devtools-request: transmit the headers keyword argument to the request class
Otherwise the headers kwargs end up in the form.
This is very useful for testing publish logic related to http header (as cache).
"""misc. unittests for utility functions
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main
from functools import partial
from cubicweb.devtools.fake import FakeConfig
from cubicweb.web.request import (CubicWebRequestBase, _parse_accept_header,
_mimetype_sort_key, _mimetype_parser, _charset_sort_key)
class AcceptParserTC(TestCase):
def test_parse_accept(self):
parse_accept_header = partial(_parse_accept_header,
# compare scores
self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("audio/*;q=0.2, audio/basic"),
[( ('audio/basic', ('audio', 'basic', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('audio/*', ('audio', '*', {}), 0.2 ) )])
self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("text/plain;q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi;q=0.8, text/x-c"),
[( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('text/x-c', ('text', 'x-c', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('text/x-dvi', ('text', 'x-dvi', {}), 0.8 ) ),
( ('text/plain', ('text', 'plain', {}), 0.5 ) )])
# compare mimetype precedence for a same given score
self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("audio/*, audio/basic"),
[( ('audio/basic', ('audio', 'basic', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('audio/*', ('audio', '*', {}), 1.0 ) )])
self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("text/*, text/html, text/html;level=1, */*"),
[( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {'level': '1'}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('text/*', ('text', '*', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('*/*', ('*', '*', {}), 1.0 ) )])
# free party
self.assertEqual(parse_accept_header("text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5"),
[( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {'level': '1'}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 0.7 ) ),
( ('*/*', ('*', '*', {}), 0.5 ) ),
( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {'level': '2'}), 0.4 ) ),
( ('text/*', ('text', '*', {}), 0.3 ) )
# chrome sample header
[( ('application/xhtml+xml', ('application', 'xhtml+xml', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('application/xml', ('application', 'xml', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('image/png', ('image', 'png', {}), 1.0 ) ),
( ('text/html', ('text', 'html', {}), 0.9 ) ),
( ('text/plain', ('text', 'plain', {}), 0.8 ) ),
( ('*/*', ('*', '*', {}), 0.5 ) ),
def test_parse_accept_language(self):
[('fr', 'fr', 1.0), ('fr-fr', 'fr-fr', 0.8),
('en-us', 'en-us', 0.5), ('en', 'en', 0.3)])
def test_parse_accept_charset(self):
parse_accept_header = partial(_parse_accept_header,
[('ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-1', 1.0),
('utf-8', 'utf-8', 0.7),
('*', '*', 0.7)])
def test_base_url(self):
dummy_vreg = type('DummyVreg', (object,), {})()
dummy_vreg.config = FakeConfig()
dummy_vreg.config['base-url'] = ''
dummy_vreg.config['https-url'] = ''
req = CubicWebRequestBase(dummy_vreg, https=False)
self.assertEqual('', req.base_url())
self.assertEqual('', req.base_url(False))
self.assertEqual('', req.base_url(True))
req = CubicWebRequestBase(dummy_vreg, https=True)
self.assertEqual('', req.base_url())
self.assertEqual('', req.base_url(False))
self.assertEqual('', req.base_url(True))
if __name__ == '__main__':