author Aurelien Campeas <>
Tue, 07 Dec 2010 12:18:20 +0100
changeset 7078 bad26a22fe29
parent 5513 07b32d9d8804
child 7855 54283a5b7afc
permissions -rw-r--r--
[test] New Handling of database for test. This patch adds a new TestDataBaseHandler class. TestDataBaseHandler are in charge of Setup, backup, restore, connection, repository caching and cleanup for database used during the test. TestDataBaseHandler reuse code and logic previously found in cubicweb.devtools functions and devtools.testlib.CubicwebTC. TestDataBaseHandler is an abstract class and must be subclassed to implement functionalities specific to each driver. TestDataBaseHandler can store and restore various database setups. devtools.testlib.CubicwebTC gains a test_db_id class attribute to specify that its TestCase uses a specific database that should be cached. The pre_setup_database class method is used to setup the database that will be cached. The setup_database method is kept uncached. The same TestDataBaseHandler are reused for every test using the same config object. TestDataBaseHandler try to reuse Repository objects as much as possible. All cubicweb test have been updated.

"""twisted server for CubicWeb web instances

:organization: Logilab
:copyright: 2001-2010 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), license is LGPL v2.
:contact: --
:license: GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1 -

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from cubicweb.web.http_headers import Headers

class HTTPResponse(object):
    """An object representing an HTTP Response to be sent to the client.
    def __init__(self, twisted_request, code=None, headers=None, stream=None):
        self._headers_out = headers
        self._twreq = twisted_request
        self._stream = stream
        self._code = code


    def _init_headers(self):
        if self._headers_out is None:

        # initialize cookies
        cookies = self._headers_out.getHeader('set-cookie') or []
        for cookie in cookies:
            self._twreq.addCookie(, cookie.value, cookie.expires,
                                  cookie.domain, cookie.path, #TODO max-age
                                  comment = cookie.comment,

        # initialize other headers
        for k, v in self._headers_out.getAllRawHeaders():
            self._twreq.setHeader(k, v[0])

        # add content-length if not present
        if (self._headers_out.getHeader('content-length') is None
            and self._stream is not None):
           self._twreq.setHeader('content-length', len(self._stream))

    def _finalize(self):
        # we must set code before writing anything, else it's too late
        if self._code is not None:
        if self._stream is not None:

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s.%s code=%d>" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self._code)

def not_modified_response(twisted_request, headers_in):
    headers_out = Headers()

    for header in (
        # Required from sec 10.3.5:
        'date', 'etag', 'content-location', 'expires',
        'cache-control', 'vary',
        # Others:
        'server', 'proxy-authenticate', 'www-authenticate', 'warning'):
        value = headers_in.getRawHeaders(header)
        if value is not None:
            headers_out.setRawHeaders(header, value)
    return HTTPResponse(twisted_request=twisted_request,