author Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:04:56 +0200
changeset 9636 e35ae8617c03
parent 9571 aaf83cc07eed
child 9648 15680eb67168
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix constraint sync during migration - restore constraints lost during merge in test schema. - use constraint_by_eid in BeforeDeleteCWConstraintHook as done in 3.17.14 for BeforeDeleteConstrainedByHook. Fixes handling of multiple constraints of the same type. - make sync_schema_props_perms() delete the CWConstraint entity instead of the constrained_by relation. In 3.19, the latter doesn't automatically result in the former just because the relation is composite. Simplify the constraint migration to delete all removed constraints and recreate new ones even if they share the same type; that optimization made the code more complicated for (AFAICT) no significant reason.

# copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import contextlib

from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main, tag, Tags

from cubicweb.devtools.fake import FakeRequest
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC

def _test_cache(hin, hout, method='GET'):
    """forge and process an HTTP request using given headers in/out and method,
    then return it once its .is_client_cache_valid() method has been called.

    req.status_out is None if the page should have been calculated.
    # forge request
    req = FakeRequest(method=method)
    for key, value in hin:
        req._headers_in.addRawHeader(key, str(value))
    for key, value in hout:
        req.headers_out.addRawHeader(key, str(value))
    # process
    req.status_out = None
    return req

class HTTPCache(TestCase):
    """Check that the http cache logiac work as expected
    (as far as we understood the RFC)

    tags = TestCase.tags | Tags('http', 'cache')

    def assertCache(self, expected, status, situation=''):
        """simple assert for nicer message"""
        if expected != status:
            if expected is None:
                expected = "MODIFIED"
            if status is None:
                status = "MODIFIED"
            msg = 'expected %r got %r' % (expected, status)
            if situation:
                msg = "%s - when: %s" % (msg, situation)

    def test_IN_none_OUT_none(self):
        #: test that no caching is requested when not data is available
        #: on any side
        req =_test_cache((), ())

    def test_IN_Some_OUT_none(self):
        #: test that no caching is requested when no data is available
        #: server (origin) side
        hin = [('if-modified-since','Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, ())
        hin = [('if-none-match','babar/huitre'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, ())
        hin = [('if-modified-since','Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, ())

    def test_IN_none_OUT_Some(self):
        #: test that no caching is requested when no data is provided
        #: by the client
        hout = [('last-modified','Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache((), hout)
        hout = [('etag','babar/huitre'),
        req = _test_cache((), hout)
        hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache((), hout)

    def test_last_modified_newer(self):
        #: test the proper behavior of modification date only
        # newer
        hin  = [('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'origin is newer than client')

    def test_last_modified_older(self):
        # older
        hin  = [('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 15 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'origin is older than client')

    def test_last_modified_same(self):
        # same
        hin  = [('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'origin is equal to client')

    def test_etag_mismatch(self):
        #: test the proper behavior of etag only
        # etag mismatch
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'celestine'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'etag mismatch')

    def test_etag_match(self):
        # etag match
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'etag match')
        # etag match in multiple
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'loutre'),
                ('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'etag match in multiple')
        # client use "*" as etag
        hin  = [('if-none-match', '*'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'client use "*" as etag')

    @tag('etag', 'last_modified')
    def test_both(self):
        #: test the proper behavior of etag only
        # both wrong
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
                ('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('etag', 'loutre'),
                ('last-modified', 'Sat, 15 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'both wrong')

    @tag('etag', 'last_modified')
    def test_both_etag_mismatch(self):
        # both etag mismatch
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
                ('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('etag', 'loutre'),
                ('last-modified', 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'both  but etag mismatch')

    @tag('etag', 'last_modified')
    def test_both_but_modified(self):
        # both but modified
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
                ('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
                ('last-modified', 'Sat, 15 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'both  but modified')

    @tag('etag', 'last_modified')
    def test_both_ok(self):
        # both ok
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
                ('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
                ('last-modified', 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'both ok')

    @tag('etag', 'HEAD')
    def test_head_verb(self):
        #: check than FOUND 200 is properly raise without content on HEAD request
        #: This logic does not really belong here :-/
        # modified
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='HEAD')
        self.assertCache(200, req.status_out, 'modifier HEAD verb')
        # not modified
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='HEAD')
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'not modifier HEAD verb')

    @tag('etag', 'POST')
    def test_post_verb(self):
        # modified
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='POST')
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'modifier HEAD verb')
        # not modified
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='POST')
        self.assertCache(412, req.status_out, 'not modifier HEAD verb')

    def test_expires_added(self):
        #: Check that Expires header is added:
        #: - when the page is modified
        #: - when none was already present
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'modifier HEAD verb')
        value = req.headers_out.getHeader('expires')

    def test_expires_not_added(self):
        #: Check that Expires header is not added if NOT-MODIFIED
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(304, req.status_out, 'not modifier HEAD verb')
        value = req.headers_out.getHeader('expires')

    def test_expires_no_overwrite(self):
        #: Check that cache does not overwrite existing Expires header
        hin  = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
        DATE = 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'
        hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
                ('expires', DATE),
        req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
        self.assertCache(None, req.status_out, 'not modifier HEAD verb')
        value = req.headers_out.getRawHeaders('expires')
        self.assertEqual(value, [DATE])

alloworig = 'access-control-allow-origin'
allowmethods = 'access-control-allow-methods'
allowheaders = 'access-control-allow-headers'
allowcreds = 'access-control-allow-credentials'
exposeheaders = 'access-control-expose-headers'
maxage = 'access-control-max-age'

requestmethod = 'access-control-request-method'
requestheaders = 'access-control-request-headers'

class _BaseAccessHeadersTC(CubicWebTC):

    def options(self, **options):
        for k, values in options.items():
            self.config.set_option(k, values)
            for k in options:
                self.config.set_option(k, '')
    def check_no_cors(self, req):
        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(alloworig))
        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(allowmethods))
        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(allowheaders))
        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(allowcreds))
        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(exposeheaders))
        self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(maxage))

class SimpleAccessHeadersTC(_BaseAccessHeadersTC):

    def test_noaccess(self):
        with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
            data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_noorigin(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*'}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
                req = self.request()
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_noaccess(self):
        with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
            req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
            data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_noaccess_bad_host(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*'}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'badhost.net')
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_explicit_origin_noaccess(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: ['http://www.toto.org', 'http://othersite.fr']}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'testing.fr')
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_access(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*'}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'testing.fr')
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_explicit_origin_access(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: ['http://www.cubicweb.org', 'http://othersite.fr']}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'testing.fr')
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_access_headers(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*',
                             exposeheaders: ['ExposeHead1', 'ExposeHead2'],
                             allowheaders: ['AllowHead1', 'AllowHead2'],
                             allowmethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS']}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request() as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'testing.fr')
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)
                self.assertEqual(['ExposeHead1', 'ExposeHead2'],
                self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(allowmethods))
                self.assertEqual(None, req.get_response_header(allowheaders))

class PreflightAccessHeadersTC(_BaseAccessHeadersTC):

    def test_noaccess(self):
        with self.admin_access.web_request(method='OPTIONS') as req:
            data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_noorigin(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*'}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request(method='OPTIONS') as req:
                req = self.request()
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_noaccess(self):
        with self.admin_access.web_request(method='OPTIONS') as req:
            req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
            data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_noaccess_bad_host(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*'}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request(method='OPTIONS') as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'badhost.net')
                data = self.app_handle_request(req)

    def test_origin_access(self):
        with self.options(**{alloworig: '*',
                             exposeheaders: ['ExposeHead1', 'ExposeHead2'],
                             allowheaders: ['AllowHead1', 'AllowHead2'],
                             allowmethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS']}):
            with self.admin_access.web_request(method='OPTIONS') as req:
                req.set_request_header('Origin', 'http://www.cubicweb.org')
                # in these tests, base_url is http://testing.fr/cubicweb/
                req.set_request_header('Host', 'testing.fr')
                req.set_request_header(requestmethod, 'GET')

                data = self.app_handle_request(req)
                self.assertEqual(200, req.status_out)
                self.assertEqual(set(['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS']),
                self.assertEqual(set(['AllowHead1', 'AllowHead2']),

if __name__ == '__main__':