[webctl] Generate static data directory on upgrade (closes #2167873)
- if the folder already exists, ``upgrade`` asks for deletion,
- add an option (``generate-staticdir``) to allow skipping this task.
- add an option (``staticdir-path``) to specify the static data folder path.
The ``gen-static-datadir`` command allows to specify the target folder but
there is otherwise no way to retrieve this information during upgrade.
rtype, = __args__
except ValueError:
print 'USAGE: cubicweb-ctl shell <instance> detect_cycle.py -- <relation type>'
graph = {}
for fromeid, toeid in rql('Any X,Y WHERE X %s Y' % rtype):
graph.setdefault(fromeid, []).append(toeid)
from logilab.common.graph import get_cycles
for cycle in get_cycles(graph):
print 'cycle', '->'.join(str(n) for n in cycle)