author Adrien Di Mascio <>
Fri, 19 Mar 2010 19:21:31 +0100
changeset 4964 d9e8af8a7a42
parent 314 a93da6d88d4e
child 11336 96b1dc702e92
permissions -rw-r--r--
[source] implement storages right in the source rather than in hooks The problem is that Storage objects will most probably change entity's dictionary so that values are correctly set before the source's corresponding method (e.g. entity_added()) is called. For instance, the BFSFileStorage will change the original binary data and replace it with the destination file path in order to store the file path in the database. This change must be local to the source in order not to impact other hooks or attribute access during the transaction, the whole idea being that the same application code should work exactly the same whether or not a BFSStorage is used or not.

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The development team is pleased to announce the 3.0.0 release of CubicWeb, also
know as ShowTime.

What is CubicWeb?

With CubicWeb, the Semantic Web is a construction game!

CubicWeb_ is a semantic web application framework, licensed under the LGPL, that
empowers developers to efficiently build web applications by reusing components
(called cubes) and following the well known object-oriented design principles.

Its main features are:

    * an engine driven by the explicit data model of the application,
    * a query language named RQL similar to W3C’s SPARQL,
    * a selection+view mechanism for semi-automatic XHTML/XML/JSON/text generation,
    * a library of reusable components (data model and views) that fulfill common needs,
    * the power and flexibility of the Python programming language,
    * the reliability of SQL databases, LDAP directories, Subversion and Mercurial for storage backends.

Being built since 2000 by an R&D project still going on today, supporting
100,000s of daily visits at some production sites, CubicWeb is a proven end to
end solution for semantic web application development that promotes quality,
reusability and efficiency.

The unbeliever will read the quick overview_ of CubicWeb.

The hacker will join development at the forge_.

The impatient will move right away to installation_ and set-up of a CubicWeb

.. _cubicweb:
.. _overview:
.. _forge:
.. _installation:

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