author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>
Tue, 31 Jul 2012 11:04:45 +0200
changeset 8500 bfc1875ce9e3
parent 8349 fdb796435d7b
child 8941 7b26fe71404f
permissions -rw-r--r--
[composite] apply composite on new enty too Before this changesets, automatic deletion did not applied to entity created in the same transaction. This patch remove this filtering in the dedicated operation. The original filtering where introduced by 5d889b4928bb but no rational where found for this changes. The former behavior is seen as inconsistent and creates bug in some cubes.

 * Functions dedicated to edition.
 *  :organization: Logilab
 *  :copyright: 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
 *  :contact: http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr

//============= Eproperty form functions =====================================//
 * .. function:: setPropValueWidget(varname, tabindex)
 * called on CWProperty key selection:
 * - get the selected value
 * - get a widget according to the key by a sync query to the server
 * - fill associated div with the returned html
 * * `varname`, the name of the variable as used in the original creation form
 * * `tabindex`, the tabindex that should be set on the widget

function setPropValueWidget(varname, tabindex) {
    var key = firstSelected(document.getElementById('pkey:' + varname));
    if (key) {
        var args = {
            fname: 'prop_widget',
            pageid: pageid,
            arg: $.map([key, varname, tabindex], jQuery.toJSON)
        cw.jqNode('div:value:' + varname).loadxhtml(AJAX_BASE_URL, args, 'post');

// *** EDITION FUNCTIONS ****************************************** //
 * .. function:: reorderTabindex(start, formid)
 * this function is called when an AJAX form was generated to
 * make sure tabindex remains consistent
function reorderTabindex(start, formid) {
    var form = cw.getNode(formid || 'entityForm');
    var inputTypes = ['INPUT', 'SELECT', 'TEXTAREA'];
    var tabindex = (start == null) ? 15: start;
    cw.utils.nodeWalkDepthFirst(form, function(elem) {
        var tagName = elem.tagName.toUpperCase();
        if (jQuery.inArray(tagName, inputTypes) != -1) {
            if (jQuery(elem).attr('tabindex') != null) {
                tabindex += 1;
                jQuery(elem).attr('tabindex', tabindex);
            return null;
        return jQuery.grep(elem.childNodes, isElementNode);

function showMatchingSelect(selectedValue, eid) {
    if (selectedValue) {
        var divId = 'div' + selectedValue + '_' + eid;
        var divNode = jQuery('#' + divId);
        if (!divNode.length) {
            var args = {
                vid: 'unrelateddivs',
                relation: selectedValue,
                rql: rql_for_eid(eid),
                '__notemplate': 1
            var d = jQuery('#unrelatedDivs_' + eid).loadxhtml(baseuri() + 'view', args, 'post', 'append');
            d.addCallback(function() {
                _showMatchingSelect(eid, jQuery('#' + divId));
        } else {
            _showMatchingSelect(eid, divNode);
    } else {
        _showMatchingSelect(eid, null);

 * .. function:: _showMatchingSelect(eid, divNode)
 * * `divNode`, a jQuery selection
function _showMatchingSelect(eid, divNode) {
    // hide all divs, and then show the matching one
    // (would actually be better to directly hide the displayed one)
    jQuery('#unrelatedDivs_' + eid).children().hide();
    // divNode not found means 'no relation selected' (i.e. first blank item)
    if (divNode && divNode.length) {

 * .. function:: buildPendingInsertHandle(elementId, element_name, selectNodeId, eid)
 * this function builds a Handle to cancel pending insertion
function buildPendingInsertHandle(elementId, element_name, selectNodeId, eid) {
    jscall = "javascript: cancelPendingInsert('" + [elementId, element_name, selectNodeId, eid].join("', '") + "')";
    return A({
        'class': 'handle',
        'href': jscall,
        'title': _("cancel this insert")

function buildEntityLine(relationName, selectedOptionNode, comboId, eid) {
    // textContent doesn't seem to work on selectedOptionNode
    var content = selectedOptionNode.firstChild.nodeValue;
    var handle = buildPendingInsertHandle(selectedOptionNode.id, 'tr', comboId, eid);
    var link = A({
        'href': 'view?rql=' + selectedOptionNode.value,
        'class': 'editionPending',
        'id': 'a' + selectedOptionNode.id
    var tr = TR({
        'id': 'tr' + selectedOptionNode.id
    [TH(null, relationName), TD(null, [handle, link])]);
    try {
        var separator = cw.getNode('relationSelectorRow_' + eid);
        //dump('relationSelectorRow_' + eid) XXX warn dump is not implemented in konqueror (at least)
        // XXX Warning: separator.parentNode is not (always ?) the
        // table itself, but an intermediate node (TableSectionElement)
        var tableBody = separator.parentNode;
        tableBody.insertBefore(tr, separator);
    } catch(ex) {
        log("got exception(2)!" + ex);

function buildEntityCell(relationName, selectedOptionNode, comboId, eid) {
    var handle = buildPendingInsertHandle(selectedOptionNode.id, 'div_insert_', comboId, eid);
    var link = A({
        'href': 'view?rql=' + selectedOptionNode.value,
        'class': 'editionPending',
        'id': 'a' + selectedOptionNode.id
    var div = DIV({
        'id': 'div_insert_' + selectedOptionNode.id
    [handle, link]);
    try {
        var td = jQuery('#cell' + relationName + '_' + eid);
    } catch(ex) {
        alert("got exception(3)!" + ex);

function addPendingInsert(optionNode, eid, cell, relname) {
    var value = jQuery(optionNode).attr('value');
    if (!value) {
        // occurs when the first element in the box is selected (which is not
        // an entity but the combobox title)
    // 2nd special case
    if (value.indexOf('http') == 0) {
        document.location = value;
    // add hidden parameter
    var entityForm = jQuery('#entityForm');
    var oid = optionNode.id.substring(2); // option id is prefixed by "id"
    loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('add_pending_inserts', null,
                                           [oid.split(':')]), 'GET', true);
    var selectNode = optionNode.parentNode;
    // remove option node
    // add line in table
    if (cell) {
        // new relation as a cell in multiple edit
        // var relation_name = relationSelected.getAttribute('value');
        // relation_name = relation_name.slice(0, relation_name.lastIndexOf('_'));
        buildEntityCell(relname, optionNode, selectNode.id, eid);
    else {
        var relationSelector = cw.getNode('relationSelector_' + eid);
        var relationSelected = relationSelector.options[relationSelector.selectedIndex];
        // new relation as a line in simple edit
        buildEntityLine(relationSelected.text, optionNode, selectNode.id, eid);

function cancelPendingInsert(elementId, element_name, comboId, eid) {
    // remove matching insert element
    var entityView = cw.jqNode('a' + elementId).text();
    cw.jqNode(element_name + elementId).remove();
    if (comboId) {
        // re-insert option in combobox if it was taken from there
        var selectNode = cw.getNode(comboId);
        // XXX what on object relation
        if (selectNode) {
            var options = selectNode.options;
            var node_id = elementId.substring(0, elementId.indexOf(':'));
            options[options.length] = OPTION({
                'id': elementId,
                'value': node_id
    elementId = elementId.substring(2, elementId.length);
    loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('remove_pending_insert', null,
                                           elementId.split(':')), 'GET', true);

 * .. function:: buildPendingDeleteHandle(elementId, eid)
 * this function builds a Handle to cancel pending insertion
function buildPendingDeleteHandle(elementId, eid) {
    var jscall = "javascript: addPendingDelete('" + elementId + ', ' + eid + "');";
    return A({
        'href': jscall,
        'class': 'pendingDeleteHandle',
        'title': _("delete this relation")

 * .. function:: addPendingDelete(nodeId, eid)
 * * `nodeId`, eid_from:r_type:eid_to
function addPendingDelete(nodeId, eid) {
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('add_pending_delete', null, nodeId.split(':')));
    d.addCallback(function() {
        // and strike entity view
        cw.jqNode('span' + nodeId).addClass('pendingDelete');
        // replace handle text
        cw.jqNode('handle' + nodeId).text('+');

 * .. function:: cancelPendingDelete(nodeId, eid)
 * * `nodeId`, eid_from:r_type:eid_to
function cancelPendingDelete(nodeId, eid) {
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('remove_pending_delete', null, nodeId.split(':')));
    d.addCallback(function() {
        // reset link's CSS class
        cw.jqNode('span' + nodeId).removeClass('pendingDelete');
        // replace handle text
        cw.jqNode('handle' + nodeId).text('x');

 * .. function:: togglePendingDelete(nodeId, eid)
 * * `nodeId`, eid_from:r_type:eid_to
function togglePendingDelete(nodeId, eid) {
    // node found means we should cancel deletion
    if (jQuery(cw.getNode('span' + nodeId)).hasClass('pendingDelete')) {
        cancelPendingDelete(nodeId, eid);
    } else {
        addPendingDelete(nodeId, eid);

function selectForAssociation(tripletIdsString, originalEid) {
    var tripletlist = $.map(tripletIdsString.split('-'),
                            function(x) { return [x.split(':')] ;});
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, ajaxFuncArgs('add_pending_inserts', null, tripletlist));
    d.addCallback(function() {
        var args = {
            vid: 'edition',
            __mode: 'normal',
            rql: rql_for_eid(originalEid)
        document.location = 'view?' + asURL(args);


function updateInlinedEntitiesCounters(rtype, role) {
    jQuery('div.inline-' + rtype + '-' + role + '-slot span.icounter').each(function(i) {
        this.innerHTML = i + 1;

 * .. function:: addInlineCreationForm(peid, petype, ttype, rtype, role, i18nctx, insertBefore)
 * makes an AJAX request to get an inline-creation view's content
 * * `peid`, the parent entity eid
 * * `petype`, the parent entity type
 * * `ttype`, the target (inlined) entity type
 * * `rtype`, the relation type between both entities
function addInlineCreationForm(peid, petype, ttype, rtype, role, i18nctx, insertBefore) {
    insertBefore = insertBefore || cw.getNode('add' + rtype + ':' + peid + 'link').parentNode;
    var args = ajaxFuncArgs('inline_creation_form', null, peid, petype, ttype, rtype, role, i18nctx);
    var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, args);
    d.addCallback(function(response) {
        var dom = getDomFromResponse(response);
        var form = jQuery(dom);
        form.css('display', 'none');
        updateInlinedEntitiesCounters(rtype, role);
        reorderTabindex(null, $(insertBefore).closest('form')[0]);
        jQuery(cw).trigger('inlinedform-added', form);
        // if the inlined form contains a file input, we must force
        // the form enctype to multipart/form-data
        if (form.find('input:file').length) {
            // NOTE: IE doesn't support dynamic enctype modification, we have
            //       to set encoding too.
            form.closest('form').attr('enctype', 'multipart/form-data').attr('encoding', 'multipart/form-data');
    d.addErrback(function(xxx) {
        log('xxx =', xxx);

 * .. function:: removeInlineForm(peid, rtype, role, eid, showaddnewlink)
 * removes the part of the form used to edit an inlined entity
function removeInlineForm(peid, rtype, role, eid, showaddnewlink) {
    cw.jqNode(['div', peid, rtype, eid].join('-')).slideUp('fast', function() {
            updateInlinedEntitiesCounters(rtype, role);
    if (showaddnewlink) {

 * .. function:: removeInlinedEntity(peid, rtype, eid)
 * alternatively adds or removes the hidden input that make the
 * edition of the relation `rtype` possible between `peid` and `eid`
 * * `peid`, the parent entity eid
 * * `rtype`, the relation type between both entities
 * * `eid`, the inlined entity eid
function removeInlinedEntity(peid, rtype, eid) {
    // XXX work around the eid_param thing (eid + ':' + eid) for #471746
    var nodeid = ['rel', peid, rtype, eid + ':' + eid].join('-');
    var node = cw.jqNode(nodeid);
    if (!node.attr('cubicweb:type')) {
        node.attr('cubicweb:type', node.val());
        var divid = ['div', peid, rtype, eid].join('-');
        cw.jqNode(divid).fadeTo('fast', 0.5);
        var noticeid = ['notice', peid, rtype, eid].join('-');

function restoreInlinedEntity(peid, rtype, eid) {
    // XXX work around the eid_param thing (eid + ':' + eid) for #471746
    var nodeid = ['rel', peid, rtype, eid + ':' + eid].join('-');
    var node = cw.jqNode(nodeid);
    if (node.attr('cubicweb:type')) {
        node.attr('cubicweb:type', '');
        cw.jqNode(['fs', peid, rtype, eid].join('-')).append(node);
        var divid = ['div', peid, rtype, eid].join('-');
        cw.jqNode(divid).fadeTo('fast', 1);
        var noticeid = ['notice', peid, rtype, eid].join('-');

function _clearPreviousErrors(formid) {
    // on some case (eg max request size exceeded, we don't know the formid
    if (formid) {
        jQuery('#' + formid + 'ErrorMessage').remove();
        jQuery('#' + formid + ' span.errorMsg').remove();
        jQuery('#' + formid + ' .error').removeClass('error');
    } else {

function _displayValidationerrors(formid, eid, errors) {
    var globalerrors = [];
    var firsterrfield = null;
    for (fieldname in errors) {
        var errmsg = errors[fieldname];
        if (!fieldname) {
        } else {
            var fieldid = fieldname + ':' + eid;
            var suffixes = ['', '-subject', '-object'];
            var found = false;
            // XXX remove suffixes at some point
            for (var i = 0, length = suffixes.length; i < length; i++) {
                var field = cw.jqNode(fieldname + suffixes[i] + ':' + eid);
                if (field && jQuery(field).attr('type') != 'hidden') {
                    if (!firsterrfield) {
                        firsterrfield = 'err-' + fieldid;
                    var span = SPAN({
                        'id': 'err-' + fieldid,
                        'class': "errorMsg"
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
                firsterrfield = formid;
                globalerrors.push(_(fieldname) + ' : ' + errmsg);
    if (globalerrors.length) {
       if (globalerrors.length == 1) {
           var innernode = SPAN(null, globalerrors[0]);
       } else {
           var linodes =[];
           for(var i=0; i<globalerrors.length; i++){
             linodes.push(LI(null, globalerrors[i]));
           var innernode = UL(null, linodes);
        // insert DIV and innernode before the form
        var div = DIV({
            'class': "errorMessage",
            'id': formid + 'ErrorMessage'
        jQuery('#' + formid).before(div);
    return firsterrfield || formid;

function handleFormValidationResponse(formid, onsuccess, onfailure, result, cbargs) {
    // Success
    if (result[0]) {
        if (onsuccess) {
            onsuccess(result, formid, cbargs);
        } else {
            document.location.href = result[1];
        return true;
    if (onfailure && ! onfailure(result, formid, cbargs)) {
        return false;
    // Failures
    var descr = result[1];
    var errmsg;
    // Unknown structure
    if ( !cw.utils.isArrayLike(descr) || descr.length != 2 ) {
        errmsg = descr;
    } else {
        _displayValidationerrors(formid, descr[0], descr[1]);
        errmsg = _("please correct errors below");
    // ensure the browser does not scroll down
    document.location.hash = '#header';
    return false;

 * .. function:: unfreezeFormButtons(formid)
 * unfreeze form buttons when the validation process is over
function unfreezeFormButtons(formid) {
    // on some case (eg max request size exceeded, we don't know the formid
    if (formid) {
        jQuery('#' + formid + ' .validateButton').removeAttr('disabled');
    } else {
    return true;

 * .. function:: freezeFormButtons(formid)
 * disable form buttons while the validation is being done
function freezeFormButtons(formid) {
    jQuery('#' + formid + ' .validateButton').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    return true;

 * .. function:: postForm(bname, bvalue, formid)
 * used by additional submit buttons to remember which button was clicked
function postForm(bname, bvalue, formid) {
    var form = cw.getNode(formid);
    if (bname) {
        var child = form.appendChild(INPUT({
            type: 'hidden',
            name: bname,
            value: bvalue
    var onsubmit = form.onsubmit;
    if (!onsubmit || (onsubmit && onsubmit())) {
    if (bname) {

 * .. function:: setFormsTarget(node)
 * called on load to set target and iframeso object.
 * .. note::
 *    this is a hack to make the XHTML compliant.
 * .. note::
 *   `object` nodes might be a potential replacement for iframes
 * .. note::
 *    there is a XHTML module allowing iframe elements but there
 *    is still the problem of the form's `target` attribute
function setFormsTarget(node) {
    var $node = jQuery(node || document.body);
    $node.find('form').each(function() {
        var form = jQuery(this);
        var target = form.attr('cubicweb:target');
        if (target) {
            form.attr('target', target);
            /* do not use display: none because some browsers ignore iframe
             * with no display */
                name: target,
                id: target,
                src: 'javascript: void(0)',
                width: '0px',
                height: '0px'

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

 * .. function:: validateForm(formid, action, onsuccess, onfailure)
 * called on traditionnal form submission : the idea is to try
 * to post the form. If the post is successful, `validateForm` redirects
 * to the appropriate URL. Otherwise, the validation errors are displayed
 * around the corresponding input fields.
function validateForm(formid, action, onsuccess, onfailure) {
    try {
        var zipped = cw.utils.formContents(formid);
        var args = ajaxFuncArgs('validate_form', null, action, zipped[0], zipped[1]);
        var d = loadRemote(AJAX_BASE_URL, args, 'POST');
    } catch(ex) {
        cw.log('got exception', ex);
        return false;
    d.addCallback(function(result, req) {
        handleFormValidationResponse(formid, onsuccess, onfailure, result);
    return false;