author sylvain.thenault@logilab.fr
Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:33:20 +0200
changeset 1328 c050f9f8672e
parent 1324 a82f83188695
child 1366 fd5bd1a63c3f
permissions -rw-r--r--
password input may be used with non eidparam fields...

"""Set of HTML automatic forms to create, delete, copy or edit a single entity
or a list of entities of the same type

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
:contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from copy import copy

from simplejson import dumps

from logilab.common.decorators import iclassmethod
from logilab.mtconverter import html_escape

from cubicweb import typed_eid
from cubicweb.selectors import (match_kwargs, one_line_rset, non_final_entity,
                                specified_etype_implements, yes)
from cubicweb.utils import make_uid
from cubicweb.view import EntityView
from cubicweb.common import tags
from cubicweb.web import INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE, stdmsgs, uicfg
from cubicweb.web.form import (FieldNotFound, CompositeForm, EntityFieldsForm,
from cubicweb.web.formfields import guess_field
from cubicweb.web.formwidgets import Button, SubmitButton, ResetButton
from cubicweb.web.formrenderers import (FormRenderer, EntityFormRenderer,
_ = unicode

def relation_id(eid, rtype, role, reid):
    """return an identifier for a relation between two entities"""
    if role == 'subject':
        return u'%s:%s:%s' % (eid, rtype, reid)
    return u'%s:%s:%s' % (reid, rtype, eid)
def toggable_relation_link(eid, nodeid, label='x'):
    """return javascript snippet to delete/undelete a relation between two
    js = u"javascript: togglePendingDelete('%s', %s);" % (
        nodeid, html_escape(dumps(eid)))
    return u'[<a class="handle" href="%s" id="handle%s">%s</a>]' % (
        js, nodeid, label)

class DeleteConfForm(FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
    """form used to confirm deletion of some entities"""
    id = 'deleteconf'
    title = _('delete')
    # don't use navigation, all entities asked to be deleted should be displayed
    # else we will only delete the displayed page
    need_navigation = False
    def call(self):
        """ask for confirmation before real deletion"""
        req, w = self.req, self.w
        _ = req._
        w(u'<script type="text/javascript">updateMessage(\'%s\');</script>\n'
          % _('this action is not reversible!'))
        # XXX above message should have style of a warning
        w(u'<h4>%s</h4>\n' % _('Do you want to delete the following element(s) ?'))
        form = CompositeForm(req, domid='deleteconf', copy_nav_params=True,
                             action=self.build_url('edit'), onsubmit=None,
                             form_buttons=[Button(stdmsgs.YES, cwaction='delete'),
                                           Button(stdmsgs.NO, cwaction='cancel')])
        done = set()
        for entity in self.rset.entities():
            if entity.eid in done:
            subform = EntityFieldsForm(req, entity=entity, set_error_url=False)
            # don't use outofcontext view or any other that may contain inline edition form
            w(u'<li>%s</li>' % tags.a(entity.view('textoutofcontext'),

class ClickAndEditFormView(FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
    """form used to permit ajax edition of an attribute of an entity in a view
    (double-click on the field to see an appropriate edition widget)
    id = 'reledit'
    __select__ = non_final_entity() & match_kwargs('rtype')
    # FIXME editableField class could be toggleable from userprefs
    onsubmit = ("return inlineValidateForm('%(divid)s-form', '%(rtype)s', "
                "'%(eid)s', '%(divid)s', %(reload)s);")
    ondblclick = "showInlineEditionForm(%(eid)s, '%(rtype)s', '%(divid)s')"
    def cell_call(self, row, col, rtype=None, role='subject', reload=False):
        """display field to edit entity's `rtype` relation on double-click"""
        entity = self.entity(row, col)
        if getattr(entity, rtype) is None:
            value = self.req._('not specified')
            value = entity.printable_value(rtype)
        if not entity.has_perm('update'):
        eid = entity.eid
        edit_key = make_uid('%s-%s' % (rtype, eid))
        divid = 'd%s' % edit_key
        reload = dumps(reload)
        buttons = [SubmitButton(stdmsgs.BUTTON_OK, cwaction='apply'),
                          onclick="cancelInlineEdit(%s,\'%s\',\'%s\')" % (eid, rtype, divid))]
        form = self.vreg.select_object('forms', 'edition', self.req, self.rset,
                                       row=row, col=col, form_buttons=buttons,
                                       domid='%s-form' % divid, action='#',
                                       cssstyle='display: none',
                                       onsubmit=self.onsubmit % locals())
        renderer = FormRenderer(display_label=False, display_help=False,
                                display_fields=(rtype,), button_bar_class='buttonbar')
        self.w(tags.div(value, klass='editableField', id=divid,
                        ondblclick=self.ondblclick % locals()))

class AutomaticEntityForm(EntityFieldsForm):
    """base automatic form to edit any entity

    Designed to be flly generated from schema but highly configurable through:
    * rtags (rcategories, rfields, rwidgets, inlined, rpermissions)
    * various standard form parameters

    You can also easily customise it by adding/removing fields in
    AutomaticEntityForm instances.
    id = 'edition'

    cwtarget = 'eformframe'
    cssclass = 'entityForm'
    copy_nav_params = True
    form_buttons = [SubmitButton(stdmsgs.BUTTON_OK),
                    Button(stdmsgs.BUTTON_APPLY, cwaction='apply'),
                    Button(stdmsgs.BUTTON_CANCEL, cwaction='cancel')]    
    attrcategories = ('primary', 'secondary')
    # class attributes below are actually stored in the uicfg module since we
    # don't want them to be reloaded
    rcategories = uicfg.rcategories
    rfields = uicfg.rfields
    rwidgets = uicfg.rwidgets
    rinlined = uicfg.rinlined
    rpermissions_overrides = uicfg.rpermissions_overrides
    def vreg_initialization_completed(cls):
        """set default category tags for relations where it's not yet defined in
        the category relation tags
        for eschema in cls.schema.entities():
            for rschema, tschemas, role in eschema.relation_definitions(True):
                for tschema in tschemas:
                    if role == 'subject':
                        X, Y = eschema, tschema
                        card = rschema.rproperty(X, Y, 'cardinality')[0]
                        composed = rschema.rproperty(X, Y, 'composite') == 'object'
                        X, Y = tschema, eschema
                        card = rschema.rproperty(X, Y, 'cardinality')[1]
                        composed = rschema.rproperty(X, Y, 'composite') == 'subject'
                    if not cls.rcategories.rtag(rschema, role, X, Y):
                        if card in '1+':
                            if not rschema.is_final() and composed:
                                category = 'generated'
                                category = 'primary'
                        elif rschema.is_final():
                            category = 'secondary'
                            category = 'generic'
                        cls.rcategories.set_rtag(category, rschema, role, X, Y)

    def erelations_by_category(cls, entity, categories=None, permission=None, rtags=None):
        """return a list of (relation schema, target schemas, role) matching
        categories and permission
        if categories is not None:
            if not isinstance(categories, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
                categories = (categories,)
            if not isinstance(categories, (set, frozenset)):
                categories = frozenset(categories)
        eschema  = entity.e_schema
        if rtags is None:
            rtags = cls.rcategories
        permsoverrides = cls.rpermissions_overrides
        if entity.has_eid():
            eid = entity.eid
            eid = None
        for rschema, targetschemas, role in eschema.relation_definitions(True):
            # check category first, potentially lower cost than checking
            # permission which may imply rql queries
            if categories is not None:
                targetschemas = [tschema for tschema in targetschemas
                                 if rtags.etype_rtag(eschema, rschema, role, tschema) in categories]
                if not targetschemas:
            if permission is not None:
                # tag allowing to hijack the permission machinery when
                # permission is not verifiable until the entity is actually
                # created...
                if eid is None and '%s_on_new' % permission in permsoverrides.etype_rtags(eschema, rschema, role):
                    yield (rschema, targetschemas, role)
                if rschema.is_final():
                    if not rschema.has_perm(entity.req, permission, eid):
                elif role == 'subject':
                    if not ((eid is None and rschema.has_local_role(permission)) or
                            rschema.has_perm(entity.req, permission, fromeid=eid)):
                    # on relation with cardinality 1 or ?, we need delete perm as well
                    # if the relation is already set
                    if (permission == 'add'
                        and rschema.cardinality(eschema, targetschemas[0], role) in '1?'
                        and eid and entity.related(rschema.type, role)
                        and not rschema.has_perm(entity.req, 'delete', fromeid=eid,
                                                 toeid=entity.related(rschema.type, role)[0][0])):
                elif role == 'object':
                    if not ((eid is None and rschema.has_local_role(permission)) or
                            rschema.has_perm(entity.req, permission, toeid=eid)):
                    # on relation with cardinality 1 or ?, we need delete perm as well
                    # if the relation is already set
                    if (permission == 'add'
                        and rschema.cardinality(targetschemas[0], eschema, role) in '1?'
                        and eid and entity.related(rschema.type, role)
                        and not rschema.has_perm(entity.req, 'delete', toeid=eid,
                                                 fromeid=entity.related(rschema.type, role)[0][0])):
            yield (rschema, targetschemas, role)
    def esrelations_by_category(cls, entity, categories=None, permission=None):
        """filter out result of relations_by_category(categories, permission) by
        removing final relations

        return a sorted list of (relation's label, relation'schema, role) 
        result = []
        for rschema, ttypes, role in cls.erelations_by_category(
            entity, categories, permission):
            if rschema.is_final():
            result.append((rschema.display_name(entity.req, role), rschema, role))
        return sorted(result)
    def field_by_name(cls_or_self, name, role='subject', eclass=None):
        """return field with the given name and role. If field is not explicitly
        defined for the form but `eclass` is specified, guess_field will be
            return super(AutomaticEntityForm, cls_or_self).field_by_name(name, role)
        except FieldNotFound: # XXX should raise more explicit exception
            if eclass is None:
            field = guess_field(eclass, cls_or_self.schema.rschema(name), role,
            if field is None:
            return field
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AutomaticEntityForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.edited_entity.has_eid():
        for rschema, role in self.editable_attributes():
                self.field_by_name(rschema.type, role)
                continue # explicitly specified
            except FieldNotFound:
                pass # has to be guessed
            fieldcls = self.rfields.etype_rtag(self.edited_entity.id, rschema,
            if fieldcls:
                field = fieldcls(name=rschema.type, role=role, eidparam=True)
            widget = self.rwidgets.etype_rtag(self.edited_entity.id, rschema,
            if widget:
                field = guess_field(self.edited_entity.__class__, rschema, role,
                                    eidparam=True, widget=widget)
                field = guess_field(self.edited_entity.__class__, rschema, role,
            if field is not None:
        self.maxrelitems = self.req.property_value('navigation.related-limit')
        self.force_display = bool(self.req.form.get('__force_display'))
    def related_limit(self):
        if self.force_display:
            return None
        return self.maxrelitems + 1
    def relations_by_category(self, categories=None, permission=None):
        """return a list of (relation schema, target schemas, role) matching
        given category(ies) and permission
        return self.erelations_by_category(self.edited_entity, categories,
    def inlined_relations(self):
        """return a list of (relation schema, target schemas, role) matching
        given category(ies) and permission
        # we'll need an initialized varmaker if there are some inlined relation
        return self.erelations_by_category(self.edited_entity, True, 'add', self.rinlined)
    def srelations_by_category(self, categories=None, permission=None):
        """filter out result of relations_by_category(categories, permission) by
        removing final relations

        return a sorted list of (relation's label, relation'schema, role) 
        return self.esrelations_by_category(self.edited_entity, categories,
    def action(self):
        """return the form's action attribute. Default to validateform if not
        explicitly overriden.
            return self._action
        except AttributeError:
            return self.build_url('validateform')
    def set_action(self, value):
        """override default action"""
        self._action = value
    action = property(action, set_action)
    def editable_attributes(self):
        """return a list of (relation schema, role) to edit for the entity"""
        return [(rschema, x) for rschema, _, x in self.relations_by_category(
            self.attrcategories, 'add') if rschema != 'eid']
    def relations_table(self):
        """yiels 3-tuples (rtype, target, related_list)
        where <related_list> itself a list of :
          - node_id (will be the entity element's DOM id)
          - appropriate javascript's togglePendingDelete() function call
          - status 'pendingdelete' or ''
          - oneline view of related entity
        entity = self.edited_entity
        pending_deletes = self.req.get_pending_deletes(entity.eid)        
        for label, rschema, role in self.srelations_by_category('generic', 'add'):
            relatedrset = entity.related(rschema, role, limit=self.related_limit)
            if rschema.has_perm(self.req, 'delete'):
                toggable_rel_link_func = toggable_relation_link
                toggable_rel_link_func = lambda x, y, z: u''
            related = []
            for row in xrange(relatedrset.rowcount):
                nodeid = relation_id(entity.eid, rschema, role,
                if nodeid in pending_deletes:
                    status = u'pendingDelete'
                    label = '+'
                    status = u''
                    label = 'x'
                dellink = toggable_rel_link_func(entity.eid, nodeid, label)
                eview = self.view('oneline', relatedrset, row=row)
                related.append((nodeid, dellink, status, eview))
            yield (rschema, role, related)
    def restore_pending_inserts(self, cell=False):
        """used to restore edition page as it was before clicking on
        'search for <some entity type>'
        eid = self.edited_entity.eid
        cell = cell and "div_insert_" or "tr"
        pending_inserts = set(self.req.get_pending_inserts(eid))
        for pendingid in pending_inserts:
            eidfrom, rtype, eidto = pendingid.split(':')
            if typed_eid(eidfrom) == eid: # subject
                label = display_name(self.req, rtype, 'subject')
                reid = eidto
                label = display_name(self.req, rtype, 'object')
                reid = eidfrom
            jscall = "javascript: cancelPendingInsert('%s', '%s', null, %s);" \
                     % (pendingid, cell, eid)
            rset = self.req.eid_rset(reid)
            eview = self.view('text', rset, row=0)
            # XXX find a clean way to handle baskets
            if rset.description[0][0] == 'Basket':
                eview = '%s (%s)' % (eview, display_name(self.req, 'Basket'))
            yield rtype, pendingid, jscall, label, reid, eview
    # should_* method extracted to allow overriding
    def should_inline_relation_form(self, rschema, targettype, role):
        """return true if the given relation with entity has role and a
        targettype target should be inlined
        return self.rinlined.etype_rtag(self.edited_entity.id, rschema, role, targettype)

    def should_display_inline_creation_form(self, rschema, existant, card):
        """return true if a creation form should be inlined

        by default true if there is no related entity and we need at least one
        return not existant and card in '1+'

    def should_display_add_new_relation_link(self, rschema, existant, card):
        """return true if we should add a link to add a new creation form
        (through ajax call)

        by default true if there is no related entity or if the relation has
        multiple cardinality
        return not existant or card in '+*'

class EditionFormView(FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
    """display primary entity edition form"""    
    id = 'edition'
    # add yes() so it takes precedence over deprecated views in baseforms,
    # though not baseforms based customized view
    __select__ = one_line_rset() & non_final_entity() & yes()

    title = _('edition')
    renderer = EntityFormRenderer()
    def cell_call(self, row, col, **kwargs):
        entity = self.complete_entity(row, col)
    def render_form(self, entity):
        """fetch and render the form"""
        form = self.vreg.select_object('forms', 'edition', self.req, entity.rset,
                                       row=entity.row, col=entity.col, entity=entity,
        self.init_form(form, entity)
        self.w(form.form_render(renderer=self.renderer, formvid=u'edition'))

    def init_form(self, form, entity):
        """customize your form before rendering here"""
        form.form_add_hidden(u'__maineid', entity.eid)
    def form_title(self, entity):
        """the form view title"""
        ptitle = self.req._(self.title)
        self.w(u'<div class="formTitle"><span>%s %s</span></div>' % (
            entity.dc_type(), ptitle and '(%s)' % ptitle))
    def submited_message(self):
        """return the message that will be displayed on successful edition"""
        return self.req._('entity edited')

class CreationFormView(EditionFormView):
    """display primary entity creation form"""    
    id = 'creation'
    __select__ = specified_etype_implements('Any') & yes()
    title = _('creation')
    def call(self, **kwargs):
        """creation view for an entity"""
        etype = kwargs.pop('etype', self.req.form.get('etype'))
            entity = self.vreg.etype_class(etype)(self.req, None, None)
            self.w(self.req._('no such entity type %s') % etype)
            entity.eid = self.varmaker.next()
    def form_title(self, entity):
        """the form view title"""
        if '__linkto' in self.req.form:
            if isinstance(self.req.form['__linkto'], list):
                # XXX which one should be considered (case: add a ticket to a
                # version in jpl)
                rtype, linkto_eid, role = self.req.form['__linkto'][0].split(':')
                rtype, linkto_eid, role = self.req.form['__linkto'].split(':')
            linkto_rset = self.req.eid_rset(linkto_eid)
            linkto_type = linkto_rset.description[0][0]
            if role == 'subject':
                title = self.req.__('creating %s (%s %s %s %%(linkto)s)' % (
                    entity.e_schema, entity.e_schema, rtype, linkto_type))
                title = self.req.__('creating %s (%s %%(linkto)s %s %s)' % (
                    entity.e_schema, linkto_type, rtype, entity.e_schema))
            msg = title % {'linkto' : self.view('incontext', linkto_rset)}
            self.w(u'<div class="formTitle notransform"><span>%s</span></div>' % msg)
            super(CreationFormView, self).form_title(entity)
    def url(self):
        """return the url associated with this view"""
        return self.create_url(self.req.form.get('etype'))
    def submited_message(self):
        """return the message that will be displayed on successful edition"""
        return self.req._('entity created')

class CopyFormView(EditionFormView):
    """display primary entity creation form initialized with values from another
    id = 'copy'
    def render_form(self, entity):
        """fetch and render the form"""
        # make a copy of entity to avoid altering the entity in the
        # request's cache. 
        self.newentity = copy(entity)
        self.copying = self.newentity.eid
        self.newentity.eid = None
        self.w(u'<script type="text/javascript">updateMessage("%s");</script>\n'
               % self.req._('Please note that this is only a shallow copy'))
        super(CopyFormView, self).render_form(entity)
        del self.newentity
    def init_form(self, form, entity):
        """customize your form before rendering here"""
        super(CopyFormView, self).init_form(form, entity)
        if entity.eid == self.newentity.eid:
            form.form_add_hidden('__cloned_eid', self.copying, eidparam=True)
    def submited_message(self):
        """return the message that will be displayed on successful edition"""
        return self.req._('entity copied')

class TableEditForm(CompositeForm):
    id = 'muledit'
    onsubmit = "return validateForm('entityForm', null);"
    form_buttons = [SubmitButton(_('validate modifications on selected items')),
                    ResetButton(_('revert changes'))]
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TableEditForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        for row in xrange(len(self.rset)):
            form = self.vreg.select_object('forms', 'edition', self.req, self.rset,
                                           row=row, attrcategories=('primary',),
            # XXX rely on the EntityCompositeFormRenderer to put the eid input

class TableEditFormView(FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
    id = 'muledit'
    __select__ = EntityView.__select__ & yes()
    title = _('multiple edit')
    def call(self, **kwargs):
        """a view to edit multiple entities of the same type the first column
        should be the eid
        form = self.vreg.select_object('forms', self.id, self.req, self.rset)

class InlineEntityEditionFormView(FormViewMixIn, EntityView):
    id = 'inline-edition'
    __select__ = non_final_entity() & match_kwargs('peid', 'rtype')
    removejs = "removeInlinedEntity('%s', '%s', '%s')"
    def call(self, **kwargs):
        """redefine default call() method to avoid automatic
        insertions of <div class="section"> between each row of
        the resultset
        rset = self.rset
        for i in xrange(len(rset)):
            self.wview(self.id, rset, row=i, **kwargs)

    def cell_call(self, row, col, peid, rtype, role='subject', **kwargs):
        :param peid: the parent entity's eid hosting the inline form
        :param rtype: the relation bridging `etype` and `peid`
        :param role: the role played by the `peid` in the relation
        entity = self.entity(row, col)
        divonclick = "restoreInlinedEntity('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (peid, rtype,
        self.render_form(entity, peid, rtype, role, divonclick=divonclick)
    def render_form(self, entity, peid, rtype, role, **kwargs):
        """fetch and render the form"""
        rschema = self.schema.rschema(rtype)
        divid = '%s-%s-%s' % (peid, rtype, entity.eid)
        title = rschema.display_name(self.req, role)
        form = self.vreg.select_object('forms', 'edition', self.req, None,
        removejs = self.removejs % (peid, rtype,entity.eid)
        if self.keep_entity(entity, peid, rtype):
            if entity.has_eid():
                rval = entity.eid
                rval = INTERNAL_FIELD_VALUE
            form.form_add_hidden('edit%s-%s:%s' % (role[0], rtype, peid), rval)
        form.form_add_hidden(name='%s:%s' % (rtype, peid), value=entity.eid,
                             id='rel-%s-%s-%s'  % (peid, rtype, entity.eid))
        self.w(form.form_render(renderer=EntityInlinedFormRenderer(), divid=divid,
                                title=title, removejs=removejs,**kwargs))

    def keep_entity(self, entity, peid, rtype):
        if not entity.has_eid():
            return True
        # are we regenerating form because of a validation error ?
        erroneous_post = self.req.data.get('formvalues')
        if erroneous_post:
            cdvalues = self.req.list_form_param('%s:%s' % (rtype, peid),
            if unicode(entity.eid) not in cdvalues:
                return False
        return True

class InlineEntityCreationFormView(InlineEntityEditionFormView):
    id = 'inline-creation'
    __select__ = (match_kwargs('peid', 'rtype')
                  & specified_etype_implements('Any'))
    def call(self, etype, peid, rtype, role='subject', **kwargs):
        :param etype: the entity type being created in the inline form
        :param peid: the parent entity's eid hosting the inline form
        :param rtype: the relation bridging `etype` and `peid`
        :param role: the role played by the `peid` in the relation
            entity = self.vreg.etype_class(etype)(self.req, None, None)
            self.w(self.req._('no such entity type %s') % etype)
        entity.eid = self.varmaker.next()
        self.render_form(entity, peid, rtype, role)