author Denis Laxalde <>
Fri, 20 Nov 2015 14:17:46 +0100
changeset 10900 d666c9386b58
parent 10838 b6cfbcdccc7f
child 10975 6615ecb60244
permissions -rw-r--r--
[test/tox] Enforce installation of modified yapps 580a6821713d is not enough for tox apparently... The thing is that it will first install dependencies (the `deps` option from tox.ini), actually pulling yapps from Logilab github but then, it will install the project (that is, CubicWeb) from the sdist *along with its dependencies*, which will pull yapps again and override the previously installed version for some mysterious reason. So add a `pip install` command in tox.ini, so that the modified yapps is the last one installed.

env = py27

sitepackages = True
commands = pytest -t {envname}/test {posargs}

deps =
commands =
  {envpython} -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps --quiet git+git://
  pytest -t test {posargs}


deps =

deps =

deps =

deps =

deps =

deps =

deps =

deps =

deps =

changedir = doc
whitelist_externals =
deps =
commands = sphinx-build -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees .  {envtmpdir}/html