])
self.assertEqual(get_pending_inserts(req), [])
def test_add_inserts(self):
res, req = self.remote_call('add_pending_inserts',
[('12', 'tags', '13'), ('12', 'tags', '14')])
inserts = get_pending_inserts(req)
self.assertEqual(inserts, ['12:tags:13', '12:tags:14'])
# silly tests
def test_external_resource(self):
self.assertEqual(self.remote_call('external_resource', 'RSS_LOGO')[0],
def test_i18n(self):
self.assertEqual(self.remote_call('i18n', ['bimboom'])[0],
def test_format_date(self):
self.assertEqual(self.remote_call('format_date', '2007-01-01 12:00:00')[0],
def test_ajaxfunc_noparameter(self):
def foo(self, x, y):
return 'hello'
self.assertTrue(issubclass(foo, AjaxFunction))
self.assertEqual(foo.__regid__, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(foo.check_pageid, False)
self.assertEqual(foo.output_type, None)
req = self.request()
f = foo(req)
self.assertEqual(f(12, 13), 'hello')
def test_ajaxfunc_checkpageid(self):
@ajaxfunc( check_pageid=True)
def foo(self, x, y):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(foo, AjaxFunction))
self.assertEqual(foo.__regid__, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(foo.check_pageid, True)
self.assertEqual(foo.output_type, None)
# no pageid
req = self.request()
f = foo(req)
self.assertRaises(RemoteCallFailed, f, 12, 13)
def test_ajaxfunc_json(self):
def foo(self, x, y):
return x + y
self.assertTrue(issubclass(foo, AjaxFunction))
self.assertEqual(foo.__regid__, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(foo.check_pageid, False)
self.assertEqual(foo.output_type, 'json')
# no pageid
req = self.request()
f = foo(req)
self.assertEqual(f(12, 13), '25')
class JSonControllerTC(AjaxControllerTC):
# NOTE: this class performs the same tests as AjaxController but with
# deprecated 'json' controller (i.e. check backward compatibility)
tested_controller = 'json'
def setUp(self):
super(JSonControllerTC, self).setUp()
self.exposed_remote_funcs = [fname for fname in dir(JSonController)
if fname.startswith('js_')]
def tearDown(self):
super(JSonControllerTC, self).tearDown()
for funcname in dir(JSonController):
# remove functions added dynamically during tests
if funcname.startswith('js_') and funcname not in self.exposed_remote_funcs:
delattr(JSonController, funcname)
def test_monkeypatch_jsoncontroller(self):
self.assertRaises(RemoteCallFailed, self.remote_call, 'foo')
def js_foo(self):
return u'hello'
res, req = self.remote_call('foo')
self.assertEqual(res, u'hello')
def test_monkeypatch_jsoncontroller_xhtmlize(self):
self.assertRaises(RemoteCallFailed, self.remote_call, 'foo')
def js_foo(self):
return u'hello'
res, req = self.remote_call('foo')
'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + STRICT_DOCTYPE +
u'<div xmlns="" xmlns:cubicweb="">hello</div>')
def test_monkeypatch_jsoncontroller_jsonize(self):
self.assertRaises(RemoteCallFailed, self.remote_call, 'foo')
def js_foo(self):
return 12
res, req = self.remote_call('foo')
self.assertEqual(res, '12')
class UndoControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def setup_database(self):
req = self.request()
self.session.undo_actions = True
self.toto = self.create_user(req, 'toto', password='toto', groups=('users',),
self.txuuid_toto = self.commit()
self.toto_email = self.session.create_entity('EmailAddress',
self.txuuid_toto_email = self.commit()
def test_no_such_transaction(self):
req = self.request()
txuuid = u"12345acbd"
req.form['txuuid'] = txuuid
controller = self.vreg['controllers'].select('undo', req)
with self.assertRaises(tx.NoSuchTransaction) as cm:
result = controller.publish(rset=None)
self.assertEqual(cm.exception.txuuid, txuuid)
def assertURLPath(self, url, expected_path, expected_params=None):
""" This assert that the path part of `url` matches expected path
TODO : implement assertion on the expected_params too
req = self.request()
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
query_dict = url_parse_query(query)
expected_url = urljoin(req.base_url(), expected_path)
self.assertEqual( urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, None, None)), expected_url)
def test_redirect_redirectpath(self):
"Check that the potential __redirectpath is honored"
req = self.request()
txuuid = self.txuuid_toto_email
req.form['txuuid'] = txuuid
rpath = "toto"
req.form['__redirectpath'] = rpath
controller = self.vreg['controllers'].select('undo', req)
with self.assertRaises(Redirect) as cm:
result = controller.publish(rset=None)
self.assertURLPath(cm.exception.location, rpath)
def test_redirect_default(self):
req = self.request()
txuuid = self.txuuid_toto_email
req.form['txuuid'] = txuuid['breadcrumbs'] = [ urljoin(req.base_url(), path)
for path in ('tata', 'toto',)]
controller = self.vreg['controllers'].select('undo', req)
with self.assertRaises(Redirect) as cm:
result = controller.publish(rset=None)
self.assertURLPath(cm.exception.location, 'toto')
class LoginControllerTC(CubicWebTC):
def test_login_with_dest(self):
req = self.request()
req.form = {'postlogin_path': '/elephants/babar'}
with self.assertRaises(Redirect) as cm:
self.ctrl_publish(req, ctrl='login')
self.assertEqual('/elephants/babar', cm.exception.location)
def test_login_no_dest(self):
req = self.request()
with self.assertRaises(Redirect) as cm:
self.ctrl_publish(req, ctrl='login')
self.assertEqual('/', cm.exception.location)
if __name__ == '__main__':