default_instance id should also be available when silently rebuilding soures file
"""Migration test script* migration will be played into a chroot of the local machine* the database server used can be configured* test tested instance may be on another hostWe are using postgres'.pgpass file. Here is a copy of postgres documentationabout that:The file .pgpass in a user's home directory or the file referenced byPGPASSFILE can contain passwords to be used if the connection requiresa password (and no password has been specified otherwise).This file should contain lines of the following format:hostname:port:database:username:passwordEach of the first four fields may be a literal value, or *, whichmatches anything. The password field from the first line that matchesthe current connection parameters will be used. (Therefore, putmore-specific entries first when you are using wildcards.) If an entryneeds to contain : or \, escape this character with \. A hostname oflocalhost matches both host (TCP) and local (Unix domain socket)connections coming from the local machine.The permissions on .pgpass must disallow any access to world or group;achieve this by the command chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass. If the permissionsare less strict than this, the file will be ignored.:organization: Logilab:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.:contact: -- GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -"""__docformat__="restructuredtext en"fromosimportsystemfromos.pathimportjoin,basenamefromlogilab.common.shellutilsimportcp,rmfromcubicweb.toolsutilsimportread_configfromcubicweb.server.utilsimportgenerate_sources_file# XXXX use db-copy instead# test environment configurationchrootpath='/sandbox/cubicwebtest'tmpdbhost='crater'tmpdbuser='syt'tmpdbpasswd='syt'defplay_migration(applhome,applhost='',sudo=False):applid=dbname=basename(applhome)testapplhome=join(chrootpath,applhome)# copy instance into the chrootifapplhost:system('scp -r %s:%s%s'%(applhost,applhome,testapplhome))else:cp(applhome,testapplhome)## # extract db parameters## sources = read_config(join(testapplhome, 'sources'))## dbname = sources['system']['db-name']## dbhost = sources['system'].get('db-host') or ''## dbuser = sources['system'].get('db-user') or ''## dbpasswd = sources['system'].get('db-password') or ''# generate sources file# XXX multisourcessources={'system':{}}sources['system']['db-encoding']='UTF8'# XXXsources['system']['db-name']=dbnamesources['system']['db-host']=Nonesources['system']['db-user']=tmpdbusersources['system']['db-password']=Nonegenerate_sources_file(applid,join(testapplhome,'sources'),sources)## # create postgres password file so we won't need anymore passwords## # XXX may exist!## pgpassfile = expanduser('~/.pgpass')## pgpass = open(pgpassfile, 'w')## if dbpasswd:## pgpass.write('%s:*:%s:%s:%s\n' % (dbhost or applhost or 'localhost',## dbname, dbuser, dbpasswd))## if tmpdbpasswd:## pgpass.write('%s:*:%s:%s:%s\n' % (tmpdbhost or 'localhost', dbname,## tmpdbuser, tmpdbpasswd))## pgpass.close()## chmod(pgpassfile, 0600)# dump db## dumpcmd = 'pg_dump -Fc -U %s -f /tmp/%s.dump %s' % (## dbuser, dbname, dbname)## if dbhost:## dumpcmd += ' -h %s' % dbhostdumpfile='/tmp/%s.dump'%appliddumpcmd='cubicweb-ctl db-dump --output=%s%s'%(dumpfile,applid)ifsudo:dumpcmd='sudo %s'%dumpcmdifapplhost:dumpcmd='ssh %s "%s"'%(applhost,dumpcmd)ifsystem(dumpcmd):raiseException('error while dumping the database')## if not dbhost and applhost:ifapplhost:# retrieve the dumpifsystem('scp %s:%s%s'%(applhost,dumpfile,dumpfile)):raiseException('error while retreiving the dump')# move the dump into the chrootsystem('mv %s%s%s'%(dumpfile,chrootpath,dumpfile))# locate installed versionsvcconf=read_config(join(testapplhome,'vc.conf'))template=vcconf['TEMPLATE']cubicwebversion=vcconf['CW']templversion=vcconf['TEMPLATE_VERSION']# install the same versions cubicweb and template versions into the chrootsystem('sudo chroot %s apt-get update'%chrootpath)system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-server=%s cubicweb-client=%s'%(chrootpath,cubicwebversion,cubicwebversion))system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-%s-appl-server=%s cubicweb-%s-appl-client=%s'%(chrootpath,template,templversion,template,templversion))# update and upgrade to the latest versionsystem('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-server cubicweb-client'%chrootpath)system('sudo chroot %s apt-get install cubicweb-%s-appl-server cubicweb-%s-appl-client'%(chrootpath,template,template))# create and fill the databasesystem('sudo chroot cubicweb-ctl db-restore %s%s'%(applid,dumpfile))## if not tmpdbhost:## system('createdb -U %s -T template0 -E UTF8 %s' % (tmpdbuser, dbname))## system('pg_restore -U %s -O -Fc -d %s /tmp/%s.dump'## % (tmpdbuser, dbname, dbname))## else:## system('createdb -h %s -U %s -T template0 -E UTF8 %s'## % (tmpdbhost, tmpdbuser, dbname))## system('pg_restore -h %s -U %s -O -Fc -d %s /tmp/%s.dump'## % (tmpdbhost, tmpdbuser, dbname, dbname))# launch upgradesystem('sudo chroot %s cubicweb-ctl upgrade %s'%(chrootpath,applid))# cleanuprm(testapplhome)## rm(pgpassfile)## if tmpdbhost:## system('dropdb -h %s -U %s %s' % (tmpdbuser, tmpdbhost, dbname))## else:## system('dropdb -U %s %s' % (tmpdbuser, dbname))## if not dbhost and applhost:ifapplhost:system('ssh %s rm %s'%(applhost,dumpfile))rm('%s%s'%(chrootpath,dumpfile))if__name__=='__main__':play_migration('/etc/cubicweb.d/jpl','lepus')