Add a wsgi application factory suitable for wsgi servers.
This factory can generate a wsgi application for a cubicweb instance.
It reads the instance name from the CW_INSTANCE environment variable, and
activates the debugmode if CW_DEBUG is defined in environment.
It is usable by uwsgi as the 'module' parameter :
CW_INSTANCE=test uwsgi --plugins python,http --http --module pyramid_cubicweb:wsgi_application()
import os
from cubicweb.cwconfig import CubicWebConfiguration as cwcfg
from pyramid.config import Configurator
def make_cubicweb_application(cwconfig):
Create a pyramid-based CubicWeb instance from a cubicweb configuration.
It is initialy meant to be used by the 'pyramid' command of cubicweb-ctl.
settings = {
'session.secret': '11', # XXX
if cwconfig.debugmode:
'pyramid.debug_authorization': True,
'pyramid.debug_notfound': True,
'pyramid.debug_routematch': True,
config = Configurator(settings=settings)
if cwconfig.debugmode:
config.registry['cubicweb.config'] = cwconfig
config.registry['cubicweb.repository'] = repo = cwconfig.repository()
config.registry['cubicweb.registry'] = repo.vreg
return config
def wsgi_application(instance_name=None, debug=None):
if instance_name is None:
instance_name = os.environ.get('CW_INSTANCE')
if debug is None:
debug = 'CW_DEBUG' in os.environ
cwconfig = cwcfg.config_for(instance_name, debugmode=debug)
config = make_cubicweb_application(cwconfig)
return config.make_wsgi_app()