[book - #1251260] add a warning in automatic test when user redefine the base class
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
There are three kinds of sessions.
* `user sessions` are the most common: they are related to users and
carry security checks coming with user credentials
* `super sessions` are children of ordinary user sessions and allow to
bypass security checks (they are created by calling unsafe_execute
on a user session); this is often convenient in hooks which may
touch data that is not directly updatable by users
* `internal sessions` have all the powers; they are also used in only a
few situations where you don't already have an adequate session at
hand, like: user authentication, data synchronisation in
multi-source contexts
.. note::
Do not confuse the session type with their connection mode, for
instance : 'in memory' or 'pyro'.
* authentication and management of sessions