[doc/book] update primary view layout pic: added missing elements, removed main layout around
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Cook book
We gathered together some of our tricks and scripts that could make
life easier.
* How to import LDAP users in *CubicWeb*?
[XXX distribute this script with cubicweb instead]
Here is a very useful script which enables you to import LDAP users
into your *CubicWeb* instance by running the following:
.. sourcecode:: python
import os
import pwd
import sys
from logilab.common.db import get_connection
def getlogin():
"""avoid usinng os.getlogin() because of strange tty / stdin problems
(man 3 getlogin)
Another solution would be to use $LOGNAME, $USER or $USERNAME
return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
database = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
print 'USAGE: python ldap2system.py <database>'
if raw_input('update %s db ? [y/n]: ' % database).strip().lower().startswith('y'):
cnx = get_connection(user=getlogin(), database=database)
cursor = cnx.cursor()
insert = ('INSERT INTO euser (creation_date, eid, modification_date, login, firstname, surname, last_login_time, upassword) '
"VALUES (%(mtime)s, %(eid)s, %(mtime)s, %(login)s, %(firstname)s, %(surname)s, %(mtime)s, './fqEz5LeZnT6');")
update = "UPDATE entities SET source='system' WHERE eid=%(eid)s;"
cursor.execute("SELECT eid,type,source,extid,mtime FROM entities WHERE source!='system'")
for eid, type, source, extid, mtime in cursor.fetchall():
if type != 'CWUser':
print "don't know what to do with entity type", type
if source != 'ldapuser':
print "don't know what to do with source type", source
ldapinfos = dict(x.strip().split('=') for x in extid.split(','))
login = ldapinfos['uid']
firstname = ldapinfos['uid'][0].upper()
surname = ldapinfos['uid'][1:].capitalize()
if login != 'jcuissinat':
args = dict(eid=eid, type=type, source=source, login=login,
firstname=firstname, surname=surname, mtime=mtime)
print args
cursor.execute(insert, args)
cursor.execute(update, args)
* How to load data from a script?
The following script aims at loading data within a script assuming pyro-nsd is
running and your instance is configured with ``pyro-server=yes``, otherwise
you would not be able to use dbapi.
.. sourcecode:: python
from cubicweb import dbapi
cnx = dbapi.connection(database='instance-id', user='admin', password='admin')
cur = cnx.cursor()
for name in ('Personal', 'Professional', 'Computers'):
cur.execute('INSERT Blog B: B name %s', name)