author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>
Thu, 20 Jun 2013 16:19:27 +0200
changeset 9044 cfec5cc46008
parent 8696 0bb18407c053
child 10609 e2d8e81bfe68
permissions -rw-r--r--
[testlib] gather all repository access logic in one place Refactoring of the repository access API in test is imminent. We plan to move from the "old" dbapi to the new repoapi. Gathering all impacted method in one place help to understand how all those method interact and help readability for both patch and resulting code. No code change is done at all in this changeset. The refactoring will code later.

# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""SPARQL integration"""

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
_ = unicode

from yams import xy
from rql import TypeResolverException

from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import E

from cubicweb.view import StartupView, AnyRsetView
from cubicweb.web import Redirect, form, formfields, formwidgets as fwdgs
from cubicweb.web.views import forms
    from cubicweb.spa2rql import Sparql2rqlTranslator, UnsupportedQuery
except ImportError:
    # fyzz not available (only a recommends)
    Sparql2rqlTranslator = None

class SparqlForm(forms.FieldsForm):
    __regid__ = 'sparql'
    sparql = formfields.StringField(help=_('type here a sparql query'))
    resultvid = formfields.StringField(choices=((_('table'), 'table'),
                                                (_('sparql xml'), 'sparqlxml')),
    form_buttons = [fwdgs.SubmitButton()]
    def action(self):
        return self._cw.url()

class SparqlFormView(form.FormViewMixIn, StartupView):
    __regid__ = 'sparql'
    def call(self):
        form = self._cw.vreg['forms'].select('sparql', self._cw)
        sparql = self._cw.form.get('sparql')
        vid = self._cw.form.get('resultvid', 'table')
        if sparql:
                qinfo = Sparql2rqlTranslator(self._cw.vreg.schema).translate(sparql)
            except TypeResolverException as exc:
                self.w(self._cw._('can not resolve entity types:') + u' ' + unicode(exc))
            except UnsupportedQuery:
                self.w(self._cw._('we are not yet ready to handle this query'))
            except xy.UnsupportedVocabulary as exc:
                self.w(self._cw._('unknown vocabulary:') + u' ' + unicode(exc))
                rql, args = qinfo.finalize()
                if vid == 'sparqlxml':
                    url = self._cw.build_url('view', rql=rql % args, vid=vid)
                    raise Redirect(url)
                rset = self._cw.execute(rql, args)
                self.wview(vid, rset, 'null')

## sparql resultset views #####################################################

    'String': 'string',

    'Boolean': 'boolean',
    'Int': 'integer',
    'BigInt': 'integer',
    'Float': 'float',

    'Datetime': 'dateTime',
    'TZDatetime': 'dateTime',
    'Date': 'date',
    'Time': 'time',
    'TZTime': 'time',

    # XXX the following types don't have direct mapping
    'Decimal': 'string',
    'Interval': 'duration',
    'Bytes': 'base64Binary',
    'Password': 'string',

def xmlschema(yamstype):
    return 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#%s' % YAMS_XMLSCHEMA_MAPPING[yamstype]

class SparqlResultXmlView(AnyRsetView):
    """The spec can be found here: http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/
    __regid__ = 'sparqlxml'
    content_type = 'application/sparql-results+xml'
    templatable = False

    def call(self):
        # XXX handle UNION
        rqlst = self.cw_rset.syntax_tree().children[0]
        varnames = [var.name for var in rqlst.selection]
        results = E.results()
        for rowidx in xrange(len(self.cw_rset)):
            result = E.result()
            for colidx, varname in enumerate(varnames):
                result.append(self.cell_binding(rowidx, colidx, varname))
        sparql = E.sparql(E.head(*(E.variable(name=name) for name in varnames)),
        self.w(u'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
        self.w(etree.tostring(sparql, encoding=unicode, pretty_print=True))

    def cell_binding(self, row, col, varname):
        celltype = self.cw_rset.description[row][col]
        if self._cw.vreg.schema.eschema(celltype).final:
            cellcontent = self._cw.view('cell', self.cw_rset, row=row, col=col)
            return E.binding(E.literal(cellcontent,
            entity = self.cw_rset.get_entity(row, col)
            return E.binding(E.uri(entity.absolute_url()), name=varname)

    def set_request_content_type(self):
        """overriden to set the correct filetype and filename"""

def registration_callback(vreg):
    if Sparql2rqlTranslator is not None:
        vreg.register_all(globals().itervalues(), __name__)