author Nicolas Chauvat <>
Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:38:32 +0200
changeset 2172 cf8f9180e63e
parent 1714 a721966779be
child 2175 16d3c37c5d28
permissions -rw-r--r--

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

What's next?

We demonstrated how from a straight out of the box `CubicWeb`
installation, you can build your web-application based on a
schema. It's all already there: views, templates, permissions,
etc. The step forward is now for you to customize according
to your needs.

More than a web application, many features are available to
extend your application, for example: RSS channel integration
(:ref:`rss`), hooks (:ref:`hooks`), support of sources such as
Google App Engine (:ref:`gaecontents`) and lots of others to
discover through our book.