author Sandrine Ribeau <>
Tue, 09 Dec 2008 16:19:02 -0800
changeset 199 c603087373cd
parent 127 ae611743f5c6
child 261 20d5eae54d57
permissions -rw-r--r--
[doc] Inserted content from LAX book about templates.

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. _components:


What is a component

A component is a model grouping one or more entity types and/or views associated
in order to provide a specific feature or even a complete application using
others components.
You can decide to write your own set of components if you wish to re-use the 
entity types you develop. By default, LAX comes with its owns set of components
that you can start using right away.

Standard library

A library of standard components is part of the `LAX` release (look at
``lax/skel/ginco-apps``). Components provide entities and views. With
``lax-0.4``, you should get a set of application entities and system
entities you can re-use.

The available application entities are:

* addressbook: PhoneNumber and PostalAddress

* ebasket: Basket (like a shopping cart)

* eblog: Blog (a *very* basic blog)

* eclassfolder: Folder (to organize things but grouping them in folders)

* eclasstags: Tag (to tag anything)

* efile: File (to allow users to upload and store binary or text files)

* elink: Link (to collect links to web resources)

* emailinglist: MailingList (to reference a mailing-list and the URLs
  for its archives and its admin interface)

* eperson: Person (easily mixed with addressbook)

* etask: Task (something to be done between start and stop date)

* ezone: Zone (to define places within larger places, for example a
  city in a state in a country)

The available system entities are:

* ecomment: Comment (to attach comment threads to entities)

Adding comments to BlogDemo

To import a component in your application just change the line in the
``app.conf`` file. For example::


will make the ``Comment`` entity available in your ``BlogDemo``

Change the schema to add a relationship between ``BlogEntry`` and
``Comment`` and you are done. Since the ecomment component defines the
``comments`` relationship, adding the line::

    comments = ObjectRelation('Comment', cardinality='1*', composite='object')

to the definition of a ``BlogEntry`` will be enough.

Clear the datastore and restart.

Component structure

A complex component is structured as follows:

  |-- entities/
  |-- sobjects/
  |-- views/
  |-- test/
  |-- i18n/
  |-- data/
  |-- migration/
  | |-
  | \-
  |-- debian/

We can also define simple Python module instead of directories (packages), for example:



* ``schema`` contains the definition of the schema (server side only)
* ``entities`` contains entities definition (server side and web interface)
* ``sobjects`` contains hooks and/or notification views (server side only)
* ``views`` contains the web interface components (web interface only)
* ``test`` contains tests related to the application (not installed)
* ``i18n`` contains messages catalogs for supported languages (server side and
  web interface)
* ``data`` contains data files for static content (images, css, javascripts)
  ...(web interface only)
* ``migration`` contains initialization file for new instances (````)
  and a file containing dependencies of the component depending on the version
* ``debian`` contains all the files managing debian packaging (you will find
  the usual files ``control``, ``rules``, ``changelog``... not installed)
* file ```` provides component meta-data, especially the distribution
  and the current version(server side and web interface) or sub-components used by
  the component.
At least you should have:

* the file ````
* schema definition


* explain the component architecture

* add comments to the blog by importing the comments component