author Samuel Trégouët <>
Mon, 21 Dec 2015 12:29:50 +0100
changeset 11024 dc70698dcf6c
parent 10536 887c6eef8077
child 11057 0b59724cb3f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[dataimport] check that MassiveObjectStore restores the db schema properly Ideally we'd use "pg_dump --schema-only" to compare before/after, but when restoring a constraint such as: cstr48f9ceae537d68859b62c601681c8d3e CHECK (((cw_type)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['normal'::character varying, 'auto'::character varying])::text[]))) postgres will convert the text cast on array to a cast on each cell of array cstr48f9ceae537d68859b62c601681c8d3e CHECK (cw_type::text = ANY (ARRAY['normal'::character varying::text, 'auto'::character varying::text]))

include README
include COPYING
include pylintrc
include bin/cubicweb-*
include man/cubicweb-ctl.1

include doc/*.rst
include doc/Makefile
recursive-include doc/book *
recursive-include doc/tools *.py
recursive-include doc/tutorials *.rst *.py
include doc/api/*.rst
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recursive-include doc/_static *
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include doc/changes/*.rst
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include doc/

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include web/views/*.pt
recursive-include web/data external_resources *.js *.css *.py *.png *.gif *.ico *.ttf *.svg *.woff *.eot
recursive-include web/wdoc *.rst *.png *.xml ChangeLog*
recursive-include devtools/data *.js *.css *.sh

recursive-include i18n *.pot *.po
recursive-include schemas *.py *.sql

recursive-include test/data bootstrap_cubes *.py *.sql
recursive-include entities/test/data bootstrap_cubes *.py
recursive-include sobjects/test/data bootstrap_cubes *.py
recursive-include hooks/test/data bootstrap_cubes *.py
recursive-include server/test/data bootstrap_cubes *.py source* * *.ldif
recursive-include devtools/test/data bootstrap_cubes *.py *.txt *.js *.po.ref
recursive-include web/test/data bootstrap_cubes pouet.css *.py
recursive-include etwist/test/data *.py

recursive-include web/test/jstests *.js *.html *.css *.json
recursive-include web/test/windmill *.py

recursive-include skeleton *.py *.css *.js *.po compat *.in *.tmpl rules

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prune doc/book/fr/.static
prune doc/html/_sources/
prune misc/cwfs
prune doc/js_api
global-exclude *.pyc