author Laura Médioni <>, Denis Laxalde <>
Thu, 03 Nov 2016 15:00:01 +0100
changeset 11794 d8830e2bd2e0
parent 11057 0b59724cb3f2
child 11876 b35e21fc1f9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
[req,web] Make it possible to handle page language from URL prefix Adding a short language prefix to URL (like "/en" or "/fr") changes the language the pages are displayed in. This prefix is kept during navigation. This way it is not necessary to do language negotiation, nor to use user preferences to determine which language to apply. This behavior is controlled through a new configuration option "language-mode", which replaces "language-negociation" option and which values may be "http-negotiation", "url-prefix" or "" (to disable language setting and force using "ui.language" property). Migration from previous option is not handled because I could not manage to have it working (users will get prompted with the configuration file diff anyways). Add some tests checking various scenarios. Closes #15743487

# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
import copy
from logilab.common.testlib import tag
from cubicweb.devtools.testlib import CubicWebTC
from cubicweb.web import uihelper, formwidgets as fwdgs
from cubicweb.web.views import uicfg

abaa = uicfg.actionbox_appearsin_addmenu

class UICFGTC(CubicWebTC):

    def test_default_actionbox_appearsin_addmenu_config(self):
        self.assertFalse(abaa.etype_get('TrInfo', 'wf_info_for', 'object', 'CWUser'))

class DefinitionOrderTC(CubicWebTC):
    """This test check that when multiple definition could match a key, only
    the more accurate apply"""

    def setUp(self):
        super(DefinitionOrderTC, self).setUp()
        for rtag in (uicfg.autoform_section, uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs):
            rtag._old_tagdefs = copy.deepcopy(rtag._tagdefs)
        new_def = (
                    (('*', 'login', '*'),
                         {'formtype':'main', 'section':'hidden'}),
                    (('*', 'login', '*'),
                         {'formtype':'muledit', 'section':'hidden'}),
                    (('CWUser', 'login', '*'),
                         {'formtype':'main', 'section':'attributes'}),
                    (('CWUser', 'login', '*'),
                         {'formtype':'muledit', 'section':'attributes'}),
                    (('CWUser', 'login', 'String'),
                         {'formtype':'main', 'section':'inlined'}),
                    (('CWUser', 'login', 'String'),
                         {'formtype':'inlined', 'section':'attributes'}),
        for key, kwargs in new_def:
            uicfg.autoform_section.tag_subject_of(key, **kwargs)

    def tearDown(self):
        super(DefinitionOrderTC, self).tearDown()
        for rtag in (uicfg.autoform_section, uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs):
            rtag._tagdefs = rtag._old_tagdefs

    def test_definition_order_hidden(self):
        result = uicfg.autoform_section.get('CWUser', 'login', 'String', 'subject')
        expected = set(['main_inlined', 'muledit_attributes', 'inlined_attributes'])
        self.assertSetEqual(result, expected)

    @tag('uihelper', 'order', 'func')
    def test_uihelper_set_fields_order(self):
        afk_get = uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs.get
        self.assertEqual(afk_get('CWUser', 'firstname', 'String', 'subject'), {})
        uihelper.set_fields_order('CWUser', ('login', 'firstname', 'surname'))
        self.assertEqual(afk_get('CWUser', 'firstname', 'String', 'subject'), {'order': 1})

    @tag('uicfg', 'order', 'func')
    def test_uicfg_primaryview_set_fields_order(self):
        pvdc = uicfg.primaryview_display_ctrl
        pvdc.set_fields_order('CWUser', ('login', 'firstname', 'surname'))
        self.assertEqual(pvdc.get('CWUser', 'login', 'String', 'subject'), {'order': 0})
        self.assertEqual(pvdc.get('CWUser', 'firstname', 'String', 'subject'), {'order': 1})
        self.assertEqual(pvdc.get('CWUser', 'surname', 'String', 'subject'), {'order': 2})

    @tag('uihelper', 'kwargs', 'func')
    def test_uihelper_set_field_kwargs(self):
        afk_get = uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs.get
        self.assertEqual(afk_get('CWUser', 'firstname', 'String', 'subject'), {})
        wdg = fwdgs.TextInput({'size': 30})
        uihelper.set_field_kwargs('CWUser', 'firstname', widget=wdg)
        self.assertEqual(afk_get('CWUser', 'firstname', 'String', 'subject'), {'widget': wdg})

    @tag('uihelper', 'hidden', 'func')
    def test_uihelper_hide_fields(self):
        # original conf : in_group is edited in 'attributes' section everywhere
        section_conf = uicfg.autoform_section.get('CWUser', 'in_group', '*', 'subject')
        self.assertCountEqual(section_conf, ['main_attributes', 'muledit_attributes'])
        # hide field in main form
        uihelper.hide_fields('CWUser', ('login', 'in_group'))
        section_conf = uicfg.autoform_section.get('CWUser', 'in_group', '*', 'subject')
        self.assertCountEqual(section_conf, ['main_hidden', 'muledit_attributes'])
        # hide field in muledit form
        uihelper.hide_fields('CWUser', ('login', 'in_group'), formtype='muledit')
        section_conf = uicfg.autoform_section.get('CWUser', 'in_group', '*', 'subject')
        self.assertCountEqual(section_conf, ['main_hidden', 'muledit_hidden'])

    @tag('uihelper', 'hidden', 'formconfig')
    def test_uihelper_formconfig(self):
        afk_get = uicfg.autoform_field_kwargs.get
        class CWUserFormConfig(uihelper.FormConfig):
            etype = 'CWUser'
            hidden = ('in_group',)
            fields_order = ('login', 'firstname')
        section_conf = uicfg.autoform_section.get('CWUser', 'in_group', '*', 'subject')
        self.assertCountEqual(section_conf, ['main_hidden', 'muledit_attributes'])
        self.assertEqual(afk_get('CWUser', 'firstname', 'String', 'subject'), {'order': 1})

class UicfgRegistryTC(CubicWebTC):

    def test_default_uicfg_object(self):
        'CW default ui config objects must be registered in uicfg registry'
        onames = ('autoform_field', 'autoform_section', 'autoform_field_kwargs')
        for oname in onames:
            obj = self.vreg['uicfg'].select_or_none(oname)
            self.assertTrue(obj is not None, '%s not found in uicfg registry'
                            % oname)

    def test_custom_uicfg(self):
        ASRT = uicfg.AutoformSectionRelationTags
        custom_afs = ASRT()
        custom_afs.__select__ = ASRT.__select__ & ASRT.__select__
        obj = self.vreg['uicfg'].select_or_none('autoform_section')
        self.assertTrue(obj is custom_afs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from logilab.common.testlib import unittest_main