[hooks/security] Defer entity permission checks to an Operation.
Some of these checks may currently happen twice within the same
transaction and be costly.
This should be semantically safe. If people rely on some internal
transaction ordering to be allowed early (thus pass) while the
condition wouldn't be met at precommit time, their application is
broken. It however seems unlikely to happen in the real life (tm).
Closes #2932033
# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""management and error screens"""
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode
from time import strftime, localtime
from logilab.mtconverter import xml_escape
from cubicweb import BadConnectionId
from cubicweb.predicates import none_rset, match_user_groups
from cubicweb.view import StartupView
from cubicweb.web.views import actions, tabs
def dict_to_html(w, dict):
# XHTML doesn't allow emtpy <ul> nodes
if dict:
for key in sorted(dict):
w(u'<li><span class="label">%s</span>: <span>%s</span></li>' % (
xml_escape(str(key)), xml_escape(repr(dict[key]))))
class SiteInfoAction(actions.ManagersAction):
__regid__ = 'siteinfo'
__select__ = match_user_groups('users','managers')
title = _('Site information')
category = 'manage'
order = 1000
class SiteInfoView(tabs.TabsMixin, StartupView):
__regid__ = 'siteinfo'
title = _('Site information')
tabs = [_('info'), _('registry'), _('gc')]
default_tab = 'info'
def call(self, **kwargs):
"""The default view representing the instance's management"""
self.w(u'<h1>%s</h1>' % self._cw._(self.title))
self.render_tabs(self.tabs, self.default_tab)
class ProcessInformationView(StartupView):
"""display various web server /repository information"""
__regid__ = 'info'
__select__ = none_rset() & match_user_groups('managers', 'users')
title = _('server information')
cache_max_age = 0
def call(self, **kwargs):
req = self._cw
dtformat = req.property_value('ui.datetime-format')
_ = req._
w = self.w
# generic instance information
w(u'<h2>%s</h2>' % _('Instance'))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
_('config type'), self._cw.vreg.config.name))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
_('config mode'), self._cw.vreg.config.mode))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
_('instance home'), self._cw.vreg.config.apphome))
vcconf = req.vreg.config.vc_config()
w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % _('versions configuration'))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
'CubicWeb', vcconf.get('cubicweb', _('no version information'))))
for cube in sorted(self._cw.vreg.config.cubes()):
cubeversion = vcconf.get(cube, _('no version information'))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
cube, cubeversion))
# repository information
repo = req.vreg.config.repository(None)
w(u'<h2>%s</h2>' % _('Repository'))
w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % _('resources usage'))
stats = repo.stats()
for element in sorted(stats):
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s %s</td></tr>'
% (element, xml_escape(unicode(stats[element])),
element.endswith('percent') and '%' or '' ))
if req.cnx.is_repo_in_memory and req.user.is_in_group('managers'):
w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % _('opened sessions'))
sessions = repo._sessions.itervalues()
if sessions:
for session in sessions:
w(u'<li>%s (%s: %s)<br/>' % (
_('last usage'),
strftime(dtformat, localtime(session.timestamp))))
dict_to_html(w, session.data)
w(u'<p>%s</p>' % _('no repository sessions found'))
# web server information
w(u'<h2>%s</h2>' % _('Web server'))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
_('base url'), req.base_url()))
w(u'<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
_('data directory url'), req.datadir_url))
if req.user.is_in_group('managers'):
from cubicweb.web.application import SESSION_MANAGER
sessions = SESSION_MANAGER.current_sessions()
w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % _('opened web sessions'))
if sessions:
n_no_cnx_sessions = 0
for session in sessions:
if not session.cnx:
# We do not want to list all sessions without cnx
# Their session ID are useless, hence we just count them
n_no_cnx_sessions += 1
last_usage_time = session.cnx.check()
except BadConnectionId:
w(u'<li>%s (INVALID)</li>' % session.sessionid)
w(u'<li>%s (%s: %s)<br/>' % (
_('last usage'),
strftime(dtformat, localtime(last_usage_time))))
dict_to_html(w, session.data)
if n_no_cnx_sessions > 0:
w(u'<h3>%s %s</h3>' % (n_no_cnx_sessions,
_('web sessions without CNX')))
w(u'<p>%s</p>' % _('no web sessions found'))
class RegistryView(StartupView):
"""display vregistry content"""
__regid__ = 'registry'
__select__ = StartupView.__select__ & match_user_groups('managers')
title = _('registry')
cache_max_age = 0
def call(self, **kwargs):
self.w(u'<h2>%s</h2>' % self._cw._("Registry's content"))
keys = sorted(self._cw.vreg)
url = xml_escape(self._cw.url())
self.w(u'<p>%s</p>\n' % ' - '.join('<a href="%s#%s">%s</a>'
% (url, key, key) for key in keys))
for key in keys:
if key in ('boxes', 'contentnavigation'): # those are bw compat registries
self.w(u'<h3 id="%s">%s</h3>' % (key, key))
if self._cw.vreg[key]:
values = sorted(self._cw.vreg[key].iteritems())
self.wview('pyvaltable', pyvalue=[(key, xml_escape(repr(val)))
for key, val in values])
class GCView(StartupView):
"""display garbage collector information"""
__regid__ = 'gc'
__select__ = StartupView.__select__ & match_user_groups('managers')
title = _('memory leak debugging')
cache_max_age = 0
def call(self, **kwargs):
from cubicweb._gcdebug import gc_info
from rql.stmts import Union
from cubicweb.appobject import AppObject
from cubicweb.rset import ResultSet
from cubicweb.dbapi import Connection, Cursor
from cubicweb.web.request import CubicWebRequestBase
lookupclasses = (AppObject,
Union, ResultSet,
Connection, Cursor,
from cubicweb.server.session import Session, InternalSession
lookupclasses += (InternalSession, Session)
except ImportError:
pass # no server part installed
self.w(u'<h2>%s</h2>' % _('Garbage collection information'))
counters, ocounters, garbage = gc_info(lookupclasses,
self.w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % self._cw._('Looked up classes'))
values = sorted(counters.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
self.wview('pyvaltable', pyvalue=values)
self.w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % self._cw._('Most referenced classes'))
values = sorted(ocounters.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
self.wview('pyvaltable', pyvalue=values[:self._cw.form.get('nb', 20)])
if garbage:
self.w(u'<h3>%s</h3>' % self._cw._('Unreachable objects'))
values = sorted(xml_escape(repr(o)) for o in garbage)
self.wview('pyvallist', pyvalue=values)