author David Douard <>
Mon, 29 Feb 2016 16:16:33 +0100
changeset 11606 e245680acce3
parent 11604 18348ac158db
child 11610 4cac84a8bf5f
permissions -rw-r--r--
[config] move config of the secret used to encrypt session's data ID in pyramid.ini (closes #11689082) Introduce a new config entry (in pyramid.ini) for this (cubicweb.session.secret) to replace the (now deprecated) pyramid-session-secret (in all-in-one.conf). So we have now 3 secrets to configure: - cubicweb.session.secret: to encrypt session's data ID stored in a cookie, - cubicweb.auth.authtkt.session.secret: to encrypt auth cookie - cubicweb.auth.authtkt.persistent.secret: to encrypt persistent session auth cookie

envlist = py27-{release,dev}

sitepackages = true
deps =
  release: cubicweb
  dev: hg+
commands =
  {envpython} -m pytest {posargs:{toxinidir}/pyramid_cubicweb/tests}