[dataimport] check that MassiveObjectStore restores the db schema properly
Ideally we'd use "pg_dump --schema-only" to compare before/after, but when
restoring a constraint such as:
cstr48f9ceae537d68859b62c601681c8d3e CHECK (((cw_type)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['normal'::character varying, 'auto'::character varying])::text[])))
postgres will convert the text cast on array to a cast on each cell of array
cstr48f9ceae537d68859b62c601681c8d3e CHECK (cw_type::text = ANY (ARRAY['normal'::character varying::text, 'auto'::character varying::text]))
usr/bin/cubicweb-ctl usr/bin/
../cubicweb-ctl.bash_completion etc/bash_completion.d/cubicweb-ctl