[forms/inline] fix #703911: add new link disappears if inline box removed. Since we've the information, we must specify the target type else we get random cardinality on ambiguous relations
"""Functions to add additional annotations on a rql syntax tree to ease later
code generation.
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from logilab.common.compat import any
from rql import BadRQLQuery
from rql.nodes import Relation, VariableRef, Constant, Variable, Or
from rql.utils import common_parent
def _annotate_select(annotator, rqlst):
for subquery in rqlst.with_:
#if server.DEBUG:
# print '-------- sql annotate', repr(rqlst)
getrschema = annotator.schema.rschema
has_text_query = False
need_distinct = rqlst.distinct
for rel in rqlst.iget_nodes(Relation):
if getrschema(rel.r_type).symmetric and not rel.neged(strict=True):
for vref in rel.iget_nodes(VariableRef):
stinfo = vref.variable.stinfo
if not stinfo['constnode'] and stinfo['selected']:
need_distinct = True
# XXX could mark as not invariant
for name, var in rqlst.defined_vars.items():
stinfo = var.stinfo
if stinfo.get('ftirels'):
has_text_query = True
if stinfo['attrvar']:
stinfo['invariant'] = False
stinfo['principal'] = _select_main_var(stinfo['rhsrelations'])
if not stinfo['relations'] and not stinfo['typerels']:
# Any X, Any MAX(X)...
# those particular queries should be executed using the system
# entities table unless there is some type restriction
stinfo['invariant'] = True
stinfo['principal'] = None
if any(rel for rel in stinfo['relations'] if rel.r_type == 'eid' and rel.operator() != '=') and \
not any(r for r in var.stinfo['relations'] - var.stinfo['rhsrelations']
if r.r_type != 'eid' and (getrschema(r.r_type).inlined or getrschema(r.r_type).final)):
# Any X WHERE X eid > 2
# those particular queries should be executed using the system entities table
stinfo['invariant'] = True
stinfo['principal'] = None
if stinfo['selected'] and var.valuable_references() == 1+bool(stinfo['constnode']):
# "Any X", "Any X, Y WHERE X attr Y"
stinfo['invariant'] = False
joins = set()
invariant = False
for ref in var.references():
rel = ref.relation()
if rel is None or rel.is_types_restriction():
lhs, rhs = rel.get_parts()
onlhs = ref is lhs
if rel.r_type == 'eid':
if not (onlhs and len(stinfo['relations']) > 1):
if not stinfo['constnode']:
elif rel.r_type == 'identity':
# identity can't be used as principal, so check other relation are used
# XXX explain rhs.operator == '='
if rhs.operator != '=' or len(stinfo['relations']) <= 1: #(stinfo['constnode'] and rhs.operator == '='):
rschema = getrschema(rel.r_type)
if rel.optional:
if rel in stinfo['optrelations']:
# optional variable can't be invariant if this is the lhs
# variable of an inlined relation
if not rel in stinfo['rhsrelations'] and rschema.inlined:
# variable used as main variable of an optional relation
# can't be invariant
if rschema.final or (onlhs and rschema.inlined):
if rschema.type != 'has_text':
# need join anyway if the variable appears in a final or
# inlined relation
if not stinfo['constnode']:
if rschema.inlined and rel.neged(strict=True):
# if relation is inlined, can't be invariant if that
# variable is used anywhere else.
# see 'Any P WHERE NOT N ecrit_par P, N eid 512':
# sql for 'NOT N ecrit_par P' is 'N.ecrit_par is NULL' so P
# can use N.ecrit_par as principal
if (stinfo['selected'] or len(stinfo['relations']) > 1):
elif rschema.symmetric and stinfo['selected']:
# if there is at least one ambigous relation and no other to
# restrict types, can't be invariant since we need to filter out
# other types
if not annotator.is_ambiguous(var):
invariant = True
stinfo['invariant'] = invariant
if invariant and joins:
# remember rqlst/solutions analyze information
# we have to select a kindof "main" relation which will "extrajoins"
# the other
# priority should be given to relation which are not in inner queries
# (eg exists)
stinfo['principal'] = _select_principal(var.sqlscope, joins)
except CantSelectPrincipal:
stinfo['invariant'] = False
rqlst.need_distinct = need_distinct
return has_text_query
class CantSelectPrincipal(Exception): pass
def _select_principal(sqlscope, relations, _sort=lambda x:x):
"""given a list of rqlst relations, select one which will be used to
represent an invariant variable (e.g. using on extremity of the relation
instead of the variable's type table
# _sort argument is there for test
diffscope_rels = {}
has_same_scope_rel = False
ored_rels = set()
diffscope_rels = set()
for rel in _sort(relations):
# note: only eid and has_text among all final relations may be there
if rel.r_type in ('eid', 'identity'):
has_same_scope_rel = rel.sqlscope is sqlscope
if rel.ored(traverse_scope=True):
elif rel.sqlscope is sqlscope:
return rel
elif not rel.neged(traverse_scope=True):
if len(ored_rels) > 1:
ored_rels_copy = tuple(ored_rels)
for rel1 in ored_rels_copy:
for rel2 in ored_rels_copy:
if rel1 is rel2:
if isinstance(common_parent(rel1, rel2), Or):
for rel in _sort(ored_rels):
if rel.sqlscope is sqlscope:
return rel
# if DISTINCT query, can use variable from a different scope as principal
# since introduced duplicates will be removed
if sqlscope.stmt.distinct and diffscope_rels:
return iter(_sort(diffscope_rels)).next()
# XXX could use a relation for a different scope if it can't generate
# duplicates, so we would have to check cardinality
raise CantSelectPrincipal()
def _select_main_var(relations):
"""given a list of rqlst relations, select one which will be used as main
relation for the rhs variable
principal = None
# sort for test predictability
for rel in sorted(relations, key=lambda x: (x.children[0].name, x.r_type)):
# only equality relation with a variable as rhs may be principal
if rel.operator() not in ('=', 'IS') \
or not isinstance(rel.children[1].children[0], VariableRef):
if rel.sqlscope is rel.stmt:
return rel
principal = rel
if principal is None:
raise BadRQLQuery('unable to find principal in %s' % ', '.join(
r.as_string() for r in relations))
return principal
def set_qdata(getrschema, union, noinvariant):
"""recursive function to set querier data on variables in the syntax tree
for select in union.children:
for subquery in select.with_:
set_qdata(getrschema, subquery.query, noinvariant)
for var in select.defined_vars.itervalues():
if var.stinfo['invariant']:
if var in noinvariant and not var.stinfo['principal'].r_type == 'has_text':
var._q_invariant = False
var._q_invariant = True
var._q_invariant = False
for rel in select.iget_nodes(Relation):
if rel.neged(strict=True) and not rel.is_types_restriction():
rschema = getrschema(rel.r_type)
if not rschema.final:
# if one of the relation's variable is ambiguous but not
# invariant, an intersection will be necessary
for vref in rel.get_nodes(VariableRef):
var = vref.variable
if (not var._q_invariant and var.valuable_references() == 1
and len(var.stinfo['possibletypes']) > 1):
select.need_intersect = True
select.need_intersect = False
class SQLGenAnnotator(object):
def __init__(self, schema):
self.schema = schema
self.nfdomain = frozenset(eschema.type for eschema in schema.entities()
if not eschema.final)
def annotate(self, rqlst):
"""add information to the rql syntax tree to help sources to do their
job (read sql generation)
a variable is tagged as invariant if:
* it's a non final variable
* it's not used as lhs in any final or inlined relation
* there is no type restriction on this variable (either explicit in the
syntax tree or because a solution for this variable has been removed
due to security filtering)
#assert rqlst.TYPE == 'select', rqlst
rqlst.has_text_query = self._annotate_union(rqlst)
def _annotate_union(self, union):
has_text_query = False
for select in union.children:
htq = _annotate_select(self, select)
if htq:
has_text_query = True
return has_text_query
def is_ambiguous(self, var):
# ignore has_text relation
if len([rel for rel in var.stinfo['relations']
if rel.sqlscope is var.sqlscope and rel.r_type == 'has_text']) == 1:
return False
data = var.stmt._deamb_data
except AttributeError:
data = var.stmt._deamb_data = IsAmbData(self.schema, self.nfdomain)
return data.is_ambiguous(var)
class IsAmbData(object):
def __init__(self, schema, nfdomain):
self.schema = schema
# shortcuts
self.rschema = schema.rschema
self.eschema = schema.eschema
# domain for non final variables
self.nfdomain = nfdomain
# {var: possible solutions set}
self.varsols = {}
# set of ambiguous variables
self.ambiguousvars = set()
# remember if a variable has been deambiguified by another to avoid
# doing the opposite
self.deambification_map = {}
# not invariant variables (access to final.inlined relation)
self.not_invariants = set()
def is_ambiguous(self, var):
return var in self.ambiguousvars
def restrict(self, var, restricted_domain):
self.varsols[var] &= restricted_domain
if var in self.ambiguousvars and self.varsols[var] == var.stinfo['possibletypes']:
def compute(self, rqlst):
# set domains for each variable
for varname, var in rqlst.defined_vars.iteritems():
if var.stinfo['uidrels'] or \
ptypes = var.stinfo['possibletypes']
ptypes = set(self.nfdomain)
self.varsols[var] = ptypes
if not self.ambiguousvars:
# apply relation restriction
self.maydeambrels = maydeambrels = {}
for rel in rqlst.iget_nodes(Relation):
if rel.r_type == 'eid' or rel.is_types_restriction():
lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
if isinstance(lhs, VariableRef) or isinstance(rhs, VariableRef):
rschema = self.rschema(rel.r_type)
if rschema.inlined or rschema.final:
self.set_rel_constraint(lhs, rel, rschema.subjects)
self.set_rel_constraint(rhs, rel, rschema.objects)
# try to deambiguify more variables by considering other variables'type
modified = True
while modified and self.ambiguousvars:
modified = False
for var in self.ambiguousvars.copy():
for rel in (var.stinfo['relations'] & maydeambrels[var]):
if self.deambiguifying_relation(var, rel):
modified = True
except KeyError:
# no relation to deambiguify
def _debug_print(self):
print 'varsols', dict((x, sorted(str(v) for v in values))
for x, values in self.varsols.iteritems())
print 'ambiguous vars', sorted(self.ambiguousvars)
def set_rel_constraint(self, term, rel, etypes_func):
if isinstance(term, VariableRef) and self.is_ambiguous(term.variable):
var = term.variable
if len(var.stinfo['relations'] - var.stinfo['typerels']) == 1 \
or rel.sqlscope is var.sqlscope or rel.r_type == 'identity':
self.restrict(var, frozenset(etypes_func()))
except KeyError:
self.maydeambrels[var] = set((rel,))
def deambiguifying_relation(self, var, rel):
lhs, rhs = rel.get_variable_parts()
onlhs = var is getattr(lhs, 'variable', None)
other = onlhs and rhs or lhs
otheretypes = None
# XXX isinstance(other.variable, Variable) to skip column alias
if isinstance(other, VariableRef) and isinstance(other.variable, Variable):
deambiguifier = other.variable
if not var is self.deambification_map.get(deambiguifier):
if not var.stinfo['typerels']:
otheretypes = deambiguifier.stinfo['possibletypes']
elif not self.is_ambiguous(deambiguifier):
otheretypes = self.varsols[deambiguifier]
elif deambiguifier in self.not_invariants:
# we know variable won't be invariant, try to use
# it to deambguify the current variable
otheretypes = self.varsols[deambiguifier]
if not deambiguifier.stinfo['typerels']:
# if deambiguifier has no type restriction using 'is',
# don't record it
deambiguifier = None
elif isinstance(other, Constant) and other.uidtype:
otheretypes = (other.uidtype,)
deambiguifier = None
if otheretypes is not None:
# to restrict, we must check that for all type in othertypes,
# possible types on the other end of the relation are matching
# variable's possible types
rschema = self.rschema(rel.r_type)
if onlhs:
rtypefunc = rschema.subjects
rtypefunc = rschema.objects
for otheretype in otheretypes:
reltypes = frozenset(rtypefunc(otheretype))
if var.stinfo['possibletypes'] != reltypes:
return False
self.restrict(var, var.stinfo['possibletypes'])
self.deambification_map[var] = deambiguifier
return True
return False