author Denis Laxalde <>
Tue, 13 Sep 2016 10:16:00 +0200
changeset 11472 bc04039acd2e
parent 11279 e4f11ef1face
permissions -rw-r--r--
[config] Make available_cubes aware of cubes installed as packages For this add a "cubicweb.cubes" entry points group which will be scanned through to find out installed cubes. Entries in this group are expected to expose the module name of a cube (i.e. `cubicweb_foo`). Note that CubicWebConfiguration's available_cubes method will return the module name of cubes as packages (cubicweb_foo), so we had to add a special "key" sorting function to keep cubes sorted as before, despite possible different distribution schemes. This makes it possible to handle loading of CTL plugins in an almost similar manner as before (just tweaking the package name from cube name in load_cwctl_plugins method). I had to tweak (again?) the test_cubes_path method in but did not find out why. Apart from unforeseen bugs and pending documentation, this finishes the work on porting cubes to standard Python packages. Closes #13001466.

# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.

from yams.buildobjs import (EntityType, String, RichString, Bytes,
                            ComputedRelation, SubjectRelation, RelationDefinition)

from cubicweb.schema import (WorkflowableEntityType,
                             RQLConstraint, RQLVocabularyConstraint)

from cubicweb import _

class buddies(ComputedRelation):
    rule = 'S in_group G, O in_group G'

class Personne(EntityType):
    nom = String(required=True)
    prenom = String()
    type = String()
    travaille = SubjectRelation('Societe')
    evaluee = SubjectRelation(('Note', 'Personne'))
    connait = SubjectRelation(
        'Personne', symmetric=True,
            RQLConstraint('NOT S identity O'),
            # conflicting constraints, see cw_unrelated_rql tests in
            RQLVocabularyConstraint('NOT (S connait P, P nom "toto")'),
            RQLVocabularyConstraint('S travaille P, P nom "tutu"')])
    actionnaire = SubjectRelation('Societe', cardinality='??',
                                  constraints=[RQLConstraint('NOT EXISTS(O contrat_exclusif S)')])
    dirige = SubjectRelation('Societe', cardinality='??',
                             constraints=[RQLConstraint('S actionnaire O')])
    associe = SubjectRelation('Personne', cardinality='?*',
                              constraints=[RQLConstraint('S actionnaire SOC, O actionnaire SOC')])

class Ami(EntityType):
    """A Person, for which surname is not required"""
    prenom = String()
    nom = String()

class Societe(EntityType):
    nom = String()
    evaluee = SubjectRelation('Note')
    fournit = SubjectRelation(('Service', 'Produit'), cardinality='1*')
    contrat_exclusif = SubjectRelation('Personne', cardinality='??')

class Service(EntityType):
    fabrique_par = SubjectRelation('Personne', cardinality='1*')

class Produit(EntityType):
    fabrique_par = SubjectRelation('Usine', cardinality='1*', inlined=True)

class Usine(EntityType):
    lieu = String(required=True)

class Note(EntityType):
    type = String()
    ecrit_par = SubjectRelation('Personne')

class SubNote(Note):
    __specializes_schema__ = True
    description = String()

class tags(RelationDefinition):
    subject = 'Tag'
    object = ('Personne', 'Note')

class evaluee(RelationDefinition):
    subject = 'CWUser'
    object = 'Note'

class StateFull(WorkflowableEntityType):
    name = String()

class Reference(EntityType):
    nom = String(unique=True)
    ean = String(unique=True, required=True)

class FakeFile(EntityType):
    title = String(fulltextindexed=True, maxsize=256)
    data = Bytes(required=True, fulltextindexed=True, description=_('file to upload'))
    data_format = String(required=True, maxsize=128,
                         description=_('MIME type of the file. Should be dynamically set at upload time.'))
    data_encoding = String(maxsize=32,
                           description=_('encoding of the file when it applies (e.g. text). '
                                         'Should be dynamically set at upload time.'))
    data_name = String(required=True, fulltextindexed=True,
                       description=_('name of the file. Should be dynamically set at upload time.'))
    description = RichString(fulltextindexed=True, internationalizable=True,