author Aurelien Campeas <>
Tue, 07 Dec 2010 12:18:20 +0100
changeset 7078 bad26a22fe29
parent 6427 c8a5ac2d1eaa
child 7398 26695dd703d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
[test] New Handling of database for test. This patch adds a new TestDataBaseHandler class. TestDataBaseHandler are in charge of Setup, backup, restore, connection, repository caching and cleanup for database used during the test. TestDataBaseHandler reuse code and logic previously found in cubicweb.devtools functions and devtools.testlib.CubicwebTC. TestDataBaseHandler is an abstract class and must be subclassed to implement functionalities specific to each driver. TestDataBaseHandler can store and restore various database setups. devtools.testlib.CubicwebTC gains a test_db_id class attribute to specify that its TestCase uses a specific database that should be cached. The pre_setup_database class method is used to setup the database that will be cached. The setup_database method is kept uncached. The same TestDataBaseHandler are reused for every test using the same config object. TestDataBaseHandler try to reuse Repository objects as much as possible. All cubicweb test have been updated.

# copyright 2003-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of CubicWeb.
# CubicWeb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# CubicWeb is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with CubicWeb.  If not, see <>.
"""CubicWeb server connections pool : the repository has a limited number of
connections pools, each of them dealing with a set of connections on each source
used by the repository. A connections pools (`ConnectionsPool`) is an
abstraction for a group of connection to each source.

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import sys

class ConnectionsPool(object):
    """handle connections on a set of sources, at some point associated to a
    user session

    def __init__(self, sources):
        # dictionnary of (source, connection), indexed by sources'uri
        self.source_cnxs = {}
        for source in sources:
        if not 'system' in self.source_cnxs:
            self.source_cnxs['system'] = self.source_cnxs[sources[0].uri]
        self._cursors = {}

    def __getitem__(self, uri):
        """subscription notation provide access to sources'cursors"""
            cursor = self._cursors[uri]
        except KeyError:
            cursor = self.source_cnxs[uri][1].cursor()
            if cursor is not None:
                # None possible on sources without cursor support such as ldap
                self._cursors[uri] = cursor
        return cursor

    def add_source(self, source):
        assert not source.uri in self.source_cnxs
        self.source_cnxs[source.uri] = (source, source.get_connection())

    def remove_source(self, source):
        source, cnx = self.source_cnxs.pop(source.uri)
        self._cursors.pop(source.uri, None)

    def commit(self):
        """commit the current transaction for this user"""
        # FIXME: what happends if a commit fail
        # would need a two phases commit or like, but I don't know how to do
        # this using the db-api...
        for source, cnx in self.source_cnxs.values():
            # let exception propagates

    def rollback(self):
        """rollback the current transaction for this user"""
        for source, cnx in self.source_cnxs.values():
            # catch exceptions, rollback other sources anyway
                source.critical('rollback error', exc_info=sys.exc_info())
                # error on rollback, the connection is much probably in a really
                # bad state. Replace it by a new one.

    def close(self, i_know_what_i_do=False):
        """close all connections in the pool"""
        if i_know_what_i_do is not True: # unexpected closing safety belt
            raise RuntimeError('pool shouldn\'t be closed')
        for cu in self._cursors.values():
        for _, cnx in self.source_cnxs.values():

    # internals ###############################################################

    def pool_set(self):
        """pool is being set"""

    def pool_reset(self):
        """pool is being reseted"""
        for source, cnx in self.source_cnxs.values():

    def sources(self):
        """return the source objects handled by this pool"""
        # implementation details of flying insert requires the system source
        # first
        yield self.source_cnxs['system'][0]
        for uri, (source, cnx) in self.source_cnxs.items():
            if uri == 'system':
            yield source
        #return [source_cnx[0] for source_cnx in self.source_cnxs.values()]

    def source(self, uid):
        """return the source object with the given uri"""
        return self.source_cnxs[uid][0]

    def connection(self, uid):
        """return the connection on the source object with the given uri"""
        return self.source_cnxs[uid][1]

    def reconnect(self, source=None):
        """reopen a connection for this source or all sources if none specified
        if source is None:
            sources = self.sources()
            sources = (source,)
        for source in sources:
                # properly close existing connection if any
  'trying to reconnect')
            self.source_cnxs[source.uri] = (source, source.get_connection())
            self._cursors.pop(source.uri, None)

    def check_connections(self):
        for source, cnx in self.source_cnxs.itervalues():
            newcnx = source.check_connection(cnx)
            if newcnx is not None:
                self.reset_connection(source, newcnx)

    def reset_connection(self, source, cnx):
        self.source_cnxs[source.uri] = (source, cnx)
        self._cursors.pop(source.uri, None)

from cubicweb.server.hook import Operation, LateOperation, SingleLastOperation
from logilab.common.deprecation import class_moved, class_renamed
Operation = class_moved(Operation)
PreCommitOperation = class_renamed('PreCommitOperation', Operation)
LateOperation = class_moved(LateOperation)
SingleLastOperation = class_moved(SingleLastOperation)