[devtools] 'dict_values' object does not support indexing
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.._TutosBaseBlogFiveMinutes:Get a blog running in five minutes!-----------------------------------For Debian or Ubuntu users, first install the following packages(:ref:`DebianInstallation`):: cubicweb, cubicweb-dev, cubicweb-blogWindows or Mac OS X users must install |cubicweb| from source (see:ref:`SourceInstallation` and :ref:`WindowsInstallation`).Then create and initialize your instance:: cubicweb-ctl create blog myblogYou'll be asked a few questions, and you can keep the default answer for most ofthem. The one question you'll have to think about is the database you'll want touse for that instance. For a quick test, if you don't have `postgresql` installedand configured (see :ref:`PostgresqlConfiguration`), it's highly recommended tochoose `sqlite` when asked for which database driver to use, since it has a muchsimple setup (no database server needed).One the process is completed (including database initialisation), you can startyour instance by using: :: cubicweb-ctl start -D myblogThe `-D` option activates the debugging mode. Removing it will launch the instanceas a daemon in the background, and ``cubicweb-ctl stop myblog`` will stopit in that case. About file system permissions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unless you installed from sources, the above commands assume that you have rootaccess to the :file:`/etc/` directory. In order to initialize your instance as aregular user, within your home directory, you can use the :envvar:`CW_MODE`environment variable: :: export CW_MODE=userthen create a :file:`~/etc/cubicweb.d` directory that will hold your instances.More information about how to configure your own environment isavailable in :ref:`ResourceMode`.Instance parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you would like to change database parameters such as the database host or theuser name used to connect to the database, edit the `sources` file located in the:file:`/etc/cubicweb.d/myblog` directory.Then relaunch the database creation:: cubicweb-ctl db-create myblogOther parameters, like web server or emails parameters, can be modified in the:file:`/etc/cubicweb.d/myblog/all-in-one.conf` file.You'll have to restart the instance after modification in one of those files.This is it. Your blog is functional and running. Visit http://localhost:8080 and enjoy it!