[dbapi] Stop shadowing exceptions in get_repository() (closes #2710515)
Exceptions are already handled higher up in the stack so there's no
reason to handle them here. Furthermore, non-ConnectionError exceptions
would get hidden, making debugging harder.
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main, tag, Tags
from cubicweb.web import StatusResponse
from cubicweb.devtools.fake import FakeRequest
def _test_cache(hin, hout, method='GET'):
"""forge and process a request
return status code and the request object
status is None is no cache is involved
# forge request
req = FakeRequest(method=method)
for key, value in hin:
req._headers_in.addRawHeader(key, str(value))
for key, value in hout:
req.headers_out.addRawHeader(key, str(value))
# process
status = None
except StatusResponse as ex:
status = ex.status
return status, req
class HTTPCache(TestCase):
"""Check that the http cache logiac work as expected
(as far as we understood the RFC)
tags = TestCase.tags | Tags('http', 'cache')
def assertCache(self, expected, status, situation=''):
"""simple assert for nicer message"""
if expected != status:
if expected is None:
expected = "MODIFIED"
if status is None:
status = "MODIFIED"
msg = 'expected %r got %r' % (expected, status)
if situation:
msg = "%s - when: %s" % (msg, situation)
def test_IN_none_OUT_none(self):
#: test that no caching is requested when not data is available
#: on any side
status, req =_test_cache((),())
def test_IN_Some_OUT_none(self):
#: test that no caching is requested when no data is available
#: server (origin) side
hin = [('if-modified-since','Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, ())
hin = [('if-none-match','babar/huitre'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, ())
hin = [('if-modified-since','Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, ())
def test_IN_none_OUT_Some(self):
#: test that no caching is requested when no data is provided
#: by the client
hout = [('last-modified','Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache((), hout)
hout = [('etag','babar/huitre'),
status, req = _test_cache((), hout)
hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache((), hout)
def test_last_modified_newer(self):
#: test the proper behavior of modification date only
# newer
hin = [('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'origin is newer than client')
def test_last_modified_older(self):
# older
hin = [('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 15 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'origin is older than client')
def test_last_modified_same(self):
# same
hin = [('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('last-modified', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'origin is equal to client')
def test_etag_mismatch(self):
#: test the proper behavior of etag only
# etag mismatch
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'celestine'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'etag mismatch')
def test_etag_match(self):
# etag match
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'etag match')
# etag match in multiple
hin = [('if-none-match', 'loutre'),
('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'etag match in multiple')
# client use "*" as etag
hin = [('if-none-match', '*'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'client use "*" as etag')
@tag('etag', 'last_modified')
def test_both(self):
#: test the proper behavior of etag only
# both wrong
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('etag', 'loutre'),
('last-modified', 'Sat, 15 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'both wrong')
@tag('etag', 'last_modified')
def test_both_etag_mismatch(self):
# both etag mismatch
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('etag', 'loutre'),
('last-modified', 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'both but etag mismatch')
@tag('etag', 'last_modified')
def test_both_but_modified(self):
# both but modified
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
('last-modified', 'Sat, 15 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'both but modified')
@tag('etag', 'last_modified')
def test_both_ok(self):
# both ok
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
('if-modified-since', 'Sat, 14 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
('last-modified', 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'both ok')
@tag('etag', 'HEAD')
def test_head_verb(self):
#: check than FOUND 200 is properly raise without content on HEAD request
#: This logic does not really belong here :-/
# modified
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='HEAD')
self.assertCache(200, status, 'modifier HEAD verb')
# not modified
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='HEAD')
self.assertCache(304, status, 'not modifier HEAD verb')
@tag('etag', 'POST')
def test_post_verb(self):
# modified
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='POST')
self.assertCache(None, status, 'modifier HEAD verb')
# not modified
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout, method='POST')
self.assertCache(412, status, 'not modifier HEAD verb')
def test_expires_added(self):
#: Check that Expires header is added:
#: - when the page is modified
#: - when none was already present
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'modifier HEAD verb')
value = req.headers_out.getHeader('expires')
def test_expires_not_added(self):
#: Check that Expires header is not added if NOT-MODIFIED
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
hout = [('etag', 'babar'),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(304, status, 'not modifier HEAD verb')
value = req.headers_out.getHeader('expires')
def test_expires_no_overwrite(self):
#: Check that cache does not overwrite existing Expires header
hin = [('if-none-match', 'babar'),
DATE = 'Sat, 13 Apr 2012 14:39:32 GM'
hout = [('etag', 'rhino/really-not-babar'),
('expires', DATE),
status, req = _test_cache(hin, hout)
self.assertCache(None, status, 'not modifier HEAD verb')
value = req.headers_out.getRawHeaders('expires')
self.assertEqual(value, [DATE])
if __name__ == '__main__':