author Sandrine Ribeau <>
Mon, 07 Dec 2009 06:45:51 -0800
changeset 4005 dee7af82beff
parent 3581 669854258b90
child 4437 21f2e01fdd6a
permissions -rw-r--r--
should return item type not relation

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


*CubicWeb* uses quite a bit of javascript in its user interface and
ships with jquery (1.3.x) and parts of the jquery UI
library, plus a number of homegrown files and also other thirparty

All javascript files are stored in cubicweb/web/data/. There are
around thirty js files there. In a cube it goes to data/.

Obviously one does not want javascript pieces to be loaded all at
once, hence the framework provides a number of mechanisms and
conventions to deal with javascript resources.


It is good practice to name cube specific js files after the name of
the cube, like this : 'cube.mycube.js', so as to avoid name clashes.

XXX external_resources variable (which needs love)

CubicWeb javascript api

Javascript resources are typically loaded on demand, from views. The
request object (available as self.req from most application objects,
for instance views and entities objects) has a few methods to do that:

* `add_js(self, jsfiles, localfile=True)` which takes a sequence of
  javascript files and writes proper entries into the HTML header
  section. The localfile parameter allows to declare resources which
  are not from web/data (for instance, residing on a content delivery

* `add_onload(self, jscode)` which adds one raw javascript code
  snippet inline in the html headers. This is quite useful for setting
  up early jQuery(document).ready(...) initialisations.

Overview of what's available

* jquery.* : jquery and jquery UI library

* cubicweb.python.js : adds a number of practical extension to stdanrd
  javascript objects (on Date, Array, String, some list and dictionary
  operations), and a pythonesque way to build classes. Defines a
  CubicWeb namespace.

* cubicweb.htmlhelpers.js : a small bag of convenience functions used
  in various other cubicweb javascript resources (baseuri, progress
  cursor handling, popup login box, html2dom function, etc.)

* cubicweb.ajax.js : concentrates all ajax related facilities (it
  extends jQuery with the loahxhtml function, provides a handfull of
  high-level ajaxy operations like asyncRemoteExec, reloadComponent,
  replacePageChunk, getDomFromResponse)

* cubicweb.widgets.js : provides a widget namespace and constructors
  and helpers for various widgets (mainly facets and timeline)

* cubicweb.edition.js : used by edition forms

* cubicweb.preferences.js : used by the preference form

* cubicweb.facets.js : used by the facets mechanism

xxx massmailing, gmap, fckcwconfig, timeline-bundle, timeline-ext,
calendar, goa, flotn tazy, tabs, bookmarks