author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Tue, 08 Sep 2009 10:46:47 +0200
changeset 3109 e7e1bb06b716
parent 3047 ba86b1bdbcab
child 3050 f4c1994a749d
child 3130 2486163c4630
permissions -rw-r--r--
ensure eid given in arguments will be returned correctly typed (though only if they are in the cachekey for now)

"""Base class for entity objects manipulated in clients

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from warnings import warn

from logilab.common import interface
from logilab.common.compat import all
from logilab.common.decorators import cached
from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
from logilab.mtconverter import TransformData, TransformError, xml_escape

from rql.utils import rqlvar_maker

from cubicweb import Unauthorized
from cubicweb.rset import ResultSet
from cubicweb.selectors import yes
from cubicweb.appobject import AppObject
from cubicweb.schema import RQLVocabularyConstraint, RQLConstraint, bw_normalize_etype

from cubicweb.common.uilib import printable_value, soup2xhtml
from cubicweb.common.mixins import MI_REL_TRIGGERS
from cubicweb.common.mttransforms import ENGINE

_marker = object()

def greater_card(rschema, subjtypes, objtypes, index):
    for subjtype in subjtypes:
        for objtype in objtypes:
            card = rschema.rproperty(subjtype, objtype, 'cardinality')[index]
            if card in '+*':
                return card
    return '1'

_MODE_TAGS = set(('link', 'create'))
_CATEGORY_TAGS = set(('primary', 'secondary', 'generic', 'generated')) # , 'metadata'))

    from cubicweb.web import formwidgets, uicfg

    def _dispatch_rtags(tags, rtype, role, stype, otype):
        for tag in tags:
            if tag in _MODE_TAGS:
                    (stype, rtype, otype, role), tag == 'create')
            elif tag in _CATEGORY_TAGS:
                uicfg.autoform_section.tag_relation((stype, rtype, otype, role),
            elif tag == 'inlineview':
                uicfg.autoform_is_inlined.tag_relation((stype, rtype, otype, role), True)
                raise ValueError(tag)

except ImportError:

    _dispatch_rtags = None

def _get_etype(bases, classdict):
        return classdict['id']
    except KeyError:
        for base in bases:
            etype = getattr(base, 'id', None)
            if etype and etype != 'Any':
                return etype

def _get_defs(attr, name, bases, classdict):
        yield name, classdict.pop(attr)
    except KeyError:
        for base in bases:
                value = getattr(base, attr)
                delattr(base, attr)
                yield base.__name__, value
            except AttributeError:

class _metaentity(type):
    """this metaclass sets the relation tags on the entity class
    and deals with the `widgets` attribute
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):
        # collect baseclass' rtags
        etype = _get_etype(bases, classdict)
        if etype and _dispatch_rtags is not None:
            for name, rtags in _get_defs('__rtags__', name, bases, classdict):
                warn('%s: __rtags__ is deprecated' % name, DeprecationWarning)
                for relation, tags in rtags.iteritems():
                    # tags must become an iterable
                    if isinstance(tags, basestring):
                        tags = (tags,)
                    # relation must become a 3-uple (rtype, targettype, role)
                    if isinstance(relation, basestring):
                        _dispatch_rtags(tags, relation, 'subject', etype, '*')
                        _dispatch_rtags(tags, relation, 'object', '*', etype)
                    elif len(relation) == 1: # useful ?
                        _dispatch_rtags(tags, relation[0], 'subject', etype, '*')
                        _dispatch_rtags(tags, relation[0], 'object', '*', etype)
                    elif len(relation) == 2:
                        rtype, ttype = relation
                        ttype = bw_normalize_etype(ttype) # XXX bw compat
                        _dispatch_rtags(tags, rtype, 'subject', etype, ttype)
                        _dispatch_rtags(tags, rtype, 'object', ttype, etype)
                    elif len(relation) == 3:
                        rtype, ttype, role = relation
                        ttype = bw_normalize_etype(ttype)
                        if role == 'subject':
                            _dispatch_rtags(tags, rtype, 'subject', etype, ttype)
                            _dispatch_rtags(tags, rtype, 'object', ttype, etype)
                        raise ValueError('bad rtag definition (%r)' % (relation,))
            for name, widgets in _get_defs('widgets', name, bases, classdict):
                warn('%s: widgets is deprecated' % name, DeprecationWarning)
                for rtype, wdgname in widgets.iteritems():
                    if wdgname in ('URLWidget', 'EmbededURLWidget', 'RawDynamicComboBoxWidget'):
                        warn('%s widget is deprecated' % wdgname, DeprecationWarning)
                    if wdgname == 'StringWidget':
                        wdgname = 'TextInput'
                    widget = getattr(formwidgets, wdgname)
                    assert hasattr(widget, 'render')
                        (etype, rtype, '*'), {'widget': widget})
        return super(_metaentity, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict)

class Entity(AppObject, dict):
    """an entity instance has e_schema automagically set on
    the class and instances has access to their issuing cursor.

    A property is set for each attribute and relation on each entity's type
    class. Becare that among attributes, 'eid' is *NEITHER* stored in the
    dict containment (which acts as a cache for other attributes dynamically

    :type e_schema: `cubicweb.schema.EntitySchema`
    :ivar e_schema: the entity's schema

    :type rest_var: str
    :cvar rest_var: indicates which attribute should be used to build REST urls
                    If None is specified, the first non-meta attribute will
                    be used

    :type skip_copy_for: list
    :cvar skip_copy_for: a list of relations that should be skipped when copying
                         this kind of entity. Note that some relations such
                         as composite relations or relations that have '?1' as object
    __metaclass__ = _metaentity
    __registry__ = 'etypes'
    __select__ = yes()

    # class attributes that must be set in class definition
    id = None
    rest_attr = None
    fetch_attrs = None
    skip_copy_for = ()
    # class attributes set automatically at registration time
    e_schema = None

    MODE_TAGS = set(('link', 'create'))
    CATEGORY_TAGS = set(('primary', 'secondary', 'generic', 'generated')) # , 'metadata'))
    def __initialize__(cls):
        """initialize a specific entity class by adding descriptors to access
        entity type's attributes and relations
        etype = cls.id
        assert etype != 'Any', etype
        cls.e_schema = eschema = cls.schema.eschema(etype)
        for rschema, _ in eschema.attribute_definitions():
            if rschema.type == 'eid':
            setattr(cls, rschema.type, Attribute(rschema.type))
        mixins = []
        for rschema, _, x in eschema.relation_definitions():
            if (rschema, x) in MI_REL_TRIGGERS:
                mixin = MI_REL_TRIGGERS[(rschema, x)]
                if not (issubclass(cls, mixin) or mixin in mixins): # already mixed ?
                for iface in getattr(mixin, '__implements__', ()):
                    if not interface.implements(cls, iface):
                        interface.extend(cls, iface)
            if x == 'subject':
                setattr(cls, rschema.type, SubjectRelation(rschema))
                attr = 'reverse_%s' % rschema.type
                setattr(cls, attr, ObjectRelation(rschema))
        if mixins:
            cls.__bases__ = tuple(mixins + [p for p in cls.__bases__ if not p is object])
            cls.debug('plugged %s mixins on %s', mixins, etype)

    def fetch_rql(cls, user, restriction=None, fetchattrs=None, mainvar='X',
                  settype=True, ordermethod='fetch_order'):
        """return a rql to fetch all entities of the class type"""
        restrictions = restriction or []
        if settype:
            restrictions.append('%s is %s' % (mainvar, cls.id))
        if fetchattrs is None:
            fetchattrs = cls.fetch_attrs
        selection = [mainvar]
        orderby = []
        # start from 26 to avoid possible conflicts with X
        varmaker = rqlvar_maker(index=26)
        cls._fetch_restrictions(mainvar, varmaker, fetchattrs, selection,
                                orderby, restrictions, user, ordermethod)
        rql = 'Any %s' % ','.join(selection)
        if orderby:
            rql +=  ' ORDERBY %s' % ','.join(orderby)
        rql += ' WHERE %s' % ', '.join(restrictions)
        return rql

    def _fetch_restrictions(cls, mainvar, varmaker, fetchattrs,
                            selection, orderby, restrictions, user,
                            ordermethod='fetch_order', visited=None):
        eschema = cls.e_schema
        if visited is None:
            visited = set((eschema.type,))
        elif eschema.type in visited:
            # avoid infinite recursion
        _fetchattrs = []
        for attr in fetchattrs:
                rschema = eschema.subject_relation(attr)
            except KeyError:
                cls.warning('skipping fetch_attr %s defined in %s (not found in schema)',
                            attr, cls.id)
            if not user.matching_groups(rschema.get_groups('read')):
            var = varmaker.next()
            restriction = '%s %s %s' % (mainvar, attr, var)
            if not rschema.is_final():
                # XXX this does not handle several destination types
                desttype = rschema.objects(eschema.type)[0]
                card = rschema.rproperty(eschema, desttype, 'cardinality')[0]
                if card not in '?1':
                    cls.warning('bad relation %s specified in fetch attrs for %s',
                                 attr, cls)
                # XXX we need outer join in case the relation is not mandatory
                # (card == '?')  *or if the entity is being added*, since in
                # that case the relation may still be missing. As we miss this
                # later information here, systematically add it.
                restrictions[-1] += '?'
                destcls = cls.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(desttype)
                destcls._fetch_restrictions(var, varmaker, destcls.fetch_attrs,
                                            selection, orderby, restrictions,
                                            user, ordermethod, visited=visited)
            orderterm = getattr(cls, ordermethod)(attr, var)
            if orderterm:
        return selection, orderby, restrictions

    def parent_classes(cls):
        parents = [cls.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(e.type)
                   for e in cls.e_schema.ancestors()]
        return parents

    def _rest_attr_info(cls):
        mainattr, needcheck = 'eid', True
        if cls.rest_attr:
            mainattr = cls.rest_attr
            needcheck = not cls.e_schema.has_unique_values(mainattr)
            for rschema in cls.e_schema.subject_relations():
                if rschema.is_final() and rschema != 'eid' and cls.e_schema.has_unique_values(rschema):
                    mainattr = str(rschema)
                    needcheck = False
        if mainattr == 'eid':
            needcheck = False
        return mainattr, needcheck

    def __init__(self, req, rset=None, row=None, col=0):
        AppObject.__init__(self, req, rset, row, col)
        self._related_cache = {}
        if rset is not None:
            self.eid = rset[row][col]
            self.eid = None
        self._is_saved = True

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Entity %s %s %s at %s>' % (
            self.e_schema, self.eid, self.keys(), id(self))

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return True

    def __hash__(self):
        return id(self)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        raise NotImplementedError('comparison not implemented for %s' % self.__class__)

    def pre_add_hook(self):
        """hook called by the repository before doing anything to add the entity
        (before_add entity hooks have not been called yet). This give the
        occasion to do weird stuff such as autocast (File -> Image for instance).

        This method must return the actual entity to be added.
        return self

    def set_eid(self, eid):
        self.eid = self['eid'] = eid

    def has_eid(self):
        """return True if the entity has an attributed eid (False
        meaning that the entity has to be created
            return True
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            return False

    def is_saved(self):
        """during entity creation, there is some time during which the entity
        has an eid attributed though it's not saved (eg during before_add_entity
        hooks). You can use this method to ensure the entity has an eid *and* is
        saved in its source.
        return self.has_eid() and self._is_saved

    def metainformation(self):
        res = dict(zip(('type', 'source', 'extid'), self.req.describe(self.eid)))
        res['source'] = self.req.source_defs()[res['source']]
        return res

    def clear_local_perm_cache(self, action):
        for rqlexpr in self.e_schema.get_rqlexprs(action):
            self.req.local_perm_cache.pop((rqlexpr.eid, (('x', self.eid),)), None)

    def check_perm(self, action):
        self.e_schema.check_perm(self.req, action, self.eid)

    def has_perm(self, action):
        return self.e_schema.has_perm(self.req, action, self.eid)

    def view(self, vid, __registry='views', **kwargs):
        """shortcut to apply a view on this entity"""
        return self.vreg[__registry].render(vid, self.req, rset=self.rset,
                                            row=self.row, col=self.col, **kwargs)

    def absolute_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """return an absolute url to view this entity"""
        # use *args since we don't want first argument to be "anonymous" to
        # avoid potential clash with kwargs
        if args:
            assert len(args) == 1, 'only 0 or 1 non-named-argument expected'
            method = args[0]
            method = None
        # in linksearch mode, we don't want external urls else selecting
        # the object for use in the relation is tricky
        # XXX search_state is web specific
        if getattr(self.req, 'search_state', ('normal',))[0] == 'normal':
            kwargs['base_url'] = self.metainformation()['source'].get('base-url')
        if method in (None, 'view'):
                kwargs['_restpath'] = self.rest_path(kwargs.get('base_url'))
            except TypeError:
                warn('%s: rest_path() now take use_ext_eid argument, '
                     'please update' % self.id, DeprecationWarning)
                kwargs['_restpath'] = self.rest_path()
            kwargs['rql'] = 'Any X WHERE X eid %s' % self.eid
        return self.build_url(method, **kwargs)

    def rest_path(self, use_ext_eid=False):
        """returns a REST-like (relative) path for this entity"""
        mainattr, needcheck = self._rest_attr_info()
        etype = str(self.e_schema)
        path = etype.lower()
        if mainattr != 'eid':
            value = getattr(self, mainattr)
            if value is None or unicode(value) == u'':
                mainattr = 'eid'
                path += '/eid'
            elif needcheck:
                # make sure url is not ambiguous
                rql = 'Any COUNT(X) WHERE X is %s, X %s %%(value)s' % (
                    etype, mainattr)
                nbresults = self.req.execute(rql, {'value' : value})[0][0]
                if nbresults != 1: # ambiguity?
                    mainattr = 'eid'
                    path += '/eid'
        if mainattr == 'eid':
            if use_ext_eid:
                value = self.metainformation()['extid']
                value = self.eid
        return '%s/%s' % (path, self.req.url_quote(value))

    def attr_metadata(self, attr, metadata):
        """return a metadata for an attribute (None if unspecified)"""
        value = getattr(self, '%s_%s' % (attr, metadata), None)
        if value is None and metadata == 'encoding':
            value = self.vreg.property_value('ui.encoding')
        return value

    def printable_value(self, attr, value=_marker, attrtype=None,
                        format='text/html', displaytime=True):
        """return a displayable value (i.e. unicode string) which may contains
        html tags
        attr = str(attr)
        if value is _marker:
            value = getattr(self, attr)
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
            value = value.strip()
        if value is None or value == '': # don't use "not", 0 is an acceptable value
            return u''
        if attrtype is None:
            attrtype = self.e_schema.destination(attr)
        props = self.e_schema.rproperties(attr)
        if attrtype == 'String':
            # internalinalized *and* formatted string such as schema
            # description...
            if props.get('internationalizable'):
                value = self.req._(value)
            attrformat = self.attr_metadata(attr, 'format')
            if attrformat:
                return self.mtc_transform(value, attrformat, format,
        elif attrtype == 'Bytes':
            attrformat = self.attr_metadata(attr, 'format')
            if attrformat:
                encoding = self.attr_metadata(attr, 'encoding')
                return self.mtc_transform(value.getvalue(), attrformat, format,
            return u''
        value = printable_value(self.req, attrtype, value, props, displaytime)
        if format == 'text/html':
            value = xml_escape(value)
        return value

    def mtc_transform(self, data, format, target_format, encoding,
        trdata = TransformData(data, format, encoding, appobject=self)
        data = _engine.convert(trdata, target_format).decode()
        if format == 'text/html':
            data = soup2xhtml(data, self.req.encoding)
        return data

    # entity cloning ##########################################################

    def copy_relations(self, ceid):
        """copy relations of the object with the given eid on this object

        By default meta and composite relations are skipped.
        Overrides this if you want another behaviour
        assert self.has_eid()
        execute = self.req.execute
        for rschema in self.e_schema.subject_relations():
            if rschema.is_final() or rschema.meta:
            # skip already defined relations
            if getattr(self, rschema.type):
            if rschema.type in self.skip_copy_for:
            if rschema.type == 'in_state':
                # if the workflow is defining an initial state (XXX AND we are
                # not in the managers group? not done to be more consistent)
                # don't try to copy in_state
                if execute('Any S WHERE S state_of ET, ET initial_state S,'
                           'ET name %(etype)s', {'etype': str(self.e_schema)}):
            # skip composite relation
            if self.e_schema.subjrproperty(rschema, 'composite'):
            # skip relation with card in ?1 else we either change the copied
            # object (inlined relation) or inserting some inconsistency
            if self.e_schema.subjrproperty(rschema, 'cardinality')[1] in '?1':
            rql = 'SET X %s V WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s, Y %s V' % (
                rschema.type, rschema.type)
            execute(rql, {'x': self.eid, 'y': ceid}, ('x', 'y'))
            self.clear_related_cache(rschema.type, 'subject')
        for rschema in self.e_schema.object_relations():
            if rschema.meta:
            # skip already defined relations
            if getattr(self, 'reverse_%s' % rschema.type):
            # skip composite relation
            if self.e_schema.objrproperty(rschema, 'composite'):
            # skip relation with card in ?1 else we either change the copied
            # object (inlined relation) or inserting some inconsistency
            if self.e_schema.objrproperty(rschema, 'cardinality')[0] in '?1':
            rql = 'SET V %s X WHERE X eid %%(x)s, Y eid %%(y)s, V %s Y' % (
                rschema.type, rschema.type)
            execute(rql, {'x': self.eid, 'y': ceid}, ('x', 'y'))
            self.clear_related_cache(rschema.type, 'object')

    # data fetching methods ###################################################

    def as_rset(self):
        """returns a resultset containing `self` information"""
        rset = ResultSet([(self.eid,)], 'Any X WHERE X eid %(x)s',
                         {'x': self.eid}, [(self.id,)])
        return self.req.decorate_rset(rset)

    def to_complete_relations(self):
        """by default complete final relations to when calling .complete()"""
        for rschema in self.e_schema.subject_relations():
            if rschema.is_final():
            if len(rschema.objects(self.e_schema)) > 1:
                # ambigous relations, the querier doesn't handle
                # outer join correctly in this case
            if rschema.inlined:
                matching_groups = self.req.user.matching_groups
                if matching_groups(rschema.get_groups('read')) and \
                       for es in rschema.objects(self.e_schema)):
                    yield rschema, 'subject'

    def to_complete_attributes(self, skip_bytes=True):
        for rschema, attrschema in self.e_schema.attribute_definitions():
            # skip binary data by default
            if skip_bytes and attrschema.type == 'Bytes':
            attr = rschema.type
            if attr == 'eid':
            # password retreival is blocked at the repository server level
            if not self.req.user.matching_groups(rschema.get_groups('read')) \
                   or attrschema.type == 'Password':
                self[attr] = None
            yield attr

    def complete(self, attributes=None, skip_bytes=True):
        """complete this entity by adding missing attributes (i.e. query the
        repository to fill the entity)

        :type skip_bytes: bool
        :param skip_bytes:
          if true, attribute of type Bytes won't be considered
        assert self.has_eid()
        varmaker = rqlvar_maker()
        V = varmaker.next()
        rql = ['WHERE %s eid %%(x)s' % V]
        selected = []
        for attr in (attributes or self.to_complete_attributes(skip_bytes)):
            # if attribute already in entity, nothing to do
            if self.has_key(attr):
            # case where attribute must be completed, but is not yet in entity
            var = varmaker.next()
            rql.append('%s %s %s' % (V, attr, var))
            selected.append((attr, var))
        # +1 since this doen't include the main variable
        lastattr = len(selected) + 1
        if attributes is None:
            # fetch additional relations (restricted to 0..1 relations)
            for rschema, role in self.to_complete_relations():
                rtype = rschema.type
                if self.relation_cached(rtype, role):
                var = varmaker.next()
                if role == 'subject':
                    targettype = rschema.objects(self.e_schema)[0]
                    card = rschema.rproperty(self.e_schema, targettype,
                    if card == '1':
                        rql.append('%s %s %s' % (V, rtype, var))
                    else: # '?"
                        rql.append('%s %s %s?' % (V, rtype, var))
                    targettype = rschema.subjects(self.e_schema)[1]
                    card = rschema.rproperty(self.e_schema, targettype,
                    if card == '1':
                        rql.append('%s %s %s' % (var, rtype, V))
                    else: # '?"
                        rql.append('%s? %s %s' % (var, rtype, V))
                assert card in '1?', '%s %s %s %s' % (self.e_schema, rtype,
                                                      role, card)
                selected.append(((rtype, role), var))
        if selected:
            # select V, we need it as the left most selected variable
            # if some outer join are included to fetch inlined relations
            rql = 'Any %s,%s %s' % (V, ','.join(var for attr, var in selected),
            execute = getattr(self.req, 'unsafe_execute', self.req.execute)
            rset = execute(rql, {'x': self.eid}, 'x', build_descr=False)[0]
            # handle attributes
            for i in xrange(1, lastattr):
                self[str(selected[i-1][0])] = rset[i]
            # handle relations
            for i in xrange(lastattr, len(rset)):
                rtype, x = selected[i-1][0]
                value = rset[i]
                if value is None:
                    rrset = ResultSet([], rql, {'x': self.eid})
                    rrset = self.req.eid_rset(value)
                self.set_related_cache(rtype, x, rrset)

    def get_value(self, name):
        """get value for the attribute relation <name>, query the repository
        to get the value if necessary.

        :type name: str
        :param name: name of the attribute to get
            value = self[name]
        except KeyError:
            if not self.is_saved():
                return None
            rql = "Any A WHERE X eid %%(x)s, X %s A" % name
            # XXX should we really use unsafe_execute here? I think so (syt),
            # see #344874
            execute = getattr(self.req, 'unsafe_execute', self.req.execute)
                rset = execute(rql, {'x': self.eid}, 'x')
            except Unauthorized:
                self[name] = value = None
                assert rset.rowcount <= 1, (self, rql, rset.rowcount)
                    self[name] = value = rset.rows[0][0]
                except IndexError:
                    # probably a multisource error
                    self.critical("can't get value for attribute %s of entity with eid %s",
                                  name, self.eid)
                    if self.e_schema.destination(name) == 'String':
                        # XXX (syt) imo emtpy string is better
                        self[name] = value = self.req._('unaccessible')
                        self[name] = value = None
        return value

    def related(self, rtype, role='subject', limit=None, entities=False):
        """returns a resultset of related entities

        :param role: is the role played by 'self' in the relation ('subject' or 'object')
        :param limit: resultset's maximum size
        :param entities: if True, the entites are returned; if False, a result set is returned
            return self.related_cache(rtype, role, entities, limit)
        except KeyError:
        assert self.has_eid()
        rql = self.related_rql(rtype, role)
        # XXX should we really use unsafe_execute here? I think so (syt),
        # see #344874
        execute = getattr(self.req, 'unsafe_execute', self.req.execute)
        rset = execute(rql, {'x': self.eid}, 'x')
        self.set_related_cache(rtype, role, rset)
        return self.related(rtype, role, limit, entities)

    def related_rql(self, rtype, role='subject'):
        rschema = self.schema[rtype]
        if role == 'subject':
            targettypes = rschema.objects(self.e_schema)
            restriction = 'E eid %%(x)s, E %s X' % rtype
            card = greater_card(rschema, (self.e_schema,), targettypes, 0)
            targettypes = rschema.subjects(self.e_schema)
            restriction = 'E eid %%(x)s, X %s E' % rtype
            card = greater_card(rschema, targettypes, (self.e_schema,), 1)
        if len(targettypes) > 1:
            fetchattrs_list = []
            for ttype in targettypes:
                etypecls = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(ttype)
            fetchattrs = reduce(set.intersection, fetchattrs_list)
            rql = etypecls.fetch_rql(self.req.user, [restriction], fetchattrs,
            etypecls = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(targettypes[0])
            rql = etypecls.fetch_rql(self.req.user, [restriction], settype=False)
        # optimisation: remove ORDERBY if cardinality is 1 or ? (though
        # greater_card return 1 for those both cases)
        if card == '1':
            if ' ORDERBY ' in rql:
                rql = '%s WHERE %s' % (rql.split(' ORDERBY ', 1)[0],
                                       rql.split(' WHERE ', 1)[1])
        elif not ' ORDERBY ' in rql:
            args = tuple(rql.split(' WHERE ', 1))
            rql = '%s ORDERBY Z DESC WHERE X modification_date Z, %s' % args
        return rql

    # generic vocabulary methods ##############################################

    @deprecated('see new form api')
    def vocabulary(self, rtype, role='subject', limit=None):
        """vocabulary functions must return a list of couples
        (label, eid) that will typically be used to fill the
        edition view's combobox.

        If `eid` is None in one of these couples, it should be
        interpreted as a separator in case vocabulary results are grouped
        from logilab.common.testlib import mock_object
        form = self.vreg.select('forms', 'edition', self.req, entity=self)
        field = mock_object(name=rtype, role=role)
        return form.form_field_vocabulary(field, limit)

    def unrelated_rql(self, rtype, targettype, role, ordermethod=None,
        """build a rql to fetch `targettype` entities unrelated to this entity
        using (rtype, role) relation
        ordermethod = ordermethod or 'fetch_unrelated_order'
        if isinstance(rtype, basestring):
            rtype = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
        if role == 'subject':
            evar, searchedvar = 'S', 'O'
            subjtype, objtype = self.e_schema, targettype
            searchedvar, evar = 'S', 'O'
            objtype, subjtype = self.e_schema, targettype
        if self.has_eid():
            restriction = ['NOT S %s O' % rtype, '%s eid %%(x)s' % evar]
            restriction = []
        constraints = rtype.rproperty(subjtype, objtype, 'constraints')
        if vocabconstraints:
            # RQLConstraint is a subclass for RQLVocabularyConstraint, so they
            # will be included as well
            restriction += [cstr.restriction for cstr in constraints
                            if isinstance(cstr, RQLVocabularyConstraint)]
            restriction += [cstr.restriction for cstr in constraints
                            if isinstance(cstr, RQLConstraint)]
        etypecls = self.vreg['etypes'].etype_class(targettype)
        rql = etypecls.fetch_rql(self.req.user, restriction,
                                 mainvar=searchedvar, ordermethod=ordermethod)
        # ensure we have an order defined
        if not ' ORDERBY ' in rql:
            before, after = rql.split(' WHERE ', 1)
            rql = '%s ORDERBY %s WHERE %s' % (before, searchedvar, after)
        return rql

    def unrelated(self, rtype, targettype, role='subject', limit=None,
        """return a result set of target type objects that may be related
        by a given relation, with self as subject or object
        rql = self.unrelated_rql(rtype, targettype, role, ordermethod)
        if limit is not None:
            before, after = rql.split(' WHERE ', 1)
            rql = '%s LIMIT %s WHERE %s' % (before, limit, after)
        if self.has_eid():
            return self.req.execute(rql, {'x': self.eid})
        return self.req.execute(rql)

    # relations cache handling ################################################

    def relation_cached(self, rtype, role):
        """return true if the given relation is already cached on the instance
        return self._related_cache.get('%s_%s' % (rtype, role))

    def related_cache(self, rtype, role, entities=True, limit=None):
        """return values for the given relation if it's cached on the instance,
        else raise `KeyError`
        res = self._related_cache['%s_%s' % (rtype, role)][entities]
        if limit:
            if entities:
                res = res[:limit]
                res = res.limit(limit)
        return res

    def set_related_cache(self, rtype, role, rset, col=0):
        """set cached values for the given relation"""
        if rset:
            related = list(rset.entities(col))
            rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
            if role == 'subject':
                rcard = rschema.rproperty(self.e_schema, related[0].e_schema,
                target = 'object'
                rcard = rschema.rproperty(related[0].e_schema, self.e_schema,
                target = 'subject'
            if rcard in '?1':
                for rentity in related:
                    rentity._related_cache['%s_%s' % (rtype, target)] = (self.as_rset(), [self])
            related = []
        self._related_cache['%s_%s' % (rtype, role)] = (rset, related)

    def clear_related_cache(self, rtype=None, role=None):
        """clear cached values for the given relation or the entire cache if
        no relation is given
        if rtype is None:
            self._related_cache = {}
            assert role
            self._related_cache.pop('%s_%s' % (rtype, role), None)

    # raw edition utilities ###################################################

    def set_attributes(self, _cw_unsafe=False, **kwargs):
        assert kwargs
        relations = []
        for key in kwargs:
            relations.append('X %s %%(%s)s' % (key, key))
        # update current local object
        # and now update the database
        kwargs['x'] = self.eid
        if _cw_unsafe:
                'SET %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % ','.join(relations), kwargs, 'x')
            self.req.execute('SET %s WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % ','.join(relations),
                             kwargs, 'x')

    def delete(self):
        assert self.has_eid(), self.eid
        self.req.execute('DELETE %s X WHERE X eid %%(x)s' % self.e_schema,
                         {'x': self.eid})

    # server side utilities ###################################################

    def set_defaults(self):
        """set default values according to the schema"""
        self._default_set = set()
        for attr, value in self.e_schema.defaults():
            if not self.has_key(attr):
                self[str(attr)] = value

    def check(self, creation=False):
        """check this entity against its schema. Only final relation
        are checked here, constraint on actual relations are checked in hooks
        # necessary since eid is handled specifically and yams require it to be
        # in the dictionary
        if self.req is None:
            _ = unicode
            _ = self.req._
        self.e_schema.check(self, creation=creation, _=_)

    def fti_containers(self, _done=None):
        if _done is None:
            _done = set()
        containers = tuple(self.e_schema.fulltext_containers())
        if containers:
            yielded = False
            for rschema, target in containers:
                if target == 'object':
                    targets = getattr(self, rschema.type)
                    targets = getattr(self, 'reverse_%s' % rschema)
                for entity in targets:
                    if entity.eid in _done:
                    for container in entity.fti_containers(_done):
                        yield container
                        yielded = True
            if not yielded:
                yield self
            yield self

    def get_words(self):
        """used by the full text indexer to get words to index

        this method should only be used on the repository side since it depends
        on the indexer package

        :rtype: list
        :return: the list of indexable word of this entity
        from indexer.query_objects import tokenize
        words = []
        for rschema in self.e_schema.indexable_attributes():
                value = self.printable_value(rschema, format='text/plain')
            except TransformError:
                self.exception("can't add value of %s to text index for entity %s",
                               rschema, self.eid)
            if value:
                words += tokenize(value)

        for rschema, role in self.e_schema.fulltext_relations():
            if role == 'subject':
                for entity in getattr(self, rschema.type):
                    words += entity.get_words()
            else: # if role == 'object':
                for entity in getattr(self, 'reverse_%s' % rschema.type):
                    words += entity.get_words()
        return words

# attribute and relation descriptors ##########################################

class Attribute(object):
    """descriptor that controls schema attribute access"""

    def __init__(self, attrname):
        assert attrname != 'eid'
        self._attrname = attrname

    def __get__(self, eobj, eclass):
        if eobj is None:
            return self
        return eobj.get_value(self._attrname)

    def __set__(self, eobj, value):
        eobj[self._attrname] = value
        if hasattr(eobj, 'edited_attributes'):

class Relation(object):
    """descriptor that controls schema relation access"""
    _role = None # for pylint

    def __init__(self, rschema):
        self._rschema = rschema
        self._rtype = rschema.type

    def __get__(self, eobj, eclass):
        if eobj is None:
            raise AttributeError('%s cannot be only be accessed from instances'
                                 % self._rtype)
        return eobj.related(self._rtype, self._role, entities=True)

    def __set__(self, eobj, value):
        raise NotImplementedError

class SubjectRelation(Relation):
    """descriptor that controls schema relation access"""
    _role = 'subject'

class ObjectRelation(Relation):
    """descriptor that controls schema relation access"""
    _role = 'object'

from logging import getLogger
from cubicweb import set_log_methods
set_log_methods(Entity, getLogger('cubicweb.entity'))