author Alexandre Fayolle <>
Thu, 28 Apr 2011 17:05:22 +0200
changeset 7387 d240cff2d8ba
parent 5024 9e718abe3fde
child 7613 63bac28113a5
permissions -rw-r--r--
[hooks selection optimization] prune hooks when multiple entities are concerned by a hm.call_hooks() (closes: #1672022) the idea is to make a first pass over all the hooks in the registry and to mark put some of them in a disabled list. The disabled hooks are the one which: * are disabled at the session level * have a match_rtype or an is_instance selector which does not match the rtype / etype of the relations / entities for which we are calling the hooks. This works because the repository calls the hooks grouped by rtype or by etype when using the entities or eids_to_from keyword arguments Only hooks with a simple selector or an AndSelector of simple selectors (is_instance and match_rtype) are considered for disabling.

CubicWeb semantic web framework

CubicWeb is a entities / relations based knowledge management system
developped at Logilab.

This package contains:
* a repository server
* a RQL command line client to the repository
* an adaptative modpython interface to the server
* a bunch of other management tools


More details at

Getting started


 apt-get install cubicweb cubicweb-dev cubicweb-blog
 cubicweb-ctl create blog myblog
 cubicweb-ctl start -D myblog
 sensible-browser http://localhost:8080/

Details at


Look in the doc/ subdirectory or read