[edition] convert integer and float values coming from edit forms so that values are correctly typed in before_xxx hooks
"""additional cubicweb-ctl commands and command handlers for cubicweb and cubicweb's
cubes development
:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from os import mkdir, chdir
from os.path import join, exists, abspath, basename, normpath, split, isdir
from warnings import warn
from logilab.common import STD_BLACKLIST
from logilab.common.modutils import get_module_files
from logilab.common.textutils import splitstrip
from logilab.common.shellutils import ASK
from logilab.common.clcommands import register_commands
from cubicweb import CW_SOFTWARE_ROOT as BASEDIR, BadCommandUsage, underline_title
from cubicweb.__pkginfo__ import version as cubicwebversion
from cubicweb.toolsutils import Command, copy_skeleton
from cubicweb.web.webconfig import WebConfiguration
from cubicweb.server.serverconfig import ServerConfiguration
class DevCubeConfiguration(ServerConfiguration, WebConfiguration):
"""dummy config to get full library schema and entities"""
creating = True
cubicweb_appobject_path = ServerConfiguration.cubicweb_appobject_path | WebConfiguration.cubicweb_appobject_path
cube_appobject_path = ServerConfiguration.cube_appobject_path | WebConfiguration.cube_appobject_path
def __init__(self, cube):
super(DevCubeConfiguration, self).__init__(cube)
if cube is None:
self._cubes = ()
self._cubes = self.reorder_cubes(self.expand_cubes(self.my_cubes(cube)))
def my_cubes(self, cube):
return (cube,) + self.cube_dependencies(cube) + self.cube_recommends(cube)
def apphome(self):
return None
def main_config_file(self):
return None
def init_log(self, debug=None):
def load_configuration(self):
class DevDepConfiguration(DevCubeConfiguration):
"""configuration to use to generate cubicweb po files or to use as "library" configuration
to filter out message ids from cubicweb and dependencies of a cube
def my_cubes(self, cube):
return self.cube_dependencies(cube) + self.cube_recommends(cube)
def default_log_file(self):
return None
def cleanup_sys_modules(config):
# cleanup sys.modules, required when we're updating multiple cubes
for name, mod in sys.modules.items():
if mod is None:
# duh ? logilab.common.os for instance
del sys.modules[name]
if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
for path in config.vregistry_path():
if mod.__file__.startswith(path):
del sys.modules[name]
# fresh rtags
from cubicweb import rtags
from cubicweb.web import uicfg
rtags.RTAGS[:] = []
def generate_schema_pot(w, cubedir=None):
"""generate a pot file with schema specific i18n messages
notice that relation definitions description and static vocabulary
should be marked using '_' and extracted using xgettext
from cubicweb.cwvreg import CubicWebVRegistry
cube = cubedir and split(cubedir)[-1]
libconfig = DevDepConfiguration(cube)
libconfig.cleanup_interface_sobjects = False
if cubedir:
config = DevCubeConfiguration(cube)
config.cleanup_interface_sobjects = False
config = libconfig
libconfig = None
schema = config.load_schema(remove_unused_rtypes=False)
vreg = CubicWebVRegistry(config)
# set_schema triggers objects registrations
_generate_schema_pot(w, vreg, schema, libconfig=libconfig, cube=cube)
def _generate_schema_pot(w, vreg, schema, libconfig=None, cube=None):
from cubicweb.common.i18n import add_msg
w('# schema pot file, generated on %s\n' % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
w('# \n')
w('# singular and plural forms for each entity type\n')
if libconfig is not None:
libschema = libconfig.load_schema(remove_unused_rtypes=False)
entities = [e for e in schema.entities() if not e in libschema]
entities = schema.entities()
done = set()
for eschema in sorted(entities):
etype = eschema.type
add_msg(w, etype)
add_msg(w, '%s_plural' % etype)
if not eschema.is_final():
add_msg(w, 'This %s' % etype)
add_msg(w, 'New %s' % etype)
add_msg(w, 'add a %s' % etype)
add_msg(w, 'remove this %s' % etype)
if eschema.description and not eschema.description in done:
add_msg(w, eschema.description)
w('# subject and object forms for each relation type\n')
w('# (no object form for final relation types)\n')
if libconfig is not None:
relations = [r for r in schema.relations() if not r in libschema]
relations = schema.relations()
for rschema in sorted(set(relations)):
rtype = rschema.type
add_msg(w, rtype)
if not (schema.rschema(rtype).is_final() or rschema.symetric):
add_msg(w, '%s_object' % rtype)
if rschema.description and rschema.description not in done:
add_msg(w, rschema.description)
w('# add related box generated message\n')
actionbox = vreg['boxes']['edit_box'][0]
for eschema in schema.entities():
if eschema.is_final():
for role, rschemas in (('subject', eschema.subject_relations()),
('object', eschema.object_relations())):
for rschema in rschemas:
if rschema.is_final():
if libconfig is not None:
librschema = libschema.get(rschema)
for teschema in rschema.targets(eschema, role):
if libconfig is not None and librschema is not None:
if role == 'subject':
subjtype, objtype = eschema, teschema
subjtype, objtype = teschema, eschema
if librschema.has_rdef(subjtype, objtype):
if actionbox.appearsin_addmenu.etype_get(eschema, rschema,
role, teschema):
if role == 'subject':
label = 'add %s %s %s %s' % (eschema, rschema,
teschema, role)
label2 = "creating %s (%s %%(linkto)s %s %s)" % (
teschema, eschema, rschema, teschema)
label = 'add %s %s %s %s' % (teschema, rschema,
eschema, role)
label2 = "creating %s (%s %s %s %%(linkto)s)" % (
teschema, teschema, rschema, eschema)
add_msg(w, label)
add_msg(w, label2)
#cube = (cube and 'cubes.%s.' % cube or 'cubicweb.')
done = set()
if libconfig is not None:
from cubicweb.cwvreg import CubicWebVRegistry
libvreg = CubicWebVRegistry(libconfig)
libvreg.set_schema(libschema) # trigger objects registration
# prefill done set
list(_iter_vreg_objids(libvreg, done))
for objid in _iter_vreg_objids(vreg, done):
add_msg(w, '%s_description' % objid)
add_msg(w, objid)
def _iter_vreg_objids(vreg, done, prefix=None):
for reg, objdict in vreg.items():
for objects in objdict.values():
for obj in objects:
objid = '%s_%s' % (reg, obj.id)
if objid in done:
if obj.property_defs:
yield objid
def defined_in_library(etype, rtype, tetype, role):
"""return true if the given relation definition exists in cubicweb's library
if libschema is None:
return False
if role == 'subject':
subjtype, objtype = etype, tetype
subjtype, objtype = tetype, etype
return libschema.rschema(rtype).has_rdef(subjtype, objtype)
except KeyError:
return False
LANGS = ('en', 'fr', 'es')
I18NDIR = join(BASEDIR, 'i18n')
DEFAULT_POT_HEAD = r'''msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: cubicweb %s\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-28 18:14+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Logilab Team <contact@logilab.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: fr <contact@logilab.fr>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: cubicweb-devtools\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
''' % cubicwebversion
class UpdateCubicWebCatalogCommand(Command):
"""Update i18n catalogs for cubicweb library.
It will regenerate cubicweb/i18n/xx.po files. You'll have then to edit those
files to add translations of newly added messages.
name = 'i18ncubicweb'
def run(self, args):
"""run the command with its specific arguments"""
if args:
raise BadCommandUsage('Too much arguments')
import shutil
import tempfile
import yams
from logilab.common.fileutils import ensure_fs_mode
from logilab.common.shellutils import globfind, find, rm
from cubicweb.common.i18n import extract_from_tal, execute
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
potfiles = [join(I18NDIR, 'static-messages.pot')]
print '-> extract schema messages.'
schemapot = join(tempdir, 'schema.pot')
# explicit close necessary else the file may not be yet flushed when
# we'll using it below
schemapotstream = file(schemapot, 'w')
generate_schema_pot(schemapotstream.write, cubedir=None)
print '-> extract TAL messages.'
tali18nfile = join(tempdir, 'tali18n.py')
extract_from_tal(find(join(BASEDIR, 'web'), ('.py', '.pt')), tali18nfile)
print '-> generate .pot files.'
for id, files, lang in [('pycubicweb', get_module_files(BASEDIR) + list(globfind(join(BASEDIR, 'misc', 'migration'), '*.py')), None),
('schemadescr', globfind(join(BASEDIR, 'schemas'), '*.py'), None),
('yams', get_module_files(yams.__path__[0]), None),
('tal', [tali18nfile], None),
('js', globfind(join(BASEDIR, 'web'), 'cub*.js'), 'java'),
cmd = 'xgettext --no-location --omit-header -k_ -o %s %s'
if lang is not None:
cmd += ' -L %s' % lang
potfile = join(tempdir, '%s.pot' % id)
execute(cmd % (potfile, ' '.join(files)))
if exists(potfile):
print '-> WARNING: %s file was not generated' % potfile
print '-> merging %i .pot files' % len(potfiles)
cubicwebpot = join(tempdir, 'cubicweb.pot')
execute('msgcat %s > %s' % (' '.join(potfiles), cubicwebpot))
print '-> merging main pot file with existing translations.'
toedit = []
for lang in LANGS:
target = '%s.po' % lang
execute('msgmerge -N --sort-output %s %s > %snew' % (target, cubicwebpot, target))
shutil.move('%snew' % target, target)
# cleanup
# instructions pour la suite
print '-> regenerated CubicWeb\'s .po catalogs.'
print '\nYou can now edit the following files:'
print '* ' + '\n* '.join(toedit)
print 'when you are done, run "cubicweb-ctl i18ncube yourcube".'
class UpdateTemplateCatalogCommand(Command):
"""Update i18n catalogs for cubes. If no cube is specified, update
catalogs of all registered cubes.
name = 'i18ncube'
arguments = '[<cube>...]'
def run(self, args):
"""run the command with its specific arguments"""
if args:
cubes = [DevCubeConfiguration.cube_dir(cube) for cube in args]
cubes = [DevCubeConfiguration.cube_dir(cube) for cube in DevCubeConfiguration.available_cubes()]
cubes = [cubepath for cubepath in cubes if exists(join(cubepath, 'i18n'))]
def update_cubes_catalogs(cubes):
for cubedir in cubes:
toedit = []
if not isdir(cubedir):
print '-> ignoring %s that is not a directory.' % cubedir
toedit += update_cube_catalogs(cubedir)
except Exception:
import traceback
print '-> error while updating catalogs for cube', cubedir
# instructions pour la suite
print '-> regenerated .po catalogs for cube %s.' % cubedir
print '\nYou can now edit the following files:'
print '* ' + '\n* '.join(toedit)
print ('When you are done, run "cubicweb-ctl i18ninstance '
'<yourinstance>" to see changes in your instances.')
def update_cube_catalogs(cubedir):
import shutil
import tempfile
from logilab.common.fileutils import ensure_fs_mode
from logilab.common.shellutils import find, rm
from cubicweb.common.i18n import extract_from_tal, execute
toedit = []
cube = basename(normpath(cubedir))
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print underline_title('Updating i18n catalogs for cube %s' % cube)
if exists(join('i18n', 'entities.pot')):
warn('entities.pot is deprecated, rename file to static-messages.pot (%s)'
% join('i18n', 'entities.pot'), DeprecationWarning)
potfiles = [join('i18n', 'entities.pot')]
elif exists(join('i18n', 'static-messages.pot')):
potfiles = [join('i18n', 'static-messages.pot')]
potfiles = []
print '-> extract schema messages'
schemapot = join(tempdir, 'schema.pot')
# explicit close necessary else the file may not be yet flushed when
# we'll using it below
schemapotstream = file(schemapot, 'w')
generate_schema_pot(schemapotstream.write, cubedir)
print '-> extract TAL messages'
tali18nfile = join(tempdir, 'tali18n.py')
extract_from_tal(find('.', ('.py', '.pt'), blacklist=STD_BLACKLIST+('test',)), tali18nfile)
print '-> extract Javascript messages'
jsfiles = [jsfile for jsfile in find('.', '.js') if basename(jsfile).startswith('cub')]
if jsfiles:
tmppotfile = join(tempdir, 'js.pot')
execute('xgettext --no-location --omit-header -k_ -L java --from-code=utf-8 -o %s %s'
% (tmppotfile, ' '.join(jsfiles)))
# no pot file created if there are no string to translate
if exists(tmppotfile):
print '-> create cube-specific catalog'
tmppotfile = join(tempdir, 'generated.pot')
cubefiles = find('.', '.py', blacklist=STD_BLACKLIST+('test',))
execute('xgettext --no-location --omit-header -k_ -o %s %s'
% (tmppotfile, ' '.join(cubefiles)))
if exists(tmppotfile): # doesn't exists of no translation string found
potfile = join(tempdir, 'cube.pot')
print '-> merging %i .pot files:' % len(potfiles)
execute('msgcat %s > %s' % (' '.join(potfiles), potfile))
print '-> merging main pot file with existing translations:'
for lang in LANGS:
print '-> language', lang
cubepo = '%s.po' % lang
if not exists(cubepo):
shutil.copy(potfile, cubepo)
execute('msgmerge -N -s %s %s > %snew' % (cubepo, potfile, cubepo))
shutil.move('%snew' % cubepo, cubepo)
# cleanup
return toedit
class LiveServerCommand(Command):
"""Run a server from within a cube directory.
name = 'live-server'
arguments = ''
options = ()
def run(self, args):
"""run the command with its specific arguments"""
from cubicweb.devtools.livetest import runserver
class NewCubeCommand(Command):
"""Create a new cube.
the name of the new cube
name = 'newcube'
arguments = '<cubename>'
options = (
{'short': 'd', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<cubes directory>',
'help': 'directory where the new cube should be created',
{'short': 'v', 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar': '<verbose>',
'default': 'n',
'help': 'verbose mode: will ask all possible configuration questions',
{'short': 'a', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<author>',
'default': 'LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE)',
'help': 'cube author',
{'short': 'e', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<email>',
'default': 'contact@logilab.fr',
'help': 'cube author\'s email',
{'short': 'w', 'type' : 'string', 'metavar': '<web site>',
'default': 'http://www.logilab.fr',
'help': 'cube author\'s web site',
def run(self, args):
if len(args) != 1:
raise BadCommandUsage("exactly one argument (cube name) is expected")
cubename, = args
#if ServerConfiguration.mode != "dev":
# self.fail("you can only create new cubes in development mode")
verbose = self.get('verbose')
cubesdir = self.get('directory')
if not cubesdir:
cubespath = ServerConfiguration.cubes_search_path()
if len(cubespath) > 1:
raise BadCommandUsage("can't guess directory where to put the new cube."
" Please specify it using the --directory option")
cubesdir = cubespath[0]
if not isdir(cubesdir):
print "-> creating cubes directory", cubesdir
except OSError, err:
self.fail("failed to create directory %r\n(%s)" % (cubesdir, err))
cubedir = join(cubesdir, cubename)
if exists(cubedir):
self.fail("%s already exists !" % (cubedir))
skeldir = join(BASEDIR, 'skeleton')
default_name = 'cubicweb-%s' % cubename.lower()
if verbose:
distname = raw_input('Debian name for your cube ? [%s]): ' % default_name).strip()
if not distname:
distname = default_name
elif not distname.startswith('cubicweb-'):
if ASK.confirm('Do you mean cubicweb-%s ?' % distname):
distname = 'cubicweb-' + distname
distname = default_name
longdesc = shortdesc = raw_input('Enter a short description for your cube: ')
if verbose:
longdesc = raw_input('Enter a long description (leave empty to reuse the short one): ')
if verbose:
includes = self._ask_for_dependancies()
if len(includes) == 1:
dependancies = '%r,' % includes[0]
dependancies = ', '.join(repr(cube) for cube in includes)
dependancies = ''
context = {'cubename' : cubename,
'distname' : distname,
'shortdesc' : shortdesc,
'longdesc' : longdesc or shortdesc,
'dependancies' : dependancies,
'version' : cubicwebversion,
'year' : str(datetime.now().year),
'author': self['author'],
'author-email': self['author-email'],
'author-web-site': self['author-web-site'],
copy_skeleton(skeldir, cubedir, context)
def _ask_for_dependancies(self):
includes = []
for stdtype in ServerConfiguration.available_cubes():
answer = ASK.ask("Depends on cube %s? " % stdtype,
('N','y','skip','type'), 'N')
if answer == 'y':
if answer == 'type':
includes = splitstrip(raw_input('type dependancies: '))
elif answer == 'skip':
return includes
class ExamineLogCommand(Command):
"""Examine a rql log file.
usage: python exlog.py < rql.log
will print out the following table
total execution time || number of occurences || rql query
sorted by descending total execution time
chances are the lines at the top are the ones that will bring
the higher benefit after optimisation. Start there.
name = 'exlog'
options = (
def run(self, args):
if args:
raise BadCommandUsage("no argument expected")
import re
requests = {}
for lineno, line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
if not ' WHERE ' in line:
#sys.stderr.write( line )
rql, time = line.split('--')
rql = re.sub("(\'\w+': \d*)", '', rql)
if '{' in rql:
rql = rql[:rql.index('{')]
req = requests.setdefault(rql, [])
chunks = time.split()
clocktime = float(chunks[0][1:])
cputime = float(chunks[-3])
req.append( (clocktime, cputime) )
except Exception, exc:
sys.stderr.write('Line %s: %s (%s)\n' % (lineno, exc, line))
stat = []
for rql, times in requests.items():
stat.append( (sum(time[0] for time in times),
sum(time[1] for time in times),
len(times), rql) )
total_time = sum(clocktime for clocktime, cputime, occ, rql in stat)*0.01
print 'Percentage;Cumulative Time (clock);Cumulative Time (CPU);Occurences;Query'
for clocktime, cputime, occ, rql in stat:
print '%.2f;%.2f;%.2f;%s;%s' % (clocktime/total_time, clocktime, cputime, occ, rql)