author julien tayon <>
Tue, 11 Jun 2019 09:40:12 +0200
changeset 12640 de1c0721656e
parent 12639 619210ba8b5e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix sorting key for rdefs in schema viewer With changeset 234ca3cbbb46, clicking in the schema of an entity with cubicweb in py3 on "vue en boite" will probably result in an infinite spinner (which implies cw > 3.26) What happened ? This "vue en boite" used to work at least until... hg diff -c a8c1ea390400 cubicweb/ @@ -993,10 +992,6 @@ class CubicWebRelationSchema(PermissionM return False return True - @deprecated('use .rdef(subjtype, objtype).role_cardinality(role)') - def cardinality(self, subjtype, objtype, target): - return self.rdef(subjtype, objtype).role_cardinality(target) - class CubicWebSchema(Schema): """set of entities and relations schema defining the possible data sets But, wait ... If I open a shell on an instance of cw 3.24 something seems off >>> list(schema['CWUniqueTogetherConstraint'].relation_definitions())[0][0].cardinality # <bound method CubicWebRelationSchema.wrapped of <constraint_of [CWUniqueTogetherConstraint,CWEType]>> We have been sorting on a method the whole time ? Is it possible what were the effects ? 1) We cannot sort function can't we ? >>> def adder(i): return lambda x: x+i >>> sorted(map(adder,range(10))) [<function __main__.<lambda>>, <function __main__.<lambda>>, ... Yes we can. 2) what does it means. >>> { adder(1) : 1 } Out[19]: {<function __main__.<lambda>>: 1} In fact the function object as a __hash__ method (which is practical for making memoizers (cache)), and return truly random results (pseudo random). My take on this patch is relations have NEVER been sorted by cardinality. No one never ever noticed. Hence, I propose to not fix a bug that never was reported.

# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
"""an helper class to display CubicWeb schema using ureports"""

from cubicweb import _

from logilab.common.ureports import Section, Title, Table, Link, Span, Text

from yams.schema2dot import CARD_MAP
from yams.schema import RelationDefinitionSchema
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter

TYPE_GETTER = attrgetter('type')

I18NSTRINGS = [_('read'), _('add'), _('delete'), _('update'), _('order')]

class SchemaViewer(object):
    """return a ureport layout for some part of a schema"""
    def __init__(self, req=None, encoding=None):
        self.req = req
        if req is not None:
            if encoding is None:
                encoding = req.encoding
            self._ = req._
            encoding = 'ascii'
            self._ = str
        self.encoding = encoding

    # no self.req managements

    def may_read(self, rdef, action='read'):
        """Return true if request user may read the given schema.
        Always return True when no request is provided.
        if self.req is None:
            return True
        return rdef.may_have_permission(action, self.req)

    def format_eschema(self, eschema):
        text = eschema.type
        if self.req is None:
            return Text(text)
        return Link(self.req.build_url('cwetype/%s' % eschema), text)

    def format_rschema(self, rschema, label=None):
        if label is None:
            label = rschema.type
        if self.req is None:
            return Text(label)
        return Link(self.req.build_url('cwrtype/%s' % rschema), label)

    # end of no self.req managements

    def visit_schema(self, schema, display_relations=0, skiptypes=()):
        """get a layout for a whole schema"""
        title = Title(self._('Schema %s') %,
        layout = Section(children=(title,))
        esection = Section(children=(Title(self._('Entities'),
        eschemas = [eschema for eschema in schema.entities()
                    if not ( or eschema in skiptypes)]
        for eschema in sorted(eschemas, key=TYPE_GETTER):
            esection.append(self.visit_entityschema(eschema, skiptypes))
        if display_relations:
            title = Title(self._('Relations'), klass='titleUnderline')
            rsection = Section(children=(title,))
            relations = [rschema for rschema in sorted(schema.relations(), key=TYPE_GETTER)
                         if not ( or rschema.type in skiptypes)]
            keys = [(rschema.type, rschema) for rschema in relations]
            for key, rschema in sorted(keys, key=itemgetter(1)):
                relstr = self.visit_relationschema(rschema)
        return layout

    def _entity_attributes_data(self, eschema):
        _ = self._
        data = [_('attribute'), _('type'), _('default'), _('constraints')]
        attributes = sorted(eschema.attribute_definitions(),
                            key=lambda el: el[0].type)
        for rschema, aschema in attributes:
            rdef = eschema.rdef(rschema)
            if not self.may_read(rdef):
            aname = rschema.type
            if aname == 'eid':
            data.append('%s (%s)' % (aname, _(aname)))
            defaultval = eschema.default(aname)
            if defaultval is not None:
                default = self.to_string(defaultval)
            elif rdef.cardinality[0] == '1':
                default = _('required field')
                default = ''
            constraints = rschema.rproperty(eschema.type, aschema.type,
            data.append(', '.join(str(constr) for constr in constraints))
        return data

    def stereotype(self, name):
        return Span((' <<%s>>' % name,), klass='stereotype')

    def visit_entityschema(self, eschema, skiptypes=()):
        """get a layout for an entity schema"""
        etype = eschema.type
        layout = Section(children=' ', klass='clear')
        layout.append(Link(etype, '&#160;', id=etype))  # anchor
        title = self.format_eschema(eschema)
        boxchild = [Section(children=(title,), klass='title')]
        data = []
        data.append(Section(children=boxchild, klass='box'))
        data.append(Section(children='', klass='vl'))
        data.append(Section(children='', klass='hl'))
        t_vars = []
        rels = []
        first = True

        rel_defs = sorted(eschema.relation_definitions(),
                          key=lambda el: el[0].type)

        for rschema, targetschemas, role in rel_defs:
            if rschema.type in skiptypes:
            for oeschema in sorted(targetschemas, key=TYPE_GETTER):
                rdef = rschema.role_rdef(eschema, oeschema, role)
                if not self.may_read(rdef):
                label = rschema.type
                if role == 'subject':
                    cards = rschema.rdef(eschema, oeschema).cardinality
                    cards = rschema.rdef(oeschema, eschema).cardinality
                    cards = cards[::-1]
                label = '%s %s %s' % (CARD_MAP[cards[1]], label,
                rlink = self.format_rschema(rschema, label)
                elink = self.format_eschema(oeschema)
                if first:
                    t_vars.append(Section(children=(elink,), klass='firstvar'))
                    rels.append(Section(children=(rlink,), klass='firstrel'))
                    first = False
                    t_vars.append(Section(children=(elink,), klass='var'))
                    rels.append(Section(children=(rlink,), klass='rel'))
        data.append(Section(children=rels, klass='rels'))
        data.append(Section(children=t_vars, klass='vars'))
        layout.append(Section(children=data, klass='entityAttributes'))
        return layout

    def visit_relationschema(self, rschema, title=True):
        """get a layout for a relation schema"""
        _ = self._
        if title:
            title = self.format_rschema(rschema)
            stereotypes = []
            if rschema.meta:
            if rschema.symmetric:
            if rschema.inlined:
            title = Section(children=(title,), klass='title')
            if stereotypes:
            layout = Section(children=(title,), klass='schema')
            layout = Section(klass='schema')
        data = [_('from'), _('to')]
        schema = rschema.schema
        rschema_objects = rschema.objects()
        if rschema_objects:
            # might be empty
            properties = [p for p in RelationDefinitionSchema.rproperty_defs(rschema_objects[0])
                          if p not in ('cardinality', 'composite', 'eid')]
            properties = []
        data += [_(prop) for prop in properties]
        cols = len(data)
        done = set()
        for subjtype, objtypes in sorted(rschema.associations()):
            for objtype in objtypes:
                if (subjtype, objtype) in done:
                done.add((subjtype, objtype))
                if rschema.symmetric:
                    done.add((objtype, subjtype))
                rdef = rschema.rdef(subjtype, objtype)
                for prop in properties:
                    val = getattr(rdef, prop)
                    if val is None:
                        val = ''
                    elif prop == 'constraints':
                        val = ', '.join([c.expression for c in val])
                    elif isinstance(val, dict):
                        for key, value in val.items():
                            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                                val[key] = ', '.join(sorted(str(v) for v in value))
                        val = str(val)

                    elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
                        val = sorted(val)
                        val = ', '.join(str(v) for v in val)
                    elif val and isinstance(val, str):
                        val = _(val)
                        val = str(val)
        table = Table(cols=cols, rheaders=1, children=data, klass='listing')
        layout.append(Section(children=(table,), klass='relationDefinition'))
        layout.append(Section(children='', klass='clear'))
        return layout

    def to_string(self, value):
        """used to converte arbitrary values to encoded string"""
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return value.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')
        return str(value)