Fix flake8 issues since release 3.6.0
Flake8 had a new release which raise new issues, namely:
W504: line break after binary operator
F841: local variable 'ex' is assigned to but never used
W605: invalid escape sequence
F821: undefined name 'buffer' (noqa seems the only way to avoid this false positive)
Also pin flake8>=3.6 in our tests and make explicit that we use python3 to run
flake8 tests.
The facets system
Facets allow to restrict searches according to some user friendly criterias.
CubicWeb has a builtin `facet`_ system to define restrictions `filters`_ really
as easily as possible.
Here is an exemple of the facets rendering picked from our web site:
.. image:: ../../images/facet_overview.png
Facets will appear on each page presenting more than one entity that may be
filtered according to some known criteria.
Base classes for facets
.. automodule:: cubicweb.web.facet
.. _facet:
.. _filters: