author Denis Laxalde <>
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 12:19:03 +0200
changeset 12569 c197f9382e53
parent 12360 5be7a80d0696
child 12594 cd9c9573fbd5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add pytest-subtests to dev requirements This pytest plugin adds support for unittest's TestCase.subTest (for Python >= 3.4). Since we we now only support python3 and since we use a fair amount of these, let's benefit of better reporting by using this plugin.

envlist = py27,py3,flake8

deps =
commands =
  {envpython} -m pytest {posargs:test}

basepython = python3
skip_install = true
deps =
commands = flake8

exclude = cubicweb_%(cubename)s/migration/*,test/data/*,.tox/*