author Christophe de Vienne <>
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 18:06:58 +0100
changeset 11552 d92a608c1a16
parent 11537 caf268942436
child 11553 a322a02ca301
permissions -rw-r--r--
[core] Use tools.cached_user_build for better performances Closes #4870347

from contextlib import contextmanager
from warnings import warn
from cgi import FieldStorage

import rql

from cubicweb.web.request import CubicWebRequestBase
from cubicweb import repoapi

import cubicweb
import cubicweb.web
from cubicweb.server.session import Session

from pyramid import httpexceptions

from pyramid_cubicweb import authplugin, tools

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def cw_to_pyramid(request):
    """ Context manager to wrap a call to the cubicweb API.

    All CW exceptions will be transformed into their pyramid equivalent.
    When needed, some CW reponse bits may be converted too (mainly headers)"""
    except cubicweb.web.Redirect as ex:
        assert 300 <= ex.status < 400
        raise httpexceptions.status_map[ex.status](ex.location)
    except cubicweb.web.StatusResponse as ex:
        warn('[3.16] StatusResponse is deprecated use req.status_out',
             DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
        request.body = ex.content
        request.status_int = ex.status
    except cubicweb.web.Unauthorized as ex:
        raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden(
                'You\'re not authorized to access this page. '
                'If you think you should, please contact the site '
    except cubicweb.web.Forbidden:
        raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden(
                'This action is forbidden. '
                'If you think it should be allowed, please contact the site '
    except (rql.BadRQLQuery, cubicweb.web.RequestError) as ex:

class CubicWebPyramidRequest(CubicWebRequestBase):
    """ A CubicWeb request that only wraps a pyramid request.

    :param request: A pyramid request

    def __init__(self, request):
        self._request = request

        self.path = request.upath_info

        vreg = request.registry['cubicweb.registry']
        https = request.scheme == 'https'

        post = request.params.mixed()
        headers_in = request.headers

        super(CubicWebPyramidRequest, self).__init__(vreg, https, post,

        self.content = request.body_file_seekable

    def setup_params(self, params):
        self.form = {}
        for param, val in params.iteritems():
            if param in self.no_script_form_params and val:
                val = self.no_script_form_param(param, val)
            if isinstance(val, FieldStorage) and val.file:
                val = (val.filename, val.file)
            if param == '_cwmsgid':
            elif param == '__message':
                warn('[3.13] __message in request parameter is deprecated '
                     '(may only be given to .build_url). Seeing this message '
                     'usualy means your application hold some <form> where '
                     'you should replace use of __message hidden input by '
                     'form.set_message, so new _cwmsgid mechanism is properly '
                self.form[param] = val

    def is_secure(self):
        return self._request.scheme == 'https'

    def relative_path(self, includeparams=True):
        path = self._request.path[1:]
        if includeparams and self._request.query_string:
            return '%s?%s' % (path, self._request.query_string)
        return path

    def instance_uri(self):
        return self._request.application_url

    def get_full_path(self):
        path = self._request.path
        if self._request.query_string:
            return '%s?%s' % (path, self._request.query_string)
        return path

    def http_method(self):
        return self._request.method

    def _set_status_out(self, value):
        self._request.response.status_int = value

    def _get_status_out(self):
        return self._request.response.status_int

    status_out = property(_get_status_out, _set_status_out)

def render_view(request, vid, **kwargs):
    """ Helper function to render a CubicWeb view.

    :param request: A pyramid request
    :param vid: A CubicWeb view id
    :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to select and instanciate the view
    :returns: The rendered view content
    vreg = request.registry['cubicweb.registry']
    # XXX The select() function could, know how to handle a pyramid
    # request, and feed it directly to the views that supports it.
    # On the other hand, we could refine the View concept and decide it works
    # with a cnx, and never with a WebRequest

    with cw_to_pyramid(request):
        view = vreg['views'].select(vid, request.cw_request, **kwargs)
        return view._stream.getvalue()

def _cw_cnx(request):
    """ Obtains a cw session from a pyramid request

    The connection will be commited or rolled-back in a request finish
    callback (this is temporary, we should make use of the transaction manager
    in a later version).

    Not meant for direct use, use ``request.cw_cnx`` instead.

    :param request: A pyramid request
    :returns type: :class:`cubicweb.server.session.Connection`
    cnx = repoapi.ClientConnection(request.cw_session)

    def cleanup(request):
        if (request.exception is not None and not isinstance(
            request.exception, (
        cnx.__exit__(None, None, None)

    return cnx

def repo_connect(repo, eid):
    """A lightweight version of
    :meth:`cubicweb.server.repository.Repository.connect` that does not keep
    track of opened sessions, removing the need of closing them"""
    user = tools.cached_build_user(repo, eid)
    session = Session(user, repo, None)
    tools.cnx_attach_entity(session, user)
    # Calling the hooks should be done only once, disabling it completely for
    # now
    #with session.new_cnx() as cnx:'session_open', cnx)
    # repo._sessions[session.sessionid] = session
    return session

def _cw_session(request):
    """Obtains a cw session from a pyramid request

    :param request: A pyramid request
    :returns type: :class:`cubicweb.server.session.Session`

    Not meant for direct use, use ``request.cw_session`` instead.
    repo = request.registry['cubicweb.repository']

    if not request.authenticated_userid:
        session = repo_connect(
            repo, eid=request.registry['cubicweb.anonymous_eid'])
        session = request._cw_cached_session

    # XXX Ideally we store the cw session data in the pyramid session.
    # BUT some data in the cw session data dictionnary makes pyramid fail. = request.session

    return session

def _cw_request(request):
    """ Obtains a CubicWeb request wrapper for the pyramid request.

    :param request: A pyramid request
    :return: A CubicWeb request
    :returns type: :class:`CubicWebPyramidRequest`

    Not meant for direct use, use ``request.cw_request`` instead.

    req = CubicWebPyramidRequest(request)
    return req

def get_principals(login, request):
    """ Returns the group names of the authenticated user.

    This function is meant to be used as an authentication policy callback.

    It also pre-open the cubicweb session and put it in
    request._cw_cached_session for later usage by :func:`_cw_session`.

    .. note::

        It the default authentication policy is not used, make sure this
        function gets called by the active authentication policy.

    :param login: A cubicweb user eid
    :param request: A pyramid request
    :returns: A list of group names
    repo = request.registry['cubicweb.repository']

        session = repo_connect(repo, eid=login)
        request._cw_cached_session = session

    return session.user.groups

def includeme(config):
    """ Enables the core features of Pyramid CubicWeb.

    Automatically called by the 'pyramid' command, or via
    ``config.include('pyramid_cubicweb.code')``. In the later case,
    the following registry entries must be defined first:

        A cubicweb 'config' instance.

        The correponding cubicweb repository.

        The vreg.
    repo = config.registry['cubicweb.repository']

    with repo.internal_cnx() as cnx:
        login = config.registry['cubicweb.config'].anonymous_user()[0]
        config.registry['cubicweb.anonymous_eid'] = cnx.find(
            'CWUser', login=login).one().eid


        _cw_session, name='cw_session', property=True, reify=True)
        _cw_cnx, name='cw_cnx', property=True, reify=True)
        _cw_request, name='cw_request', property=True, reify=True)

    cwcfg = config.registry['cubicweb.config']
    for cube in cwcfg.cubes():
        pkgname = 'cubes.' + cube
        mod = __import__(pkgname)
        mod = getattr(mod, cube)
        if hasattr(mod, 'includeme'):
            config.include('cubes.' + cube)