author Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@logilab.fr>
Thu, 10 Dec 2015 16:58:45 +0100
changeset 10997 da712d3f0601
parent 10688 fa29f3628a1b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bring back the separate web-side entity cache Prior to changeset 635cfac73d28 "[repoapi] fold ClientConnection into Connection", we had two entity caches: one on the client/dbapi/web side, and one on the server/repo side. This is a waste, but it is actually needed as long as we have the magic _cw attribute on entities which must sometimes be a request and sometimes a cnx. Removing the duplication caused weird problems with entity._cw alternating between both types of objects, which is unexpected by both the repo and the web sides. We add an entity cache on ConnectionCubicWebRequestBase, separate from the Connection's, and bring back the _cw_update_attr_cache/dont-cache-attrs mechanism, to let the server/edition code let caches know which attributes have been modified Entity.as_rset can be cached again, as ResultSet no longer modifies the entity when fetching it from a cache. Contrary to the pre-3.21 code, _cw_update_attr_cache now handles web requests and connections in the same way (otherwise the cache ends up with wrong values if a hook modifies attributes), but dont-cache-attrs is never set for (inlined) relations. Closes #6863543

# copyright 2011-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""This module provide highlevel helpers to avoid uicfg boilerplate
for most common tasks such as fields ordering, widget customization, etc.

Here are a few helpers to customize *action box* rendering:

.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.append_to_addmenu
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.remove_from_addmenu

and a few other ones for *form configuration*:

.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_fields_order
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.hide_field
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.hide_fields
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_field_kwargs
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_field
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.edit_inline
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.edit_as_attr
.. autofunction:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.set_muledit_editable

The module also provides a :class:`FormConfig` base class that lets you gather
uicfg declaration in the scope of a single class, which can sometimes
be clearer to read than a bunch of sequential function calls.

.. autoclass:: cubicweb.web.uihelper.FormConfig

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from six import add_metaclass

from logilab.common.deprecation import deprecated
from cubicweb.web.views import uicfg

## generic uicfg helpers ######################################################

backward_compat_funcs = (('append_to_addmenu', uicfg.actionbox_appearsin_addmenu),
                         ('remove_from_addmenu', uicfg.actionbox_appearsin_addmenu),
                         ('set_fields_order', uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs),
                         ('hide_field', uicfg.autoform_section),
                         ('hide_fields', uicfg.autoform_section),
                         ('set_field_kwargs', uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs),
                         ('set_field', uicfg.autoform_field),
                         ('edit_inline', uicfg.autoform_section),
                         ('edit_as_attr', uicfg.autoform_section),
                         ('set_muledit_editable', uicfg.autoform_section),

for funcname, tag in backward_compat_funcs:
    msg = ('[3.16] uihelper.%(name)s is deprecated, please use '
           'web.views.uicfg.%(rtagid)s.%(name)s' % dict(
               name=funcname, rtagid=tag.__regid__))
    globals()[funcname] = deprecated(msg)(getattr(tag, funcname))

class meta_formconfig(type):
    """metaclass of FormConfig classes, only for easier declaration purpose"""
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
        if cls.etype is None:
        uicfg_afs = cls.uicfg_afs or uicfg.autoform_section
        uicfg_aff = cls.uicfg_aff or uicfg.autoform_field
        uicfg_affk = cls.uicfg_affk or uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs
        for attr_role in cls.hidden:
            uicfg_afs.hide_field(cls.etype, attr_role, formtype=cls.formtype)
        for attr_role in cls.rels_as_attrs:
            uicfg_afs.edit_as_attr(cls.etype, attr_role, formtype=cls.formtype)
        for attr_role in cls.inlined:
            uicfg_afs.edit_inline(cls.etype, attr_role, formtype=cls.formtype)
        for rtype, widget in cls.widgets.items():
            uicfg_affk.set_field_kwargs(cls.etype, rtype, widget=widget)
        for rtype, field in cls.fields.items():
            uicfg_aff.set_field(cls.etype, rtype, field)
        uicfg_affk.set_fields_order(cls.etype, cls.fields_order)
        super(meta_formconfig, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)

class FormConfig:
    """helper base class to define uicfg rules on a given entity type.

    In all descriptions below, attributes list can either be a list of
    attribute names of a list of 2-tuples (relation name, role of
    the edited entity in the relation).


      which entity type the form config is for. This attribute is **mandatory**

      the formtype the class tries toc customize (i.e. *main*, *inlined*, or *muledit*),
      default is *main*.

      the list of attributes or relations to hide.

      the list of attributes to edit in the *attributes* section.

      the list of attributes to edit in the *inlined* section.

      the list of attributes to edit, in the desired order. Unspecified
      fields will be displayed after specified ones, their order
      being consistent with the schema definition.

      a dictionary mapping attribute names to widget instances.

      a dictionary mapping attribute names to field instances.

      an instance of ``cubicweb.web.uicfg.AutoformSectionRelationTags``
      Default is None, meaning ``cubicweb.web.uicfg.autoform_section`` is used.

      an instance of ``cubicweb.web.uicfg.AutoformFieldTags``
      Default is None, meaning ``cubicweb.web.uicfg.autoform_field`` is used.

      an instance of ``cubicweb.web.uicfg.AutoformFieldKwargsTags``
      Default is None, meaning ``cubicweb.web.uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs`` is used.


.. sourcecode:: python

  from cubicweb.web import uihelper, formwidgets as fwdgs

  class LinkFormConfig(uihelper.FormConfig):
      etype = 'Link'
      hidden = ('title', 'description', 'embed')
      widgets = dict(

  class UserFormConfig(uihelper.FormConfig):
      etype = 'CWUser'
      hidden = ('login',)
      rels_as_attrs = ('in_group',)
      fields_order = ('firstname', 'surname', 'in_group', 'use_email')
      inlined = ('use_email',)

    formtype = 'main'
    etype = None # must be defined in concrete subclasses
    hidden = ()
    rels_as_attrs = ()
    inlined = ()
    fields_order = ()
    widgets = {}
    fields = {}
    uicfg_afs = None
    uicfg_aff = None
    uicfg_affk = None