Fix constraint sync during migration
- restore constraints lost during merge in test schema.
- use constraint_by_eid in BeforeDeleteCWConstraintHook as done in
3.17.14 for BeforeDeleteConstrainedByHook. Fixes handling of multiple
constraints of the same type.
- make sync_schema_props_perms() delete the CWConstraint entity instead
of the constrained_by relation. In 3.19, the latter doesn't
automatically result in the former just because the relation is
composite. Simplify the constraint migration to delete all removed
constraints and recreate new ones even if they share the same type; that
optimization made the code more complicated for (AFAICT) no significant
/* in CW 3.10, we should move these functions in this namespace */
cw.htmlhelpers = new Namespace('cw.htmlhelpers');
jQuery.extend(cw.htmlhelpers, {
popupLoginBox: function(loginboxid, focusid) {
jQuery('#' + focusid +':visible').focus();
* .. function:: baseuri()
* returns the document's baseURI. (baseuri() uses document.baseURI if
* available and inspects the <base> tag manually otherwise.)
function baseuri() {
if (typeof BASE_URL === 'undefined') {
// backward compatibility, BASE_URL might be undefined
var uri = document.baseURI;
if (uri) { // some browsers don't define baseURI
return uri.toLowerCase();
return jQuery('base').attr('href').toLowerCase();
return BASE_URL;
* .. function:: setProgressCursor()
* set body's cursor to 'progress'
function setProgressCursor() {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'progress';
* .. function:: resetCursor(result)
* reset body's cursor to default (mouse cursor). The main
* purpose of this function is to be used as a callback in the
* deferreds' callbacks chain.
function resetCursor(result) {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'default';
// pass result to next callback in the callback chain
return result;
function updateMessage(msg) {
var msgdiv = DIV({
'class': 'message'
// don't pass msg to DIV() directly because DIV will html escape it
// and msg should alreay be html escaped at this point.
msgdiv.innerHTML = msg;
* .. function:: asURL(props)
* builds an url from an object (used as a dictionary)
* >>> asURL({'rql' : "RQL", 'x': [1, 2], 'itemvid' : "oneline"})
* rql=RQL&vid=list&itemvid=oneline&x=1&x=2
* >>> asURL({'rql' : "a&b", 'x': [1, 2], 'itemvid' : "oneline"})
* rql=a%26b&x=1&x=2&itemvid=oneline
function asURL(props) {
var chunks = [];
for (key in props) {
var value = props[key];
// generate a list of couple key=value if key is multivalued
if (cw.utils.isArrayLike(value)) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
chunks.push(key + '=' + cw.urlEncode(value[i]));
} else {
chunks.push(key + '=' + cw.urlEncode(value));
return chunks.join('&');
* .. function:: firstSelected(selectNode)
* return selected value of a combo box if any
function firstSelected(selectNode) {
var $selection = $(selectNode).find('option:selected:first');
return ($selection.length > 0) ? $selection[0] : null;
* .. function:: toggleVisibility(elemId)
* toggle visibility of an element by its id
function toggleVisibility(elemId) {
* .. function:: popupLoginBox()
* toggles visibility of login popup div
// XXX used exactly ONCE in basecomponents
popupLoginBox = cw.utils.deprecatedFunction(
function() {
* .. function getElementsMatching(tagName, properties, \/* optional \*\/ parent)
* returns the list of elements in the document matching the tag name
* and the properties provided
* * `tagName`, the tag's name
* * `properties`, a js Object used as a dict
* Return an iterator (if a *real* array is needed, you can use the
* list() function)
function getElementsMatching(tagName, properties, /* optional */ parent) {
parent = parent || document;
return jQuery.grep(parent.getElementsByTagName(tagName), function elementMatches(element) {
for (prop in properties) {
if (jQuery(element).attr(prop) != properties[prop]) {
return false;
return true;
* .. function:: setCheckboxesState(nameprefix, value, checked)
* sets checked/unchecked status of checkboxes
function setCheckboxesState(nameprefix, value, checked) {
// XXX: this looks in *all* the document for inputs
jQuery('input:checkbox[name^=' + nameprefix + ']').each(function() {
if (value == null || this.value == value) {
this.checked = checked;
* .. function:: html2dom(source)
* this function is a hack to build a dom node from html source
function html2dom(source) {
var tmpNode = SPAN();
tmpNode.innerHTML = source;
if (tmpNode.childNodes.length == 1) {
return tmpNode.firstChild;
else {
// we leave the span node when `source` has no root node
// XXX This is cleary not the best solution, but css/html-wise,
/// a span not should not be too much disturbing
return tmpNode;
// *** HELPERS **************************************************** //
function rql_for_eid(eid) {
return 'Any X WHERE X eid ' + eid;
function isTextNode(domNode) {
return domNode.nodeType == 3;
function isElementNode(domNode) {
return domNode.nodeType == 1;
function autogrow(area) {
if (area.scrollHeight > area.clientHeight && ! window.opera) {
if (area.rows < 20) {
area.rows += 2;