author Yann Voté <>
Thu, 27 Apr 2017 10:16:39 +0200
changeset 12185 c46f2bf815d2
parent 11948 73ed9c204de9
permissions -rw-r--r--
[migration] Only drop moved table entities if it does not exists For very old instances (namely docaster), this table has never been created.

from base64 import b64decode

# before removing extid, ensure it's coherent with cwuri
for eid, etype, encoded_extid in sql(
        "SELECT eid, type, extid FROM entities, cw_CWSource "
        "WHERE cw_CWSource.cw_name=entities.asource AND cw_CWSource.cw_type='ldapfeed'"):
    sql('UPDATE cw_{} SET cw_cwuri=%(cwuri)s WHERE cw_eid=%(eid)s'.format(etype),
        {'eid': eid, 'cwuri': b64decode(encoded_extid)})

sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS moved_entities')
sql('ALTER TABLE entities DROP COLUMN asource')
sql('ALTER TABLE entities DROP COLUMN extid')
sql('DROP INDEX entities_type_idx')

# force cw_schema deletion before CWSourceSchemaConfig to avoid nasty bug

# Check the CW versions and add the entity only if needed ?
rql('DELETE CWProperty X WHERE X pkey "system.version.pyramid"',