Fix constraint sync during migration
- restore constraints lost during merge in test schema.
- use constraint_by_eid in BeforeDeleteCWConstraintHook as done in
3.17.14 for BeforeDeleteConstrainedByHook. Fixes handling of multiple
constraints of the same type.
- make sync_schema_props_perms() delete the CWConstraint entity instead
of the constrained_by relation. In 3.19, the latter doesn't
automatically result in the former just because the relation is
composite. Simplify the constraint migration to delete all removed
constraints and recreate new ones even if they share the same type; that
optimization made the code more complicated for (AFAICT) no significant
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RSS Channel
Assuming you have several blog entries, click on the title of the
search box in the left column. A larger search box should appear. Enter::
Any X ORDERBY D WHERE X is BlogEntry, X creation_date D
and you get a list of blog entries.
Click on your login at the top right corner. Chose "user preferences",
then "boxes", then "possible views box" and check "visible = yes"
before validating your changes.
Enter the same query in the search box and you will see the same list,
plus a box titled "possible views" in the left column. Click on
"entityview", then "RSS".
You just applied the "RSS" view to the RQL selection you requested.
That's it, you have a RSS channel for your blog.
Try again with::
Any X ORDERBY D WHERE X is BlogEntry, X creation_date D,
X entry_of B, B title "MyLife"
Another RSS channel, but a bit more focused.
A last one for the road::
Any C ORDERBY D WHERE C is Comment, C creation_date D LIMIT 15
displayed with the RSS view, that's a channel for the last fifteen
comments posted.
* show that the RSS view can be used to display an ordered selection
of blog entries, thus providing a RSS channel
* show that a different selection (by category) means a different channel