author Sylvain Thénault <sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr>
Fri, 17 Jun 2011 18:50:13 +0200
changeset 7534 d58a9d96aad8
parent 7455 694b21f0fc62
child 7536 29961a416faa
permissions -rw-r--r--
[datafeed, cw.xml] xml now carry entity's source information, interpreted at the other end so that for instance when an entity from elo is seen when importing cwo, it's properly marked as coming from elo source if one exists

# copyright 2010-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
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"""Specific views for data sources and related entities (eg CWSource,
CWSourceHostConfig, CWSourceSchemaConfig).

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode

from itertools import repeat, chain

from cubicweb.selectors import is_instance, score_entity, match_user_groups
from cubicweb.view import EntityView, StartupView
from cubicweb.schema import META_RTYPES, VIRTUAL_RTYPES, display_name
from cubicweb.web import uicfg
from cubicweb.web.views import tabs, actions

_abaa = uicfg.actionbox_appearsin_addmenu
_abaa.tag_object_of(('CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'cw_schema', '*'), False)
_abaa.tag_object_of(('CWSourceSchemaConfig', 'cw_for_source', '*'), False)

# source primary views #########################################################

_pvs = uicfg.primaryview_section
_pvs.tag_object_of(('*', 'cw_for_source', 'CWSource'), 'hidden')

class CWSourcePrimaryView(tabs.TabbedPrimaryView):
    __select__ = is_instance('CWSource')
    tabs = [_('cwsource-main'), _('cwsource-mapping')]
    default_tab = 'cwsource-main'

class CWSourceMainTab(tabs.PrimaryTab):
    __regid__ = 'cwsource-main'
    __select__ = tabs.PrimaryTab.__select__ & is_instance('CWSource')

MAPPED_SOURCE_TYPES = set( ('pyrorql', 'datafeed') )

class CWSourceMappingTab(EntityView):
    __regid__ = 'cwsource-mapping'
    __select__ = (tabs.PrimaryTab.__select__ & is_instance('CWSource')
                  & match_user_groups('managers')
                  & score_entity(lambda x:x.type in MAPPED_SOURCE_TYPES))

    def entity_call(self, entity):
        _ = self._cw._
        self.w('<h3>%s</h3>' % _('Entity and relation supported by this source'))
        eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema('CWSourceSchemaConfig')
        if eschema.has_perm(self._cw, 'add'):
            self.w(u'<a href="%s" class="addButton right">%s</a>' % (
                self._cw.build_url('add/%s' % eschema),
                self._cw._('add a CWSourceSchemaConfig')))
            self.w(u'<div class="clear"></div>')
        rset = self._cw.execute(
            'Any X, SCH, XO ORDERBY ET WHERE X options XO, X cw_for_source S, S eid %(s)s, '
            'X cw_schema SCH, SCH is ET', {'s': entity.eid})
        self.wview('table', rset, 'noresult')
        # self.w('<h3>%s</h3>' % _('Relations that should not be crossed'))
        # self.w('<p>%s</p>' % _(
        #     'By default, when a relation is not supported by a source, it is '
        #     'supposed that a local relation may point to an entity from the '
        #     'external source. Relations listed here won\'t have this '
        #     '"crossing" behaviour.'))
        # self.wview('list', entity.related('cw_dont_cross'), 'noresult')
        # self.w('<h3>%s</h3>' % _('Relations that can be crossed'))
        # self.w('<p>%s</p>' % _(
        #     'By default, when a relation is supported by a source, it is '
        #     'supposed that a local relation can\'t point to an entity from the '
        #     'external source. Relations listed here may have this '
        #     '"crossing" behaviour anyway.'))
        # self.wview('list', entity.related('cw_may_cross'), 'noresult')
        checker = MAPPING_CHECKERS.get(entity.type, MappingChecker)(entity)
        if (checker.errors or checker.warnings or checker.infos):
                self.w('<h2>%s</h2>' % _('Detected problems'))
                errors = zip(repeat(_('error')), checker.errors)
                warnings = zip(repeat(_('warning')), checker.warnings)
                infos = zip(repeat(_('warning')), checker.infos)
                self.wview('pyvaltable', pyvalue=chain(errors, warnings, infos))

class MappingChecker(object):
    def __init__(self, cwsource):
        self.cwsource = cwsource
        self.errors = []
        self.warnings = []
        self.infos = []
        self.schema = cwsource._cw.vreg.schema

    def init(self):
        # supported entity types
        self.sentities = set()
        # supported relations
        self.srelations = {}
        # avoid duplicated messages
        self.seen = set()
        # first get mapping as dict/sets
        for schemacfg in self.cwsource.reverse_cw_for_source:

    def init_schemacfg(self, schemacfg):
        cwerschema = schemacfg.schema
        if cwerschema.__regid__ == 'CWEType':
        elif cwerschema.__regid__ == 'CWRType':
            assert not cwerschema.name in self.srelations
            self.srelations[cwerschema.name] = None
        else: # CWAttribute/CWRelation
            self.srelations.setdefault(cwerschema.rtype.name, []).append(
                (cwerschema.stype.name, cwerschema.otype.name) )

    def check(self):
        error = self.errors.append
        warning = self.warnings.append
        info = self.infos.append
        for etype in self.sentities:
            eschema = self.schema[etype]
            for rschema, ttypes, role in eschema.relation_definitions():
                if rschema in META_RTYPES:
                ttypes = [ttype for ttype in ttypes if ttype in self.sentities]
                if not rschema in self.srelations:
                    for ttype in ttypes:
                        rdef = rschema.role_rdef(etype, ttype, role)
                        if rdef.role_cardinality(role) in '1+':
                            error(_('relation %(type)s with %(etype)s as %(role)s '
                                    'and target type %(target)s is mandatory but '
                                    'not supported') %
                                  {'rtype': rschema, 'etype': etype, 'role': role,
                                   'target': ttype})
                        elif ttype in self.sentities:
                            warning(_('%s could be supported') % rdef)
                elif not ttypes:
                    warning(_('relation %(rtype)s with %(etype)s as %(role)s is '
                              'supported but no target type supported') %
                            {'rtype': rschema, 'role': role, 'etype': etype})
        for rtype, rdefs in self.srelations.iteritems():
            if rdefs is None:
                rschema = self.schema[rtype]
                for subj, obj in rschema.rdefs:
                    if subj in self.sentities and obj in self.sentities:
                    error(_('relation %s is supported but none of its definitions '
                            'matches supported entities') % rtype)

    def custom_check(self):

class PyroRQLMappingChecker(MappingChecker):
    """pyrorql source mapping checker"""

    def init(self):
        self.dontcross = set()
        self.maycross = set()
        super(PyroRQLMappingChecker, self).init()

    def init_schemacfg(self, schemacfg):
        options = schemacfg.options or ()
        if 'dontcross' in options:
            super(PyroRQLMappingChecker, self).init_schemacfg(schemacfg)
            if 'maycross' in options:

    def custom_check(self):
        error = self.errors.append
        info = self.infos.append
        for etype in self.sentities:
            eschema = self.schema[etype]
            for rschema, ttypes, role in eschema.relation_definitions():
                if rschema in META_RTYPES:
                if not rschema in self.srelations:
                    if rschema not in self.dontcross:
                        if role == 'subject' and rschema.inlined:
                            error(_('inlined relation %(rtype)s of %(etype)s '
                                    'should be supported') %
                                  {'rtype': rschema, 'etype': etype})
                        elif (rschema not in self.seen and rschema not in self.maycross):
                            info(_('you may want to specify something for %s') %
                elif rschema in self.maycross and rschema.inlined:
                    error(_('you should un-inline relation %s which is '
                            'supported and may be crossed ') % rschema)

    'pyrorql': PyroRQLMappingChecker,

# sources management view ######################################################

class ManageSourcesAction(actions.ManagersAction):
    __regid__ = 'cwsource'
    title = _('data sources')
    category = 'manage'

class CWSourceManagementView(StartupView):
    __regid__ = 'cw.source-management'
    rql = ('Any S, ST, SP, SD, SN ORDERBY SN WHERE S is CWSource, S name SN, S type ST, '
           'S latest_retrieval SD, S parser SP')
    title = _('data sources management')

    def call(self, **kwargs):
        self.w('<h1>%s</h1>' % self._cw._(self.title))
        eschema = self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema('CWSource')
        if eschema.has_perm(self._cw, 'add'):
            self.w(u'<a href="%s" class="addButton right">%s</a>' % (
                self._cw.build_url('add/%s' % eschema),
                self._cw._('add a CWSource')))
            self.w(u'<div class="clear"></div>')
        self.wview('table', self._cw.execute(self.rql), displaycols=range(4))