Fix flake8 issues since release 3.6.0
Flake8 had a new release which raise new issues, namely:
W504: line break after binary operator
F841: local variable 'ex' is assigned to but never used
W605: invalid escape sequence
F821: undefined name 'buffer' (noqa seems the only way to avoid this false positive)
Also pin flake8>=3.6 in our tests and make explicit that we use python3 to run
flake8 tests.
.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CSS Stylesheet
.. XXX external_resources variable
.. naming convention
.. request.add_css
Extending / overriding existing styles
We cannot modify the order in which the application is reading the CSS. In
the case we want to create new CSS style, the best is to define it a in a new
CSS located under ``myapp/data/`` and use those new styles while writing
customized views and templates.
If you want to modify an existing CSS styling property, you will have to use
``!important`` declaration to override the existing property. The application
apply a higher priority on the default CSS and you can not change that.
Customized CSS will not be read first.
CubicWeb stylesheets
.. XXX explain diffenrent files and main classes