[pyramid] Let logging be configured through .ini file
We do not initialize logging in CubicWebPyramidConfiguration thus
preventing logging to be started with cubicweb's configuration. On the
other hand, any logging configuration defined in ``development.ini``
file will be loaded by whatever start the instance using this file (i.e.
pserve, gunicorn, etc.). The benefit is that logging can now be
configured per "qualified name" in this file (i.e. one can easily set
the DEBUG level for the application cube while keeping all dependencies'
level to WARNING). In the development.ini template, we add logger
configurations for "logilab" and "cubicweb" qualified names (along with
those of the application cube).
3.26 (unreleased)
New features
* For ``pyramid`` instance configuration kind, logging is not handled anymore
by CubicWeb but should be configured through ``development.ini`` file
following https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/logging.html.